Far East, Fire Moth headquarters base, in Mei's office.

"Have you really thought about it?"

Looking at the application submitted by Su Shixiu, and then remembering his mental state recovery in recent days, Mei raised her head and looked like this young man who she was both familiar with and strange before.

Her younger brother, Su Shixiu, submitted her an application to go to the Shenzhou region.

"yes. Since I am still on vacation, it is almost the New Year, so it is better for me to take Lixia and go home. Hearing

this, Mei thought for a while, then nodded and agreed.

"Okay then. Take Lixia home and let her have fun.

Su Shixiu nodded, and when he was about to turn around and leave just now, Mei called out to him.

"Wait for Axiu!"

Su Shixiu turned his head suspiciously, but saw Mei smiling at herself:

"Help me say hello to my grandfather and uncle."

Nodding, Su Shixiu walked straight out.

Back in the dormitory, seeing Lixia who was still brushing the questions, Su Shixiu couldn't help but smile:

"Lixia, it's all winter vacation, still brushing the questions?"

"Yes, brother, winter vacation homework, you don't know how painful this thing is!"

Hearing Lixia's complaints, Su Shixiu suddenly found a familiar feeling.

Yes, once upon a time, like Lixia now, I was tortured by those winter vacation homework and summer vacation homework?

Fortunately, those times were long gone in the past for him.

"But your teacher called me and said you don't have winter vacation homework?"

Lisha: .

. "But I want to be admitted to the high school over there in Shenzhou Magic Capital!"

Hearing this, Su Shixiu suddenly realized.

Indeed, since the reform of the examination system, coupled with the outbreak trend of collapse disasters around the world, the Shenzhou region has become one of the safest places in the world.

The Shenzhou region, the Mu continent, and the extreme eastern land, in the current world, there are only these three areas, which can be said to be the safest places.

Avalanche disasters cannot be said to be none, but they are basically small avalanche disasters, and they are the kind that are effectively controlled.

But also because of this safety factor, schools in these three areas have become the most difficult places in the world.

"Okay, Lisha, come on then!"

Lixia nodded, and just when she wanted to continue brushing the question, Su Shixiu's voice came again, completely interrupting her train of thought:

"Your sister Mei agreed to let me leave." I'm planning to take you home this winter break.

"Home?! Brother, isn't this our home? Looking

at the confused Lixia, Su Shixiu had already brought two cups of hot water from the dining room, walked to the desk in front of him, and put down a cup for her.

"Yes, but my brother's home is not here."

Listening to Su Shixiu's words, the smart Lixia thought for a while, and suddenly understood something!

"So it is. If I'm not mistaken, my brother is from the Su Clan of Shenzhou, right?

Su Shixiu nodded.

"Are we going back to the Shenzhou region during the winter vacation? All right!!! Seeing

Lixia jumping three feet tall happily, Su Shixiu smiled helplessly, and took the pen that she almost lost her flying with.

"Don't get so excited. It's all so big, and it's like a child.

"But I'm a child!"

Looking at Lixia's straightforward appearance, Su Shixiu was speechless for a while.

It seems to be true.



Without waiting for Su Shixiu to continue, Lixia instantly interrupted him.

"Brother, don't you say it first, let me guess, which city in the Shenzhou region are we going back to?"

Looking at the little girl's interested look, Su Shixiu could only agree to let her guess.

No way...... Who called him her brother.

"Shenzhou... Kyoto City? Or Magic City?

Su Shixiu shook his head.

None of this is either.

Those big cities may be one of the bases of the big family of the Su family in Shenzhou, but it is not his own home.

The home he refers to is not a family, but a place where he used to live with his parents when he was a child.

In that place, there should still be many memories of his past.

After all, it was the place where he first came to this world.

It was also the city that received him, a soul from another world.

Li Xia thought hard for a long time, but in the end she couldn't remember which other city in the Shenzhou region could be related to this huge family famous in the world, the Shenzhou Su clan.

In the end, she could only shake her head.

"I don't know, tell me brother!"

Su Shixiu shrugged, found a stool, and sat next to her.

"Skydome City."

"Huh? That city seems to be a big city in the Shenzhou region... Just not that famous?

Su Shixiu nodded, which could be regarded as a recognition of the news provided by Lixia.

"yes... But brother, I remember the Shenzhou Su clan, it shouldn't have much to do with that city, right?

Su Shixiu shook his head, "This is not necessarily.

"Lixia, you have to know that the Shenzhou Su Clan is the number one family in the Shenzhou Region, and those who can have a relationship with this family should include all the cities in the Shenzhou Region to be exact!"

Lixia expressed shock!

"Skydome City, it used to be my home."

Listening to Su Shixiu's tone was a little lost, Lixia quickly stretched out two small hands and held Su Shixiu's right hand.

Su Shixiu was stunned, then smiled lightly and rubbed Lixia's little head.

"It's okay, this matter, your brother and I have already come out."

Seeing that Su Shixiu really did not remember this matter, Lixia was relieved.

"But, Lisha, do you know what we went home for?"

Lixia thought for a moment, and then her eyes suddenly lit up!

"So it is! Shenzhou area, winter vacation, is going to celebrate the New Year, right!

"That's right!"

Su Shixiu's smile was also obviously a lot more cheerful.

After all, it is the worst and worst emotion in the heart, and there is no need to bring it to the people closest to you!

"Yay, I can finally celebrate the New Year!"

"So don't you hurry up and pack your things?"

"Okay, okay, brother right away!"

Seeing Lixia rush out, the small ball of meat on Su Shixiu's face gradually dissipated.

Looking at the empty study, Su Shixiu's mood suddenly became heavy.

Looking at the homework Lixia did, Su Shixiu couldn't help sighing:

"Xi'er, it's a pity that my brother couldn't take you to Shenzhou New Year..." "But it's

okay, when we meet again, I will definitely let you experience it once, Shenzhou New Year!"

In the past, the New Year, for Su Shixiu, was just a day that made him feel even more lost.

On such a day of reunion, the people closest to him were left alone.

It can be imagined that at that time, for Su Shixiu, it was better to pass this year.

Although there will be many people in the family to pay tribute to the New Year, after all, those people are far away from him, and they can only be regarded as blood relatives.

But now, he has relatives close to him.

"In this way, it is much more meaningful to go home for the New Year."

"Presumably, Mom and Dad will be happy to see their sister..."

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