About five or six minutes later.

Tianqiong City, Yuyue District, in the forecourt of Su Shixiu's former residence.

Sakura, who had rested in the bedroom on the second floor for the night, was woken up by the singing below.

But also, it's already the morning wake-up time, and I'm getting up late again.

However, this matter is also strange to say, why as long as I sleep here, I sleep especially sweetly.

She dreamed every night, but ended up waking up late every morning, not at all like her usual style.

Maybe it's because you can really relax here.

So she had nothing to complain about.

After getting dressed, Sakura went down at the speed of light because of the curiosity in her heart.

It's just that as soon as she came, she saw such an outrageous scene:

Su Shixiu held the Chengying sword and stuck it on the ground, and the other hand lightly pressed Kevin's head, the key is that his expression is still a serious look... It's outrageous.

There were also a lot of people watching nearby, Cheshire, Alicia, Eden, and even Lisha, Suzu, and Grace came down.

Lixia and Suzu were still covering Grace's eyes, preventing her from seeing this outrageous scene.

And Kevin was kneeling on the ground on one knee, his head was pressed by Su Shixiu's hand and it was difficult to move, and his mouth was still reluctantly humming the song:

"Just conquered by you ♪ like this~

" "Hahahaha!" Kevin, I didn't expect you to have such a funny day, laugh at me to death hahaha! ♪

Alicia had already laughed and could not stand upright, and could only lie in Eden's arms, and Eden's face was red, obviously trying to hold back a smile for a long time.

As for Cheshire, he had already rolled around laughing and turned into a brand new yard rolling cat.

Lixia experienced that it was also a very painful thing to hold back a smile, and Suzu had long lost her previous demeanor with laughter.

Cherry:...... 6

. "You guys are playing with real flowers, but it's good."

Sakura, who came forward, said so, but it made Su Shixiu very happy in his heart.

Since that incident, Sakura is not invisible, and Su Shixiu is actually very happy in his heart.

After all, it lost a wave of good buddies of the year, who is not happy about this thing?

Su Shixiu can have the familiar appearance that everyone remembers, even if it has changed a lot, it is still worth it.

Because that gentle young man was the original Su Shixiu in their impression, the best and best irreplaceable person.

Because of that, he is the most optimistic time for Su Shixiu himself.

"Oh? It's good that the big child can kneel down and sing conquest to his father, this thing must be good!

Noticing the arrival of Sakura, Su Shixiu returned her with a gentle smile.

"you, this is starting to mess up, isn't it?"

"You babbling again? Give me honest singing conquest! Seeing

that the Chengying sword beside him was violently lifted by Su Shixiu, Kevin had to obediently admit it.

No way, you can't beat it.

But if you can fight, now those who kneel down and sing conquest have long been changed.

"Okay, look at your sluggishness, get up."

"Che, if it weren't for Dad to save face for Er, Axiu, do you think you have this opportunity?"

"Just your mouth is hard!"

After putting away the Chengying sword and stretching out his hand to pull Kevin up from the ground, the two looked at each other and smiled in unison.

"Long time no see."

"That's, seeing that you can be so happy, your father and I must be happy!"

"you, this is all to take advantage of the mouth, and pay Laozi for moving!"

Under everyone's gaze, Su Shixiu and Kevin bumped their fists fiercely.

And the smiles on their faces were so sunny.

Just as innocent as they were students.

It's just that when they were students, they often traveled together with more than two people.

Looking at each other's eyes, both knew who they were thinking about at the moment.

Sue, the big fairy who is now in the European region, according to intelligence, he has now graduated from college and started his internship.

Being able to become a doctor has always been his dream.

But after all, they haven't seen each other for more than three years, so why don't the two of them want that good brother?

"Is this the relationship between boys? Woo hoo, what a touch! ♪

"Yes, one second to fight and kill, the next second to shake hands and make peace, sometimes people are puzzled, sometimes it is unbelievably simple."

Looking at Alicia, who deliberately pretended to cry, Sakura shrugged her shoulders and voiced the emotion in her heart.

"But this is the friendship between boys, simple but strong."

Eden also has her own opinion.

However, after hearing Eden's voice, Kevin was stunned for a moment, and then turned his head in disbelief.

"Me, me, me, me! Ah Xiu, you give me a punch! "

Su Shixiu:?

"You all heard, it was he who asked to be beaten, but I didn't take the initiative!"

Lisha, Suzu, and Grace nodded.

Then Kevin was sent out and then fell down violently.

"I lean! So ruthless?

"You want me to beat you up." I've calculated the strength, and this punch won't hurt you at all.

"But it hurts to fall!"

"At least you won't send it."

"You meow... Forget it, Ash, this one is really...?

