"Welcome to play again next time!"

With a big wave of his hand, he stood at the gate of his house and said goodbye to his two colleagues.

"Okay! Sister Ellie, let's go, Senior Blanca wants to cook for Grace, what are you making fun of!

"I don't! Grace is so cute that he can't make me ruarua ♪!

"Back to the dormitory!"

In this way, in the polite smile and the embarrassment on Su Shixiu's face, the reluctant Alicia was successfully dragged away by Su Shixiu.

That's right, it's the kind of dragging, even coaxing.

"Let go of me, Ash! Girls are really irresistant ♪ to cute things

" "Sister Ellie, can't we stop and stop?" If you want to go over again, Grace will probably be scared to tears by you!

"Whatever! Grace can also come to my side to eat, anyway, my scale is bigger than Blanca's ♪~

" "Don't drive!" If you didn't have a baby, where can you give your child food? And Grace is not a baby, follow me back to the dormitory!

In the end, Mark listened to those wolf tiger words with an embarrassed face, until he watched Alicia be dragged to the car by Su Shixiu, and watched the car disappear from his sight, which was relieved.

He secretly decided that no matter what happened in the future, he would try to let Alicia get close to Grace and Blanca as little as possible.

The lesbian leader has to guard against it, and in the process of protecting the normal growth of the child, the father's responsibility is unshirkable!

Sitting in the car, Su Shixiu watched as Alicia next to him finally stopped making trouble, and only then secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sister Ellie, Grace is almost three years old, you tell me she still eats that food?"

Saying that, Su Shixiu stared strangely at a certain place in Alicia, and then moved his gaze away at the speed of light.

Yes, there is such capital, but the key is that Senior Blanca has daughters, and you are still a girl!

"Ahem, Axiu, you don't know to talk about this kind of ♪ topic for girls, but it will be very embarrassing~"

Seeing Alicia inexplicably shy, and covering her little face with her hands, her head instantly grew on the spot.

"I'm embarrassed by a hammer, but you were the one who shouted this just now!"

Alicia smiled awkwardly, and then Su Shixiu repaired the light-speed mending knife: "Don't give me too much knowledge of the whole thing, and then take the opportunity to ridicule me and so on." I am a major in biology and have been an assistant to Dr. Mebius, so it is normal to know this physiological knowledge, right? Seeing

that Alicia nodded and did not speak, Su Shixiu was secretly proud in his heart, thinking that he had finally won Alicia's game, which was a good thing to celebrate!

Then the next moment, Alicia deliberately tilted her head again and put her hand on her chest.

"Aren't you curious about Ah Xiu? Isn't Miss Alicia's body structure very wonderful? "

Su Shixiu inner OS: I *** you *****! You **** strangle ********! You don't talk about martial virtue, you *********!

"I'm not curious, I don't want to go to jail yet."

"It's okay, Miss Alicia doesn't mind at all~" "I mind ♪


Seeing Su Shixiu, who almost collapsed, Alicia secretly smiled, and then sat down obediently again.

"Sure enough, Ah Xiu's character is as reliable ♪ as ever~ Then I won't tease you!" Who made you so unamused, and every time the reaction was unexpectedly cute!

Looking at the sparkling Alicia in her eyes, Su Shixiu shrugged helplessly, looked ahead, and drove quietly.

Now he finally knows what it means to have someone outside the world, there is a sky outside the sky, your grandpa will always be your uncle, and Alicia will always be your sister Aili!

Win a hammer!

However, after a while, after returning to the base, Su Shixiu noticed that Alicia in his passenger seat actually fell asleep at some point.

Looking at the sleeping Alicia, Su Shixiu's subconscious reaction was to think that she was pretending to sleep, but after shouting softly a few times and ignoring it, he looked like she was really asleep, and he directly made a mistake.

This...... Why do you make a big boy embarrassed?

After thinking about it, Su Shixiu didn't care if Alicia was really sleeping or fake, and quickly thought of a good idea!


Shhhhhh Who is it! Listening

to the other end of the phone, a tone full of indifference and impatience came, and Su Shixiu quickly laughed awkwardly.

"Teacher, it's me."

The other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then his tone became much softer again.

"Axiu? What's wrong?

"That... Teacher, I'm at the gate of the base, can you come and do me a favor? "


"Call Klein if you can, that's it, please teacher!"

The phone was hung up sharply, and Mebius, who was showing off the noodles on the other end of the phone, and Klein in front of her stared wide-eyed.

"That doctor, I still have to work..."

"Let's go, let's see what happened to Asho!"

Looking at Mebius' hastily put on makeup, Klein couldn't help sighing.

Quite spoiled Su Shixiu... Seriously, she Klein didn't envy it at all.

Really, she didn't envy Su Shixiu's treatment at all!

Thinking of this, Klein unknowingly pinched the plastic fork on his hand and quickly draped himself over a coat.

Fortunately, in front of the phone, both of them heard Su Shixiu's embarrassment, and Mebius didn't grind for long, and soon pulled Klein over with him.

It's just that when the two came to Su Shixiu's car and looked at Alicia who was sleeping in the passenger seat, both of them couldn't help but fall silent.

Especially Mebius, the originally rare good mood disappeared in an instant, and his face was also gloomy and black.

"So, you made me work hard to show me affection?"

Mebius suppressed his anger and tried to calm himself and asked.

"That, no, you misunderstood the teacher, we are going to Senior Sister's house."

After speaking, Mebius's face softened significantly.

And when she knew that Su Shixiu called herself not only to avoid embarrassment between men and women, but also because only she could find it, she inexplicably felt happy in her heart.

Her face was still cold, but her heart was already happy, although she didn't realize the change in her mood, it was undeniable that the inexplicable resentment that Mebius had just had really dissipated a lot.

Su Shixiu is also helpless, all this point, most people can get off work after work, girls, Su Shixiu can really only call Mebius them.

Over there in Vilvie... He was unfamiliar with her other personalities, not so daring.

Mei is quite busy these days, and there is no need to disturb people.

Humble ... It is estimated that he must have drunk alcohol, and Hua also has to take care of people, and he can't find the kind of people at all.

Blanca is far away, so they don't look for it, save trouble.

You said to find a guy to help? Ahem, that's a big problem!

What's more, he was pulled away from Mebius by Alicia in the morning.

In the previous seven days, I had been recuperating in the laboratory of others, and I still had to thank me for it, just taking this opportunity to thank Mebius for his kindness.

In the end, under Su Shixiu's old method, Mebius, who had been praised so much, gladly accepted Su Shixiu's request and pulled Klein to help take Alicia away.

Klein couldn't refute it, because she was just a beater, and she didn't dare to disobey the boss's orders!

However, Su Shixiu may not know in the end, Mebius has long seen at a glance that Alicia's goods are purely pretended.

It's just that she knows how straight her student really is (although it has always been intentional), so Alicia's little conspiracy did not succeed.

After getting the others away, Su Shixiu parked his car, went directly to his dormitory, and went to sleep without saying a word.

Tossed all day, tired.

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