Changkong City, a trade center located in the extreme east, a world-class city that gathers the world's elites, and is one of the internationally important financial, economic and technological centers.

And Chiba Gakuen, this school is located in the school city on the outskirts of Changkong City.

This school city is home to the world's most advanced equipment and educational institutions.

From preschool education to high-tech specialized institutions, there are a total of six well-known secondary schools, ten universities and various scientific research institutions, and hundreds of thousands of students and teachers living in it.

Chiba Gakuen is one of the colleges located in this school city, which is divided into four departments: elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university, and there are also many college students from other schools.

After all, the famous university nearby is not far from the location of Senba Gakuen, and the students of each school are basically not divided into each other's areas, and they will always subconsciously treat it as a mixed school.

The most well-known is the research institute invested by the Fire Moth in the Senba Academy.

Not many people know about the existence of the fire moth now, but the investor on the bright side is the world's famous genius biologist, Su Shixiu's mentor, Dr. Mebius.

Meanwhile, not far from Chiba Gakuen, in Reven's Hotel.

"Hmm~ good idea, but it provides me with new ideas. Ah Xiu, you deserve to be my most satisfied student~

" "Don't don't, teacher, I know how many pounds I have." Compared with Senior Sister Blanca, I am still far behind.

Su Shixiu waved his hand, thinking only about how to escape from here quickly.

"So be it. Ah Xiu, how about I give you a special approval to graduate now, and you will return to the Mu Continent with me and be my official assistant directly?"

Looking at Mebius lying on the table, Su Shixiu subconsciously lowered his gaze, and then hurriedly moved away.

"This, that's not right, right? Teacher, this is not in line with school rules, right?

"My word is the rule. I'm not one of those mentors, a student who graduated early, I still have the right to do so.

"Not to mention, it's still such a cute Axiu~" "Ahem

, mentor Mebius, pay attention to the image of the doctor!"

Hurriedly stopping Mebius's salty pig hand, Su Shixiu smiled awkwardly and directly pretended to be stupid on the spot.

"It's boring, obviously so cute, you have to play the fool at a critical moment."

Listening to the teacher's complaints, Su Shixiu always smiled, anyway, as long as I pretend to be stupid to the extreme, then Mentor Mebius will have nothing to do with me.

As expected, Mebius, who was lying on the table, quickly retreated, sat back in his chair, and put away Su Shixiu's paper.

"Your graduate school entrance examination is no problem. Axiu, are you really not thinking about it anymore?

"I refuse."

When she was in the lab before, Mebius didn't know what to worry about, and she never did anything to herself, although her desire to do it to herself would not be so weak.

Su Shixiu had a hunch that if one day, he really agreed to be her official assistant, it would be a real wolf into the tiger's den.

Looking at Su Shixiu, who stood firmly, Mebius sighed.

"Okay, okay, okay. Ashu, do you know that there is a guy named Mei over there at Chiba Gakuen?

Su Shixiu was stunned, and then nodded subconsciously.

"Just know you. Someone noticed the girl in the Fire Moth, but the girl did have talent. This paper, if she writes well, then I am ready to introduce her to the Moth of Fire.

Su Shixiu nodded slightly, he was not surprised that this happened, because in the original Honkai Three Former Civilization plot, Mei joined the Fire Moth precisely because of Mebius's introduction.

"With you."

Just as Su Shixiu was pondering, Mebius added.

"Huh? No, I'm not fit to be a researcher.

"But your productivity is there."

Looking at Mebius' malicious smile, Su Shixiu sighed.

By the way, in the original book, Mebius's assistant Klein seems to be studying in the school on the Mu continent?

When I have time, I have to go over there to fool her, anyway, I can't do it, really.

Thinking of his current sad experience, Su Shixiu wanted to find Senior Sister Blanca to settle the account, if it weren't for her painstaking deception, even her own parents were successfully fooled by her, how could he have come to this day?

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the private room.

"Come in!"

After getting Mebius' permission, the waiter came in with a plate.

And on top of that plate, there are two buckets of instant noodles?!

"Hello. Two, this is your seafood pork bone instant noodles, please use it slowly!