Looking at the consternation and excitement in Kevin's eyes, Su Shixiu instantly reacted to what was going on.

I almost forgot about this stubble, can I not be happy to see my idol when I was a student?

"It's that big singer Eden, like a fake bag."


Eden cast a curious gaze, after all, she believed in Su Shixiu, and naturally she was willing to believe in his good buddy.

"Kevin's idol when he was a student was Sister Eden. That, Sister Ellie, help out later. Sakura, I'll go grocery shopping, and you help prepare breakfast for everyone.

Sakura nodded, she could see something to convey from Su Shixiu's deliberate blink just now.

Then, she beckoned Lixia, Suzu, and Grace to return to the villa first.

And then....

"Miss Eden! I'm a fan of yours!

"Kevin, calm down ♪!!"

"It's okay... Should it? Looking

at Alicia who was madly pulling Kevin, Eden felt for the first time that becoming a world-famous big star did not seem to be a good thing.

Fortunately, after all, it is the first time to have such close contact with an idol, in other words, any normal person will definitely be so excited, or have other reactions.

Eden didn't figure it out, and Alicia could understand it too.

After all, none of them would have expected that in the future, they would become comrades in arms who accompanied each other.


Small theater.

In the promised land of the past, the promised land is waiting in the hall.

"Hey! My dear Eden, did you miss me ♪? "

Oh? It's Ellie, of course. Looking

at Alicia coming out of the Promised Land terminal, Eden smiled kindly, patted the position next to him by the way, and signaled that she could sit down.

"Have a drink?"

Looking at the wine that Eden handed over, Alicia shook her head and refused with a smile.

"No, I'm not very cold with alcohol. Eden, do ♪ you remember Kevin? Hearing

this, Eden was stunned for a moment.

Fortunately, she hasn't drunk much yet, so her consciousness is still very sober.

"Kevin, of course I remember. How young our original leaders were back then.

"Yes, yes, I remember." The first time I see you, it's like those star-chasing fans who meet idols up close.

"To be honest, it's a pity that I helped you stop Kevin at that time, otherwise I would have filmed him ♪ at that time!"

Alicia did not say the reason behind it, but Eden already understood what kind of words Alicia was going to say.

"Because that Kevin is hard to see?"

"yes, he's really rare like that. Not to mention that since Kevin became an ice cube, I really think that Kevin was good ♪ before!

Then, the two suddenly fell silent again.


"Eden, get me some bar."

"But you don't..."

"I kind of missed him."

Hearing this, Eden was silent for a moment and filled a glass for Alicia.

The two of them carried the glasses they had bought, touched each other, and then drank them together.

"I also kind of missed my best friend."

Looking at Alicia's flushed cheeks, Eden thought for a moment and spoke, "Are you going to drink it again?"

Alicia nodded, and the rare words suddenly became much less.

"But, Raiden Bud Yi, that visitor, you don't go to receive..."

"I greeted Sue." Eden, stop talking, okay ♪?

Looking at Alicia's forced smile, Eden nodded silently.

This gorgeous girl like a flying flower, almost when encountering most things, is always as sunny and cheerful, optimistic and positive.

But in a very small number of things, the smile on her face will fade a little.

For example, the longing at this time.

But why not Eden?

"Our hope... I really hope to see you again." "

Yes. But, Eden, but I'm actually really happy. Seeing

the much more solemn Alicia, Eden slowed down her drinking and listened to her.

"To be honest, when I picked up the photo of Bud Yi, I never imagined how much surprise ♪ her arrival would bring me!"

"No, it should be us!"

"At least in the past 50,000 years, I have never been as happy as I was during this time!"

"Because of Nha Yi, I, we, were able to know his information again."

"Ethereal hope is tantamount to non-existence."

"However, that hope suddenly shines, and after it appears in your life again, the heavy thoughts in your heart will have a destination ♪!"

Looking at Alicia, who was a little emotional, Eden gently patted her back.

Not to mention that Alicia was so excited, even Eden's mood was not much better than her.

"As long as he is alive, I want to believe that there is hope in our world."

"As long as it is still certain that he is still alive, our more than 50,000 years of waiting is not meaningless!"

"Eden, you said yes ♪?"

Looking at Alicia's smile, Eden smiled too.

"yes, it's not pointless."

"Because the "revelation" represents the hope of the future with the authority of "heaven."

"In the same way, he is also our hope for us."

After all, how many of them can easily forget such a person, who has had an indelible impact on all of their lives?

Even if they become memories, they can never be forgotten.

The parting is so painful, and when there is a chance to meet again, that pain can be offset by a new hope.

That man, he is indeed so important.

"Salvation" is their leader, leading them to fight against the spiritual pillar of collapse.

"Apocalypse" is their hope, giving them a new light to look forward to the future!

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