Later, later, Su Shixiu was overdrawn because of the collapse, and he was supported until he brought a small team to pick them up, and he passed out.

According to Penglai Temple Jiuxiao's current evaluation of Su Shixiu, it is agile and fast, strong in attack, but weak in defense, less blue (collapse energy), and combat experience is still a little lacking.

According to the fighting style of a normal warrior, Su Shixiu should have tried to drag the Wind Law and not give her the opportunity to summon the Avalanche Beast when she noticed the thing that summoned the accompanying Avalanche Beast, so as not to worsen the situation.

Yes, this wave really suffered a big loss!


In fact, Su Shixiu was in a coma for almost a week.

But during this time, many people came to visit him.

Because he was a lawyer, Mebius was afraid of being discovered, and directly used his rights + relationship to bring Su Shixiu to her side to recuperate.

Remember that at that time, Mebius finally won a game in front of Alicia, that proud gesture!

Mebius turned his head arrogantly.jpg

Fortunately, in the battle of Su Shixiu's crusade against the Fourth Law, it was just a void, it was not a big deal, but it could also make many people feel at ease.

It's just that Mebius's mood in the past seven days is worse day by day, and she wants to take advantage of Su Shixiu's coma several times, pick up a scalpel and directly gag Su Shixiu, fortunately, there is Klein's interception.

After all, Su Shixiu probably didn't expect how many people had come to visit him when he was pulled to Mebius' laboratory to recuperate in his coma.

Familiar with Su Shixiu, unfamiliar with Su Shixiu, the protagonist does not know at all, I don't know how many people come to visit him, just this interpersonal relationship with mebius is really envious of Mebius.

But what makes Mebius most angry is, why are so many girls coming to see him? It turns out that this kid has followed him for more than a year, and he has not seen how attractive he is?

Mebius, who did not know that he had long been attracted to jealousy, could be said that the more he thought about it, the more angry and unfair he felt!

Obviously I came first, why do you have such a good relationship with Su Shixiu!"

Thinking of this, Mebius's hand dissecting the corpse of the Wind Law paused for a moment, gritted his teeth and looked fierce, and then slammed a knife directly down!


After three seconds of silence for the old sister of the Law of the Wind, Klein went back to work.

I don't know what the doctor has been doing recently, but whenever a girl visits Su Shixiu, her smile will disappear for a day, you say it's jealous... It's not so outrageous, right?

Noticed that Mebius stabbed the waist of the Wind Lawyer ... Klein couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat and went to work.

"Authentication passed. Welcome, "True Self" Alicia!

After coming in, Alicia looked at Klein with a smile on her face, but saw that she gave herself a look, and nodded in understanding.

"A new day starts ♪ with a wonderful encounter! Did you miss me, Dr. Mebius? After

taking the opportunity to sneak up on Mebius from behind, Alicia looked proud.

"Don't hold me! Alicia, you're fat again!

Mebius broke free of his embrace, and then looked irritable.

"Oops, it's rude, but it's okay. Lovely Alicia, I won't think ♪ about this with you~

" "Let go, Alicia!"

"Wow! Mebius' development is as good as ever, even I am a little envious ♪!

Looking at Alicia and Mebius who were scuffling together, Klein couldn't help but sigh.

"The Doctor and Alicia... This is the eighteenth time in seven days, right? Silently

calculating in his heart, Klein stopped caring and began to work like crazy.

Just attacked a wind lawyer, and now a bunch of data after dissection and so on, all need to be processed by her, originally worked hard overtime to give herself the annual leave, this is all in vain.

If it weren't for the generous overtime pay, it is estimated that Klein would have inherited the tradition of Blanca and Su Shixiu, and was ready to go to the pit (crossed out) to pull a new person to take over.

However, in the laboratory inside, the sound became more and more strange.

"Ah, I didn't expect Dr. Mebius to be so sensitive~ I pinched ♪!"

"Alicia you **! Don't pinch me there! "

Oh hey ♫ ~"

At this time, outside the door of Mebius's laboratory, listening to the traces of the words of the tiger and wolf inside, holding Grace in his arms, he was stunned outside the door.

"Hmm... Dad, don't look at Brother Xiu? "

Marks: .

. This is not a matter of competing for favors or not, and Mark does not dare to hesitate at this moment, hugging Grace and fleeing directly from here!

Even if Grace wanted to see Su Shixiu, she couldn't let her see that picture!

I don't know what Alicia and Mebius are doing, I'm really not afraid to bring bad children!

"I'll see later, when your Grandma Alicia is gone!"

Grace tilted his head suspiciously, his face full of confusion.

"Alicia... Grandmother?! Isn't that sister..."

It's just that Mark didn't answer anything, knowing that he didn't bring Grace with him today!

