Fire Moth headquarters, third floor, banquet hall.

At this birthday banquet, everyone sent the most sincere wishes from the bottom of their hearts to the most popular teenager in the fire moth.

At this birthday banquet, even if not everyone knew Su Shixiu's identity as the "Law of Heavenly Frost", at least they had recognized Su Shixiu, this warrior carrying the "Apocalypse", and the savior who inherited the will of the previous civilization.

A teenager who is always gentle with others, Su Shixiu who always treats everyone around him with sincerity, will also encounter many times when he has to become an evil person, but the so-called hero is like this.

Heroes have always been unknown, and their hands may even be stained with blood, and they will also be stained with the blood of many innocent people.

Because they are also "human beings", there are times when they are powerless, and they dare not guarantee that they can save all people in every major collapse.

Thousands of people were saved, but in the end, a dozen people, the hero failed to save because he did not have enough power, so is this really a mistake?

No, there will be times when people will be powerless, even if it is anyone, there will be times when they have to be stained with blood.

There is never an absolutely good person in the world, and there is no absolute evil person, and as for the so-called good and evil, it all depends on how a person's own heart is judged.

What's more, this warrior who bears the inscription of the "apocalypse" never wants to become a hero.

On the high platform of the banquet hall, the twelve people present gathered together.

Su Shixiu wore the birthday crown hat, holding the knife for cutting the cake in his hand, his eyes flashed coldly, and the knife in his hand was instantly covered by frost.

Quickly chopping out a few knives, Su Shixiu quickly divided the oversized cake in front of him into twelve equal parts!

"Give, Grace, be careful!"

After handing a large piece of cake to Grace, Grace carefully took it with the help of Senior Sister Blanca.

"Hmm... Thank you! Brother Shi Xiu, happy birthday! Su

Shixiu's face was full of surprise, he didn't expect that Grace Xiu could already say so many words, and he would also call his name!

"Grace is so good!"

Rua took Rua's head, and in the happy eyes of the little girl, Su Shixiu quickly loaded a few other cakes.

"Guys, take it!"

Su Shixiu smiled, his right hand gently slapped on the table, and the plate filled with several other cakes on the table flew directly into everyone's hands.

They are different from Grace, who is still young and was originally their group pet.

However, as for the rest of the people, Su Shixiu knew that no matter who he gave the cake he cut first, it was likely to cause an inexplicable Asura field war.

As long as it is given to everyone at the same time, it can perfectly avoid the occurrence of this problem!

Well, I'm such a genius!

Seeing that everyone caught the cake, Su Shixiu smiled slightly, immediately picked up a piece from his cake, and then looked at Alicia.

Then, they jointly copied the topmost piece of the cake, and while Mebius was still immersed in joy, a cake was directly exhaled on her face!

Mebius's smile instantly stiffened, seeing that Su Shixiu and Alicia were still maintaining the action of throwing the cake, and their faces were instantly angry.

"Sue, Shi, Xiu! And Alicia! You two don't run! Soon

, the cake flew on their faces again, but Su Shixiu and Alicia were ready, their figures flashed, and they squatted down directly, dodging Mebius' projection at the limit.

In such a long battle, Su Shixiu had already cultivated sufficient combat understanding with his captain Alicia.

Soon, the two began to run left and right, and Mebius threw a piece of cake backhanded, targeting his most annoying Alicia.

I never thought that I didn't hit her, but I hit Mei, who was innocent, and as a result, the girl's heart also exploded, and she picked up the cake and smashed it directly.

Mebius dodged, but humble suffered.

That's it, you smash me with a cake, I smash you with a cake, sometimes it hits, sometimes it hurts others by mistake, and pulls others directly into the battlefield.

As a result, this face directly became more and more chaotic, in addition to Hua and Klein, who deliberately dodged, and little Grace, who was specially pulled into the battlefield by everyone.

Hua is purely unaccustomed, after all, she is now very serious and old-fashioned, and Klein is purely because he has to work after the birthday banquet so as not to interfere with himself.

Grace Inner OS: Adults are so strange, but everyone is happy, happy... Just fine!

"Ashu! No matter how much it costs, I, Kevin, will definitely smash you to death!

