Far East, the base of the headquarters of the Fire Moth.

“...... This notice, you seriously?

"Of course. If I don't let you rest and rest, it seems that I am not very close to people.

Mei held the phone and laughed rarely.

"Okay. Although the designated vacation place is very unpleasant, it is good to be able to get together with everyone again after such a long time! "

The Australian region, the temporary branch of the Fire Moth Australia, humbly holding the phone, relaxed a lot for a long time.

Seeing that the people outside did not look at her, Bei Mihu took the opportunity to take out the wine from under the table, poured a few mouthfuls, and then quickly put it down.

"Shenzhou area, that's a really good place! Hiccup ~ Not to mention Ah Hua of our fifth squad, I guess I have long wanted to meet Ah Xiu, hehe~

" "It's what you want to see!"

Mei was a little speechless.

"No way, who makes Ash's little brother so gentle! It's a pity ~ what a good boy, why is he unwilling to promise his sister? "

Don't say that he didn't promise you, when the old lady was attracted to him in high school, no one took care of the old lady!"

After complaining a few words in her heart, Mei put away these messy thoughts.

"Hurry up and execute the handover order!"

"Okay, Chief Mei!"

"Also, drink less next time!"

"Oh oh~"

Helplessly hanging up the phone, Mei couldn't help sighing, and then silently dialed another phone:

"Toot ..."

Yikes! My dear May, did you miss me ♪?

"It's time to take a vacation." Alicia, the vacation place is in the Shenzhou area, Yuyue District, Tianqiong City, No. 105.

"Huh ♪? "

Ah Xiu's former residence, they are ready to go back for the New Year." You guys go too, and you take a holiday together.

Alicia suddenly realized.

"So that's it! So, doesn't the lovely Axiu still know ♪?

Mei was stunned for a moment, then snorted.

"Except for Sakura who went with him, no one else has told Asu at the moment."

"Okay, I'm going to introduce a new friend to Axiu then, I'm sure he will be interested ♪!"

"But that's also true. I'm also going to inform the others and we'll talk back. "

Well, bye, don't miss me ♪ too much~" Seeing

the phone being cut off by the other end, Alicia glanced at the person next to her, and couldn't help but smile helplessly.

"If there's an emergency, you go. My friend, don't care about me.

Eden gently brushed her hair and took a sip of the red wine from her glass.

"How can this work ♪? My good Eden, the last stop of your tour, is it in the Shenzhou area?

Eden thought for a moment, then nodded.


"Then we can just go by the way ♪!"

Eden was stunned for a moment.

"Is it because of the New Year over there?"

"It can be considered so. More importantly, because we collectively take vacations over there. And the destination is one of the emerging cities currently developing - Skydome City ♪! "

Coincidentally, this is the right schedule again.

"Skydome City... That's good.

Originally, her last tour was in the magic city located in the Shenzhou region.

But before, when she was chatting with another friend of hers, she learned that Tianqiong City in the Shenzhou region was his hometown.

The final change in the location of the tour was more than half a year ago.

"I bet my good Eden, if you go there with me, you may meet someone you don't ♪ expect!"

Eden seemed to have thought of something.

In addition, during the time they have known each other, they have already become good girlfriends and talk about everything.

She also didn't know some things, such as the girl in front of her, Alicia, and the matter of knowing his friend.

"Maybe it's to be expected."

"Then let's go and see ♪?"

Alicia tilted her head and smiled, and extended an invitation to her.

"Gladly. It just so happened that I hadn't seen my best friend for a long time.

Eden nodded, his eyes full of memories.

What a very peculiar young man, the kind that people can't forget.

Like Alicia, they are very nice and nice people.

Perhaps that's why they became friends.

At the same time, Su Shixiu didn't know that he had simply returned to his former residence for the New Year, and as a result, how many people were ready to help him live and lively.

Because there is still some time, Su Shixiu is not in a hurry to prepare materials for the New Year.

But take this opportunity to take a good stroll around this city, which is already almost all developed.

"A full-action simulation game? Brother, this is fun!

"Sister, I want to play this too!"

"Uh-huh ( ̳• ◡ • ̳)?"

Looking at the bouncing Lixia and Suzu, Grace tilted his head curiously and silently took out a small book to draw something.

Sakura shrugged helplessly, and then also set her eyes on Su Shixiu's body.

After all, this is the Shenzhou region, and the only person who can be the master in their line is Su Shixiu.

Su Shixiu nodded, and the next moment, Lixia and Ling instantly took one of Grace's arms and carried her into the full-reality simulation game room!

"Hmm! Don't QWQ!

"It's okay, Grace can draw in the game too!"

"Yes, yes! Sister Lixia, when we can play the kind that can fight, I want my sister to use a knife!

"Then I'll use my brother's sword." My brother is the strongest!

"My sister is not weak either!"

Watching the three children walk in, Su Shixiu and Sakura looked at each other helplessly, and then sighed in unison.

"Sorry, Xiu, I've caused you trouble."

"It's okay."

Shaking his head and looking at the waiter who came over, Su Shixiu took out the card with interest.

Seeing the card, the waiter was stunned for a moment, and then quickly covered up the shock on his face and smiled politely at the two.

After swiping the card and handing it to Su Shixiu, she quickly left the place.

Her technique of masking her expression is good, but only for ordinary people.

"Xiu, why is she..."

"I'm from the Shenzhou Su clan."

Sakura nodded and said nothing more.

People's family has a large industry and money, which is really incomparable.

It is said that the reason why the Fire Moth was able to have sufficient funds during this time was largely due to the strong support of the Shenzhou region represented by the Shenzhou Su clan.

Otherwise, when the fifth Great Collapse broke out alone, the entire human anti-collapse front would have to be delayed for a long time.

After all, if there is no funds, it is not easy to develop cold-resistant exoskeleton armor in large quantities.

If you really have money, you can make ghosts push and grind.

"Go somewhere else?"

Watching Su Shixiu put away the card, Sakura nodded silently:


Although I am embarrassed, who will give up the opportunity to slaughter the local tycoons?


Small theater.

At this time, it was still a week before Raiden Bud Yi learned about the existence of the promised land of the past.

World Snake, Archives Room.


Kevin, who was called, did not show any emotion.

Even if he had the meaning of being called by his subordinates, he was not angry.

"Kevin. I wonder, why is this information incomplete?

Looking at the panel in front of Bud Yi, Kevin's eternal ice blue eyes finally had a very weak mood swing.

File Name: "Fire Hunting

" Sub-file File Name: "Apocalypse"

Data Content: ■ , ■×■ ■ ............

The content is either unparseable or incomplete, equivalent to a blank piece of information, which is a fact that both can see.

"This, it has nothing to do with you, does it?"

Raiden Bud Yi was stunned for a moment.

It seems to be the same truth.

According to Raven, those who can be called fire-chasing heroes are basically pre-civilization people.

It seems that it really has nothing to do with himself.

"But if you want to know, you can go there and find the answer."

Bud Yigang wanted to shake her head, after all, the purpose of her coming to the World Snake was not just to find information about someone she didn't know at all.

Not to mention, it was still a grandfather who was more than 50,000 years older than himself.

"There, too, you can find the answers you've been looking for."

After he finished saying this, Bud Yi fell silent.

Doesn't her behavior of looking for information in the archive room all this time seem stupid?

"Let's go, Raiden Bud Yi."

Looking at Kevin, who turned around and walked, Bud Yi thought for a moment, and then followed.

As a member of the World Serpent, she has the right to know something.

Not to mention, the two names of "Apocalypse" always gave her an indescribable feeling.

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