Although Su Shixiu's former residence in Tianqiong City was busy up and down at the moment, only a few key people were missing.

For example, Lisha, Suzu, and Grace are three little ones.

For example, the special squad captain who has a very good relationship among girls, Alicia.

At this time, none of the four of them helped at home, why did they all run out?

This matter started at 6 o'clock this morning.

"Sister Ellie, there are some things at home that need to be sorted out, and everyone has divided the work."

As for Su Shixiu, who was pushed over to take the lead, he could only find a somewhat reasonable reason.

After all, it has only been a few days since he returned to his former home, and he needs to take care of the house, which is reasonable, right?

Although this reason seemed a little too fake to Sakura, Alicia believed it.

She didn't know that Su Shixiu's cousin had been taking care of the house.

"Huh?! How can this work, if I eat you and live yours these days, if I don't help Axiu, it will inevitably seem that I am a little too unkind ♪! Looking

at Alicia's pitiful appearance, Su Shixiu sighed helplessly, and then set his eyes on Eden.

"Ellie, I'm not saying I don't want your help. When we help Ah Xiu tidy up his house, it will inevitably raise a lot of dust and make you dirty, then you will be unhappy.

"But if Eden and Ash had become dirty, my heart would have hurt a lot ♪!"

Sure enough, Alicia is still as good to the people around her as always.

"Then I reluctantly accepted it. Axiu, you can take care of the house at ease, and the child will be handed over to me to see ♪!" Looking

at the three sleepy-eyed little girls who were taken away by Alicia in a stomach of depression, Su Shixiu looked at Eden helplessly, after all, such a plan was proposed by her.

"Are you sure you can do it?"

"Of course. This is the first time I have helped to hold such a banquet, and it must be solemn and rigorous.

Su Shixiu nodded in approval:

"Yes, after all, the banquet that belongs to Alicia must be grand and gorgeous!"

Of course, this is all that Alicia does not know.

By that time, she had already got into the car and took the three little ones out to play.

And now, it's past 12 noon.

In the new development area of Skydome City, in the private room on the top floor of Xia Luo Tavern.

Looking at Alicia, who was eating lunch gracefully and quickly, the three children were already dumbfounded on the spot.

What's the difference between this and gobbling? But one is rude, and the other looks more genteel!

After all, the three children have already eaten enough, so they can only watch now.

Suzu glanced at Lixia, blinked, and quietly drew a question mark.

"How long are we going to delay?"

Lixia thought for a moment, then stretched out her hand and gestured with a six.

"Six o'clock in the afternoon!"

Suzu instantly collapsed in his chair.

With more than five hours to go, she already felt like she couldn't hold on.

With Alicia, if it weren't for Lisha's timely rescue, she felt like she was about to become a lesbian.

...... Although Alicia's sister is actually quite good.

Lixia shrugged as well.

What can she do? After all, this is a commission from a group of adults, and she has to do it if she doesn't want to.

After all, the protagonist of this banquet at night is the girl in front of her who doesn't know it.

At this time, the girl who is the protagonist has finished her lunch and is smiling and rubbing Grace's little head.

"Come on, good! Grace, call me Sister ♪ Alicia! "

Uh-huh? Alicia... Younger sister?

Grace looked confused.

The problem is that you don't look like you can be my sister, right?

"Uh-huh, yes, yes! Also, next time your mother sends you to Mebius' lab, then you must remember to call her Grandma ♪ Mebius! "

Mebius... Grandmother?!

This is a more outrageous title, and Lixia and Suzu can't help but sigh with emotion.

"Suzu, what do you think?"

"I'll sit and watch. Sister Lixia, but to be honest, this kind of title is really good!

Unexpectedly, Grace, who was usually the most well-behaved and simple, actually nodded surprisingly.

"Yes, sister Alicia! Grandma Mebius, I remembered! "

Well, that's awesome ♪!"

Grace: (>v<)

Lixia and Suzu looked at each other and both nodded in agreement.

I can only say that you shouted well!


At the same time, Yuyue District of Tianqiong City, at the door of Su Shixiu's former residence.

As a special maglev extended sports car slowly stopped, Su Shixiu, who had just pushed the car door and got out of the car, couldn't help but gasp for air!

"I'm ****! So much?!

"Shhh, so many things, it's a lot of trouble at first glance. Really, why should I promise that bastard to come over and make me some trouble!

Mebius patted her chest gently, followed by a look of disgust.

"Wow! With so many things, then presumably, there must be something suitable for me, a future genius magician, to perform in person!

However, Vilvi, who came down from the middle door, looked a lot more excited.

Oh no, it should be emphasized a little that the current one is the "Great Magician" Vilvie.

After all, after the afternoon, the shy and cute girl who is most familiar with Su Shixiu, "Benme" Weiwei will take the initiative to come out.

"That's not certain. However, on the way here, the junior has already bought what you need, right? Even

Blanca followed Wei back to the Shenzhou Region from the Mu Continent.

After all, their research projects, because they have received the weight of various high-level officials, so the conditions are sufficient, and the speed of research progress is naturally very fast.

After all, in the sixth Great Collapse, the Third God's Key played a very key role, directly promoting the development of the "God's Key" plan that all human high-level leaders agreed to.

"That's true, but I still feel a little less."

"Anyway, after all, tonight's home arena is not your magic club. Of course, if it were an intermediate show, we viewers would be very happy. After

the door on the other side opened, a purple-haired beauty wearing a long white dress and glasses came down.

"I agree with Sister Mei. But now, should we help?

Su Shixiu turned around and smiled at these visitors.

"Just take care of the food. Also, I hope to get a good night's sleep, senior. Looking

at Klein who came down from the side door behind the car, Su Shixiu smiled helplessly.

"Don't worry, arrange for you to the top floor, how much hi you play at night will not affect the rest of the junior sister!"

Klein instantly threw the note in his hand into the car, immediately raised his arms, and shouted in rare joy.


"Okay, let's all go up and try to get it all done by 3 p.m.!" And then get busy with the follow-up!

"Good !!" ×3

"Che, I haven't met a day of good luck, it's really numb to be with you..."

"Let's go, Doctor, if you continue to talk like this, no one will wait for you!"

Looking at the smile at the corner of Mebius's mouth, Klein shrugged helplessly, reminded her, and quickly followed Su Shixiu and a few people to run to the courtyard.

"Klein?! I, you, you guys wait for me! With

the addition of these five people, everyone's preparation speed has accelerated a lot.

In the end, everyone managed to put all the purchased things into the house before 3 p.m., and successfully decorated the interior of the house.

The pink theme really has the style of the protagonist of tonight's banquet.

Secondly, it is busy preparing food.

In this regard, it is recognized that Su Shixiu must cook, after all, the food he cooks is said to be delicious.

Fortunately, he is not the only one who cooks, otherwise there is so much workload, even a lawyer will have to lie down.

Some help with cooking, some help deliver dishes, or some help prepare dishes and so on.

In short, a group of people are busy and happy.

As for why there is no help with Aponia, May and Mebius to help cook, or even to lay hands ... I don't think this needs to be explained.

However, there is one piece of good news.

At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Su Shixiu's former residence welcomed two more guests.

Although they have not been able to help tidy up the house, they can at least help cook, and even make a move.

Soon, before you know it, it's almost 6 p.m.

The drama is about to begin.

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