"Do you have the ability to chase me?" Omittedly... Ah, lying groove! The teacher taps! "

Ahaha, I caught it, right? My lovely Ash... Who took the opportunity to carry out a sneak attack? Alicia !!

"Ouch ♪~ Ouch! Mei, you also learned badly, but people are happier ♪! "

Ahahaha, tap lightly, humble you dodge ahahaha, don't tickle me ahahaha~!"

"Strange, I didn't expect Dr. May to have such a funny side. I can't help but want to take a good hehe... Alas, Blanca!!

"You have the ability to chase me?" You are a dead ghost, you actually dare to smash me? You see I won't let you kneel durian today!!

"I'm leaning on time! Kevin! Quacks and lakes rescue ahhhh "

The scene was extremely chaotic, if it weren't for the fact that the entire Fire Moth Headquarters knew today that today's banquet hall on the third floor was used to celebrate the birthday of "Apocalypse" Su Shixiu, I am afraid that it would have caused some bad influence.

The soldiers, who also volunteered, got a vacation after a sumptuous meal.

If nothing happens, then all the squad fighters who come to help today can enjoy a three-day vacation!

At this time, the third floor of the Fire Moth Department Building can be said to be completely hilarious to the sky.

Su Shixiu, whose face was smashed with cakes, temporarily left the battlefield and hid on the side to quietly observe everyone.

Looking at everyone's happy appearance, Su Shixiu couldn't help but think of all the good things in the past...

Holding the cake in his hand, walking to the windowsill by the high window, looking at the bright and green city, Su Shixiu couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

To be honest, although it was really hard to join the fire moth during this time, his strength continued to become stronger and his relationship with everyone was deepening, which gave him a deeper sense of accomplishment.

Watching everyone's progress and growth day by day, as well as his own progress and growth every day, Su Shixiu suddenly felt that it was not meaningless for him to come to this world.

There may be many difficulties in the future, but he will definitely not stop there.

Looking up at the stars in the sky, Su Shixiu couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the last time he looked up at them so calmly seemed to be a long, long time ago.

At that time, he was still young, he didn't know what kind of world he came to, he always thought that he was born in a rich second-generation, or even a rich-third-generation family.

At that time, he never had any lofty ideals, he just wanted to spend every day quietly, and finally inherit the family property, and spend his life in such a peaceful and quiet life.

Although this kind of life is not magnificent, and it is definitely not famous in the world, but at least live a stable and solid life, plain is true!

The encounter with Mei in high school and the initial understanding of the concept of "Honkai" through his family all the time refreshed his world view, and also made him successfully feel the crisis at that time.

He didn't want this, at least in the world that he had wanted to come to in person no matter what, Su Shixiu wanted to do something with his own strength.

However, in fact, at that time, only Su Shixiu in high school did not have the same strength as Kevin, and he never thought that he could become a warrior and stand on the front line against Honkai.

But he knew what kind of advantages he had.

The crosser, what he knows is the plot, even if there may be a butterfly effect, but this is still the only advantage of the crosser.

Coupled with his knowledge reserve and IQ that surpassed his peers, Su Shixiu had no choice but to choose another path: become an ordinary scientist and change the world by technology.

His dreams were so good that he later became the lab assistant of Dr. Mebius, one of the best people in biology, and you can imagine how well he studied science.

Who would have thought that it was the outbreak of the third Great Collapse, and the sufficient collapse energy directly activated Su Shixiu's lawyer core, and also activated the original stigmata behind him-the power that circulated from the previous civilization, the power of Penglai Temple Jiuxiao, the savior of light!

Although she is a secondary secondary patient, she is really good to herself, and although Penglai Temple Jiuxiao has always been happy in front of her, Su Shixiu can always detect that there is always a trace of loneliness in her body.

Su Shixiu can understand that the civilization to which he belongs has been destroyed, and those who were once important to him are gone, and as a result, in the end, he is left alone, or he is still living in such a state where people are not ghosts and ghosts... Sometimes it's really better to die so that everyone can be reunited again.

But in the last sentence, which was not very optimistic, Su Shixiu didn't know if Penglai Temple Jiuxiao had thought about it, but at least her heart, combat experience, and abilities in all aspects were much stronger than herself.

Even so, Su Shixiu was not sure that he would be able to solve the final problem and save his most important companion.

