Time flies, the years are like songs, the past is like yesterday, and there is no return.

However, even if it is difficult to meet the season, it is not rain and snow.

Only half a cup of warm tea, can still get together for a moment, is the lost youth.


In the evening, in the gazebo in the backyard, Su gently put away the phone, looked at the two eager eyes in front of her, and couldn't help sighing:

"You don't have to be so attentive to me, right?"

"So how can it be the same?" Kevin instantly refuted his words, "After all, you are my best friend with Ash!"

"you, you're a big boy!"

“...... I'm not kidding!

"I'd love to."


"That's how your IQ is."

“*! Axiu! Don't accept bumping!

"You can't beat me."


Looking at Kevin, who was almost speechless, Sue smiled a little heartlessly.

After all, if he really fights, Kevin has never been Su Shixiu's opponent.

As for the dry rack... He was crushed when he was a student, not to mention that both of them became warriors, and Kevin was not Su Shixiu's opponent.

After all, it was Mei who testified about this, and Sue believed it very much.

"However, I have good news and bad news. Two, which one do you want to hear first? Without

giving Kevin a chance to react, Su Shixiu's answer was already out:

"It's bad."

Kevin: .

Sue nodded.

"The bad news is that my family doesn't approve of me staying here."

Hearing this, Kevin's mood was a little lost.

"What about the good news?"

Playing word games and the like, Su Shixiu will not easily fall into the trap.

"I can spend Chinese New Year's Eve night with you, of course, the second day of the new year is the final bottom line."

Su Shixiu showed a little smile.

It just so happens that many of you plan to leave one after another after the Chinese New Year's Eve night, and it is not a pity to leave at this time.

In the New Year, the most important thing is to reunite at night Chinese New Year's Eve.

Not to mention, Sue still has some things she wants to do.

In fact, he hasn't fully become a doctor yet.

He's just an intern at the moment, not official, and it's still some time before he enters the industry.

However, during his time, although he watched other doctors save a lot of people, he also saw many times when they could not do anything.

And the patients who leave doctors mostly helpless are mostly victims of the collapse disaster.

Although his ambition to become a doctor did not change, he began to hesitate on the way to the end of the road.

Doctors, can they really do life-saving help in such times?

He wanted to know more about the Fire Moth, but it was clear that he didn't have that qualification.

Even Aponia and Padophelix did not have that qualification.

At present, among all the people here, except for members like Su Shixiu who have already joined the Fire Moth, Eden's intention to join has not been opposed by any high-level officials.

After all, Su Shixiu is not one of those high-level people, and sometimes he can't decide anything, everything can only go with the flow.

In short, for now, it is better to enjoy this rare Shenzhou New Year.

"Welcome to stay!"

Standing up, Su Shixiu stretched out his hand to his best friend in front of him.

Su nodded and shook Su Shixiu's hand.

"Please bear with me."

After all, Su Shixiu is the master, and he is just a guest.


At night, the three best friends in the pavilion were still chatting hotly.

But this atmosphere was interrupted.

"Although I don't want to disturb you, the teacher and Dr. May asked me to inform you that it is time for dinner."

The person who didn't expect to come was Klein, the unlucky junior who succeeded Su Shixiu, and he heard Kevin mention it.

"What about that?"

"Let's go, let's go, I'm hungry for a long time! I wish it was dinner made by Sakura!

"Kevin, are you sure you won't be killed by Mei in this case?"

"Ahem, don't bother me Da Xian'er, can Mei's cooking be eaten, you ask Axiu!"

Su Shixiu shook his head and didn't say anything more.

You haven't been taught, so why bother asking me?

Klein said I didn't hear anything.

After the notification, she was not in the mood to stay in the circle that she was not suitable to get into, and directly turned around and left.

Su Shixiu shrugged, "Senior sister is such a person, understand and understand."

"Isn't this pitted by you?"

Kevin mercilessly tinkered.

"You can't beat me."

Kevin: .

Can you change your words?

This sentence came out of Su Shixiu's mouth, which was simple and rude and effective for Kevin.

But if it wasn't Su Shixiu and Alicia who said this, no matter who it was, he would dare to touch you.

"Some things really haven't changed."

Sue gave a rather realistic statement.

"Da Xian'er, what do you mean?"

Kevin was keenly aware that something was wrong.

"What do you say?"

Su did not give an answer because he and Su Shixiu knew the answer.

"The Riddler is fun? Ash, what are you laughing at again?

"I remembered a happy thing."

After the three entered the house in a row, the moment they stepped into the kitchen, they found that there were a lot of things next to the window outside the house.

Well, it's good that they are all places where you can put things, but these things....

"New Year's goods?"

Sue looked at the signs on those boxes and opened her mouth with some surprise.

"Of course. Today Ellie followed Eden and they went to buy it back, and Youhua helped with her homework, and the things they bought should work. In

the dining room next to the kitchen, Mei was already sitting at the table, ready for dinner.

It seems that everyone has completely lost today's space to a few of them.

With a smile, Su Shixiu nodded:

"It's okay, everything you buy can be used."

"Yes, this is more abundant than what I prepare for the New Year at home."

The four of them sat at the table, just like the four of them in the Senba Academy cafeteria in the past, unchanged.


North America, in the unknown secret laboratory

"The data is ready?"

Looking at the president on the other end of the electronic screen, the people in the lab nodded.

"Don't worry, Mr. President. That guy broke us several times for good deeds, and we definitely have the most comprehensive information about him! On

the screen, the president who used to smile in the media was extremely gloomy and ugly.

Even the smile at this time is unimaginable... Terrible.

"That's good. Rest assured, we will fully support your experiment when it is done!

"Thank you, Your Honor, for your support!"

The man who had seen him countless times in a place that Su Shixiu could not see, still couldn't see his face.

However, his smile is evil but meaningful.

"After all, I agree with you."

"The power of collapse is still in the hands of human beings, and it is the safest."

After a pause, the president sighed softly:

"Perhaps the collapse is not a disaster, but an evolutionary opportunity for our human race... But this human is not sure.

Of course, his words did not come out, and the men in the laboratory already understood.

No matter what the collapse is, at least the future high-level of that Shenzhou region must be destroyed in advance!

Only in this way can it be beneficial to them.

After all, according to their common sense, only their North American region is the real world's largest region!

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