Today, it's Chinese New Year's Eve.

Chinese New Year's Eve this day, for him, it was not much different from the usual

morning, practicing swords, practicing boxing, and integrating Taoist techniques to expand.

Then there is the power to try to control the authority of "heaven".

That thing still cannot be summoned, which means that the second authority cannot be used.

After breakfast, wash the dishes and dishes, take the baby to mess up, and chat with people who come to you from time to time.

It's just that there are quite a few people who come to find themselves today.

Almost everyone who lives in this room has more or less talked to themselves.

It's just that they are all in a hurry, and even Kevin doesn't bother to say a few words to himself, and walks quickly.

Alicia too, she didn't even want to stay a little longer, she didn't even have time to pinch Lixia and Grace's faces.

Lying on the deck chair on the balcony, Su Shixiu silently looked at the blue sky, he was not tired, and he was bored with the current situation that he had nothing to do.

Grace was still drawing, while Lixia was quietly chatting with Little Cheshire about something else.

Anyway, what she couldn't understand, what Lixia was gossip and interesting things in school, most of her names she didn't know.

Soon, before you know it, the night of Chinese New Year's Eve arrives.

After beckoning the three little ones to go back, as soon as they entered the corridor, Su Shixiu was stunned on the spot.

Is this still his home?

Red lanterns, window flowers, "spring" hangings...

A lot of traditional decorations related to the Shenzhou New Year, just like that, in one day... Should it be between a morning and an afternoon and fill the entire villa?!

It's really a lot of people and great power!

Seeing that his home has become so red, the taste of the New Year has instantly appeared.


Listening to the sudden explosion outside, Grace was startled and jumped directly into Su Shixiu's arms!

Quickly hugged her, looking at Grace Xiu's QWQ expression, Su Shixiu smiled softly.

"Don't be afraid, Grace, everyone is setting off firecrackers and firecrackers."

"Hmm... Firecrackers, firecrackers?

Grace thought curiously.

"It is a traditional activity of the New Year in Shenzhou, and it is said that this is done to scare away the legendary New Year Beast!"

Su Shixiu explained with a smile.

Grace blinked his eyes: "It's really fake, but, brother, where is the Nian Beast from here!"

"Of course that's a legend, setting off firecrackers, in my opinion, is mainly for the fun, after all, this is a day of reunion."

Grace nodded, and his heart instantly gained confidence.

"Sister Lisha, Sister Cheshire, let's go downstairs and set off firecrackers together!"

"Okay, Sister Eden has already bought it, we can play hi today!"

"Yay, let's go, it's fun!"

Watching the three little ones jumping down the stairs, Su Shixiu could also feel that heartfelt joy from their bodies.

Finally, I followed downstairs, but found that everyone was in the front yard.

All kinds of fireworks are placed in the front yard, and just by looking at it, you can see that many people are playing with those fireworks.

"Hahaha! My good Eden, come and eat me!

"Ellie, be careful, don't burn your clothes!"

"Marks! Can you be tougher? This can't catch up with me!

"Blanca, did you hurt your husband so much? Hey, watch me get my hands back! "

Aaaaaa Pado, take away from me, aaaaa

"Sister Vilvi, don't be afraid, this fireworks can't hurt anyone!" Xiaoya, you actually sneaked attack?!

"Slightly, you have the ability to seek revenge on Amo?"

"I... Sister Nia Xiaoya bullied me!

Abonia shook her head helplessly, indicating that she didn't want to be involved, but she was also very happy to watch.

Kosmo looked dazed, his inner thoughts surged wildly, and finally picked up a firework and chose to swing it on the side.

Sanchi ran to the side with a firecracker, and Suzuya took the opportunity to slip over, leaving Sakura to follow and take care of the children.

Kevin and Su, Mei, Hua, and Bei Mihu held fireworks, as if they were playing a gunfight, and they were having fun.

Wait, and Klein?!

Looking up, in the only room upstairs with the light on, Mebius was standing by the window, silently watching everyone playing below, with a smile on his lips.

She also had fireworks on her hands, but she didn't light them.

At this time, Bei Mihu noticed the appearance of Su Shixiu.

She greeted the people around her and quickly ran in front of him.

"Willing to come down, good brother?"

"Forget it, give me some face, sister..." Su

Shixiu shook her head, but there was no disgust for her on her face, but a smile from the heart.

It's really lively, and it's the kind of excitement where you can get together with everyone if you want.

Such a bustle is not bad for him.


Who expected that Bei Mihu felt a gourd from behind him and handed it to himself.


Taking this gourd and looking at the paint of the flame on it, Su Shixiu weighed it slightly and found that it was still made of metal.

The inside is a bamboo lining, and the specially treated kind can be drunk with confidence.


"Wrong, it's a wine jug."

Su Shixiu: ......

"If you have any troubles in the future, occasionally drink a few sips of the bar, after all, a drunken relief ah, my good brother!"

The corner of Su Shixiu's mouth couldn't help twitching, but he still honestly accepted this gift.

"Well... Although I am unlikely to drink.

"Let's go, everyone is waiting for you!"

Held by the hand of the humble mihu, Su Shixiu was dragged in front of everyone with a confused look.

At this time, everyone stopped the playful movements on their hands and looked at Su Shixiu.

Then, Su took the opportunity to stand behind Su Shixiu, raised his hand to everyone, and stretched out three fingers!

Three two one!

"Chinese New Year's Eve happy, our good Ashu !!"

This is a blessing from everyone, and the voice is exceptionally loud, straight into the sky.

He was stunned for a moment, but this time, Su Shixiu reacted.

He smiled at everyone, then nodded.

"Everyone, too, Chinese New Year's Eve happy!"

"Okay (good) (good) !!"

Immediately, a firecracker was delivered to his hand.

Looking up, Alicia smiled sweetly at herself, and then instantly covered her ears!

At this time, the frost on his hand instantly extinguished the flame on the lead.

The firecracker in his hand did not explode as expected, even if it was less powerful, but it made Alicia's mischievous plan frustrated.

"Oh, Axiu, you are so bad, people have finally prepared a surprise ♪ for you~"

Then, the firecrackers exploded instantly!

It's just that Su Shixiu didn't look frightened, which still made Alicia a little disappointed.

Then, a firecracker instantly rushed in front of Alicia!

"Ahhh!" ♪

"Boom !!"

It's huge, but that's just as powerful as that.

It's a good idea to use it to scare.

"Ashu! You're not cute anymore! You've gone bad! Humph ♪!

"Ellie, you tease Ah Xiu first."

Eden mercilessly stabbed his best friend.

"Eden, why do you even say that about me, I'm ♪ so sad!"

"Sister Ellie didn't cry, everyone, start the party!"

With this shout, a firecracker instantly landed among them, and then exploded instantly!


Many people were frightened, after all, this time the power is a little greater, and it is really the kind that is caught off guard.

Everyone who reacted quickly looked at the place where the voice came from.

Suzu was frantically running for her life, and Sakura's face instantly darkened.


"I was wrong sister! Stop chasing me!

"Forget it, everyone hi up!"

Su Shixiu raised his arms and shouted, and instantly threw the firecracker in Kevin's direction!

"I****! Axiu you ** eat labor-management firecrackers!

"Yay, eat me a firecracker too!"

"I flash!"

Soon, with Su Shixiu's shout, everyone's enthusiasm was ignited again.

This is the Chinese New Year's Eve night in Shenzhou.

The lively Chinese New Year's Eve night is the meaning of this day.

A New Year without fireworks is never complete.

What's more, this time the Chinese New Year's Eve is really lively!

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