Just when Su Shixiu was standing by the window, thinking about things in a daze, he didn't notice at all that everyone in the entire banquet hall was no longer making trouble.

They noticed Su Shixiu's strangeness, and the unresponsive Blanca just wanted to smash Su Shixiu with a cake, but was stopped by Mebius.

Mebius glared at her, and Blanca looked at everyone whose expressions had become solemn, and she also realized that something was wrong.

Noticing that the surroundings were already quiet and a little abnormal, Su Shixiu only then retracted his thoughts, looking at the eleven pairs of eyes present staring at him, he couldn't help but show a trace of embarrassment, and barely squeezed out a smile.

"What do you want me to do? What should I do, everyone eat while it's hot, take advantage of this momentum to play, I don't bother?

Everyone looked at each other strangely, and then unanimously fell their gazes on Mei's body.

May shook her head desperately and cast her gaze on Kevin.

Kevin nodded and walked over to the high platform.

"Everyone hurry up and eat, Mei, Senior Blanca and Minister Vilvie specially made so many meals, it's a pity not to eat while it's hot!"

Someone took the initiative to stand up, and everyone returned to their seats, began to eat the meal and the rest of the cake, and talked about something that made everyone happy and relaxed.

Kevin, on the other hand, walked to Su Shixiu's side and patted him on the shoulder.

"What do you want?"

Su Shixiu looked back and saw that it was Kevin, nodded lightly, and couldn't help sighing.

"I was thinking... I've come to where I am now. This day, it really reminds me of my family in the past, and it is easier to remind me of our future... Is there still tomorrow?

Listening to Su Shixiu's words, Kevin was silent.

To be honest, he hadn't thought about this kind of problem at all.

What collapses are not broken, Kevin has never thought about this, he just wants to make himself stronger, so that he can get closer and closer to Mei, and he can be more convenient to protect her by her side.

The other Kevin didn't think at all, when Su Shixiu said this, he really didn't know what to say.

After a while, Kevin hooked Su Shixiu's shoulder and couldn't help but smile:

"If you want to be a family, or see when there is a chance, I will accompany you to pay tribute to them?"

Su Shixiu was silent for a moment and nodded gently.

"Got it, buddy. Father and mother left long ago, and even more so birthdays are good Friday for mothers, and on this day it is always easy for me to think of them ... I just miss them a little. Kevin

, who can feel the obvious heavy atmosphere, although he does not have the delicate mind of girls, but being by his good brother's side at this time is the best comfort for his good brother.

"That's it, this matter will not affect my mood."

Su Shixiu smiled silently, and his tone instantly became heavier.

"I wonder, do we humans have a chance to expel Honkai and take the right to the future from the gods?"

Kevin was directly speechless, he couldn't answer this kind of question at all, and he didn't know how to answer it at all.

He couldn't give an answer, and he didn't know what kind of answer to give, and his current state of mind and experience had never thought about something so far-reaching.

He only knows that he wants to protect Mei, protect everyone Mei cares about, do his best not to make her sad, and be able to see her smile every day, that's it.

“...... Never mind. Kevin, go back, just think of it as my own crankiness. Watching

Su Shixiu walk towards everyone's back, for some reason, Kevin suddenly felt a heavy feeling that was enough to crush everything from that thin back.


this moment, Kevin may not realize that he is still the same teenager's state of mind, and has begun to change quietly.


After spending a pleasant banquet time, after going to the bathroom next to it, cleaning up the cakes on each other's bodies, and completing a grand and formal photo with everyone under Alicia's camera, they basically dispersed.

Su Shixiu, who returned to the dormitory, was already very tired.

After taking off his clothes and rushing himself in the bathroom, he lay directly on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

However, the moment Su Shixiu had just fallen asleep completely, not far from his side, the shadow of Penglai Temple Jiuxiao floated out.

Looking at the boy immersed in sleep, Penglai Temple Jiuxiao's face unexpectedly showed an incomparably gentle smile.

"Hard work. Happy birthday, Ash, get a good night's sleep. Obviously

knowing that the virtual body could not touch any real problems, but Penglai Temple Jiuxiao was still gently stroking Su Shixiu's head, and there was a rare trace of distress in his red beautiful eyes.

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