At this moment, Su Shixiu also noticed the strange gaze of the waiter.

Looking at the instant noodles in front of him, Su Shixiu's face froze, revealing a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Teacher, are you serious?"

"What's wrong, I've been eating instant noodles for a year and a half, what's the problem?" Mebius looked up puzzled.

"Of course there is, this is a big problem!"

Su Shixiu wants to cry without tears, even the instant noodles in front of him are far better than the instant noodles he once ate in the laboratory, but the key is instant noodles....

Instant noodles, that's his nightmare!

Let's not talk about this, Reven's is a high-end hotel, and who have you ever met who can go to a high-end hotel to eat and order instant noodles?!

Fortunately, the people here know Dr. Mebius, but if they change to someone else, it is estimated that they have long been treated as troublemakers and driven away with a stick.

"More than a year! Teacher, do you know how I got over the past year? Instant noodles, I've been eating this thing crazy, and without mercy, I'm sure I have instant noodle PTSD!

Mebius: "Uh..." "

So, Atheus, do you know a word?"


"The best way to eliminate fear is to face it. So, come on, Ollie gives! Looking

at Mebius, who deliberately sold cute, he said the words that were crooked by Su Shixiu, and Su Shixiu just wanted to kill himself with a big b-pocket.

I have nothing to tell the teacher what crooked reasoning I have, this is good, lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot!

Su Shixiu sighed, then clicked the button on the table and called the waiter.

"A large plate of chicken, and a roast duck from Beijing." Then bring me beef fried noodles with sauce, and some sushi for dessert, pinned with minced meat. By the way, two more bottles of red wine, like that, remember to lower the degree.

After shouting the name familiarly, watching the waiter who picked up the menu and left the private room, Mebius looked at Su Shixiu in surprise, "Have you been here?"

"In my freshman year, I came occasionally two or three times a month. Teacher, this is a hotel, it's a pity not to order alcohol.

Mebius did not refute it, after all, it made sense.

The identity of the Su family made Su Shixiu, a special distinguished guest, not neglected, and all the meals came up after a while.

"You're welcome, teacher, you can eat as much as you want this time, let's eat instant noodles every day, and the nutrition can't keep up."


Mebius, who was captured by the food, just nodded silently, and quickly used the chopsticks in his hand to clip the roast duck.

Although Mebius is a foreigner, he has been doing it for more than a year or two with chopsticks, and naturally there is no habit barrier.

Soon, lunch was settled, and the last person to pay was Su Shixiu, the kind that Mebius could not grab.

Students have more money than teachers, and sometimes it's angry to think about these things, but there is nothing you can do.

Walking on the road of Senba Academy, Mebius's casual dress and Su Shixiu, who was also like this next to him, became the most beautiful scenery.

"Mentor Mebius is good!"


Along the way, I was able to meet many students to greet Mebius, but Mebius's reaction was so cold.

As one of the tutors of the academy, Mebius is basically not here often, which directly leads to the fact that her classmates rarely see her.

Not to mention, Mebius is actually a good beauty, but it will be a little dangerous to be close to her.

The current Mebius is the most fundamental difference from the Mebius who was molted and reborn several times in the previous life game.

She looks much younger in the game, and she is still in the pre-civilization period, although she is not so young and cute in appearance, but she also looks more mature.

For example, the pair of peaks, for example, is much larger than the memory period.

"So, Mentor Mebius, are you going to do that?"

"That's right, the people over there gave me a few days off. It just so happens that I will process some information here, and then I will go back to find you a new junior brother.

Su Shixiu nodded, the final exam was almost not far away, and Mebius was not in the mood to stay, which naturally meant that her vacation was not so long.

"What about me?" This is what Su Shixiu is most concerned about.

"You, you, just say that you want to steal for a few days, can't you?"

Being pointed by Mebius through his true intentions, Su Shixiu just smiled, but did not deny it.

"So be it. So, your vacation will extend the final exam, just to help me see, how is Mei's little girl doing, is it enough for her identity and her qualifications?

Su Shixiu was silent for a while and nodded.