In the Mebius laboratory.

"Just put it on! Don't worry, Dr. Mebius, Axiu is still lying down ♪~"

"But, but..." Looking

at Alicia who lifted the pink dress and smiled, Mebius glanced at Su Shixiu lying on the bed next to him, and looked embarrassed.

"It's okay, just change your clothes, or should I come ♪?"

Saying that, Alicia pounced again!

"I lean! Alicia, don't rip me off! I'll change it myself! "

At the door of the inner laboratory, Klein, who was passing by with things and things, silently buckled a six, slipped away at the speed of light, and could be as far as he could from the door of the inner laboratory.

She didn't want to be hurt by the pond fish.

However, no one noticed that Su Shixiu at this time was about to wake up.

"Hmm..." The

head is so dizzy, the dizziness that cannot be described.

At the moment of consciousness, Su Shixiu subconsciously opened his eyes, but unexpectedly found that his eyelids were unexpectedly heavy.

There is also the emptiness and powerlessness of the body, as if it was a night battle for a month, and even the collapse energy in the body is quite small.

After quickly passing through the core of the lawyer and connecting to the imaginary space, and getting sufficient energy feedback, Su Shixiu's physical state gradually recovered.

"What's going on?"

Listening to the laughter on the side, Su Shixiu, whose brain was still confused, subconsciously opened his eyes gently.

As expected, he opened his eyelids, and although it was laborious, he recovered and recovered well.

Following the laughter, Su Shixiu's brain crashed on the spot, and only two words remained:

so white....

After noticing that the person was Mebius, Su Shixiu's brain did not react, and his eyes almost subconsciously closed quickly.

And his heart is completely messy.

"I**** what's going on? Why are Alicia and Mebius there! And Mebius changed her pink dress in front of me ... Even if I'm in a coma, we can't do this! Su

Shixiu, who reacted after realizing it, directly chose to pretend to be dead.

Don't ask why, once you subconsciously open your eyes just now, then you are absolutely cool!

Don't say whether you will be castrated, you may not even protect your waist!

Fortunately, after a while, Mebius finally changed his clothes, and the two girls left the laboratory in a laughter, so that something was thrown on him when he pretended to be dead, and Su Shixiu did not dare to move.

"Whew~ free!"

It wasn't until the door of the laboratory was closed that Su Shixiu sat up directly with his still unsober spirit.

Because his whole person was still confused, after seeing the pile of things thrown on his quilt, Su Shixiu subconsciously looked up.

White research robes, custom-made body shape, obviously Mebius's, and the trousers, but there are two pink clothes....

There should be a D, right?

Su Shixiu, who was completely unaware of the seriousness of the situation, was still looking at these clothes.

However, the next moment, the door of the laboratory suddenly opened.

Mebius and Alicia, who came in through the door, glanced at Su Shixiu on the bed, and then looked at the four clothes on Su Shixiu's quilt.

Su Shixiu: It's over, Barbie Q!

"I said I just got up, do you believe me?"

After Su Shixiu said this, Mebius's face instantly turned red on the spot, it can be said that it was completely red!

Mebius wore a cute pink little skirt and rushed to Su Shi's bed in three steps and two steps.

She grabbed the four pieces of clothing, rushed directly to the side without saying a word, quickly pulled down the curtains and hid inside, and she could even hear that her voice was a little trembling... And small surprises?!

No, isn't that last tone a little wrong?

"Alicia! Take Axiu away!! "

Alicia: ∗︎°(* ˃̤൬˂̤ *)°∗︎♪~

Su Shixiu: ... (The heart is already embarrassed to cut out the three rooms and one hall)

smashed, now Su Shixiu understood what he saw.

I have to sigh, Alicia and Mebius ... I really didn't take my comatose self as an outsider!

Su Shixiu just wanted to try to explain something, but before he could speak, he was directly stopped by Alicia's hand, dragged and quickly ran out.

As soon as she left the lab, Alicia came up to him and smiled.

"Hey! Ah Xiu, after sleeping for so long, do you miss me ♪ very much?

Glancing at the only third person other than himself, he didn't expect that Klein didn't raise his head at all, purely frantically clearing the relationship.

“...... Sister Ellie, can you tell me about the situation first?

Alicia smiled slightly, and then silently raised the camera.

"It's really strange, I didn't expect that our so amiable Dr. Mebius would have such a cute and shy side! Alas, I really want to pinch her face ♪! Seeing

that Alicia's lesbian disorder was committed again, Su Shixiu had a black line on her face, found a disposable paper cup with a light car, and silently took a cup of hot water for herself and Alicia.

After getting Su Shixiu's concern, Alicia squinted her eyes very proudly, and then began to slowly explain all the reasons for what happened.

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