Although his expression was still calm, his heart was already cheering.

This holiday is directly more than a month, more than a month of liberation time ah, who is not happy on this body?

And after a while, after Mebius goes to the top of the school, his own postgraduate examination can be stable, and then he will be an official graduate student!

"Thank you, teacher!"

"Don't be poor, I don't know you yet? Go as you want, and leave the matter of the postgraduate examination quota to me.

"Okay, see you Mentor Mebius."


Seeing Su Shixiu's departure, Mebius showed a hint of a smile.

"Ah Xiu is quite interesting, but why is it a pity that he just doesn't know how to be a villain?"

Shaking his head, Mebius stopped thinking so much and hurried towards the research site in the Chiba Academy.

Meanwhile, the park is not far away.

"Wow, Ash, that's the famous Mentor Mebius?"

Looking at Kevin's hand hooking his shoulder, Su Shixiu directly patted it down and nodded.

"Axiu, your graduate school?"

"That's it!"

"Good! Worthy of Ashu!

Su Shixiu, who was hugged by Kevin excitedly, could only nod with a smile.

"Axiu, well done."

"Thank you! So in order to celebrate my success in graduate school, let's go out for a meal tonight?

This proposal was quickly approved by the two, but the two also put forward the same opinion: Su Shixiu invited guests.

Su Shixiu did not refuse, first of all, he succeeded in the postgraduate examination, which must be celebrated, and secondly, he was the richest of the three, and no matter how ruthless they slaughtered themselves, they couldn't slaughter much.

It's just that when Kevin proposed to pull Mei together, he was directly slapped by Su Shixiu and almost fainted.

"you, don't make trouble! Sister Mei is busy preparing her paper, just don't help, don't add to the mess!

"Got it! Shhh, Ash, when did you have so much strength, it hurts!

"Is it possible that you have become weaker?"

"Yes, or shall we fight?"

"Come and come, I'm afraid you won't make it? I'm not the same me I used to be!

Then, within two minutes, Su silently looked at Kevin, who was pressed to the ground by Su Shixiu's hand, and silently took out his camera to take a picture.

It is precisely because they are good friends that they should do this kind of damage all the more.

Of course, Su's actions, Kevin, who was pressed on his head, definitely did not see it, but Su Shixiu saw it clearly.

The eyes of the two briefly met for a moment, and then nodded in agreement.

Good stuff to share, not to mention Kevin's black history!

Therefore, it is precisely because of this prank at this time that at some point in the future, a certain third lawyer who broke into the promised land looked at Su, who took out Kevin's black history, and almost doubted life in place.


"Not convinced!"


A big B pocket with little force, but extremely insulting insult, exhaled over.


"I don't..."

"Do you obey?"

"I serve QWQ..." "

Kneel down and sing conquest!"

"Ashu, I won't..." "

Come, watch the lyrics sing!"

Kevin: "... Just conquered ♪ by you like this~"

Su struggled to hold back a smile and videotaped it with his hand.

However, at the moment when Su Shixiu just let go of Kevin, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Xiu, the third collapse is coming

..." "Must, activate the stigmata and core..."

Su Shixiu, who looked confused, subconsciously looked around, and found that the people here, except for him, Kevin and Su, there was no fourth person at all.

After being stunned for a moment, Su Shixiu shook his head helplessly and continued to suppress Kevin with one hand.

In this way, Kevin and Su Shixiu, who were still playing with the dry fight one second, happily hooked up the next second and became the best buddies they had ever had.

Su, who followed next to him, quietly muted a video while Kevin was not seen, and then showed Su Shixiu a few clips.

It's all Kevin kneeling and singing conquest!

The famous scene of the fire moth, Boss Kevin knelt down and sang to conquer, come and brush the rocket quickly! Ahhhh

In this way, the three good brothers happily arrived at the barbecue stall, and even Su, who was usually mild and serious, rarely drank beer and ate barbecue with them, showing his wild side.

Of course, all these famous scenes were recorded by Su Shixiu.

These wonderful moments should always be remembered.

After all, Su Shixiu knew that he didn't have such a good memory.

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