Alicia assisted in training Daistobia, Hua accompanied Coase to practice, and after arranging all this, Su Shixiu couldn't help but praise himself in his heart.

It's really worthy of yourself, and I haven't messed up at all in terms of employing people!

"Little Grace... I don't worry about handing it over to the teacher, although the teacher is very loving, the key is that the little girl seems to be stickier to me? Forget it, don't think about it.

Looking at Grace, who was already asleep lying on the sofa, rubbing his head, Su Shixiu thought about the next disposition.

"My brain hurts, and I am afraid that Grace Xiu will have an accident when I throw it into the dormitory, although she is quite well-behaved, but I must be on guard. Kevin and Sister Mei are quite busy these days, so don't bother them, right? "

As for the last Vilvie I can find... Su Shixiu didn't think about it at the beginning.

It's not that you can't bring it, the key is that people are really busy, and the same technology bosses as teachers.

It's just that one is engaged in mechanical technology, the other is engaged in biotechnology, and the two are completely different.

"It's really troublesome, or I'll take it with you." After all, you cannot fail to fulfill the responsibility of temporary guardian.

After thinking about it, Su Shixiu still sat on the sofa where Grace was lying, and sat right next to Grace.

However, just sitting on the sofa, an irrepressible tiredness suddenly attacked his whole body, Su Shixiu was caught off guard, his head tilted and he lay directly on the sofa in seconds, and instantly fell asleep.


Stigmata Space.

"Chiba, Gakuen ???"

Standing at the gate of this school that was both familiar and unfamiliar, Su Shixiu was completely confused at this moment.

But he soon realized that this school was a little different from the school he attended, but he really couldn't say what was not very similar.

It's not because this is Stigmata space, the point is that it is not similar....

"That's a good guess! My last disciple, this holy and bright school in front of you is the sacred place where I once studied!!

As soon as he heard this kind of speaking habit, Su Shixiu didn't even need to take a special look to know who was coming.


Jiuxiao, this..." Su Shixiu's brain was already confused at the moment, she knew that Penglai Temple Jiuxiao was the savior of the previous civilization, but she didn't expect that her civilization actually had a thousand feather academy!!

Even if he was a traverser, he couldn't remember when there would be a student called Penglai Temple Jiuxiao, let alone a "Savior of Light" who came out of here.

Unless...... She is the person in the plot of Honkai Gakuen II!

Su Shixiu had played Honkai III, but he had never played Honkai Academy II, and if this reason was used to explain it, then everything would make sense.

Honkai Gakuen II... It was a truly beautiful story, a very "warm" ending, and Honkai III was not so warm.

If it weren't for the confirmation that he was reborn in the former civilization of Honkai III, I'm afraid that at the moment he got this news, Su Shixiu would have directly decayed in place!

After all, there is a saying that says:

If you travel to the world of Honkai and confirm that it is Honkai III, then congratulations, you still have hope.

But if it's Honkai II... Then there is no salvation, just put it on the rot!

That means that the civilization in Penglai Temple Jiuxiao also has the three royal families???

Su Shixiu has never played Honkai Academy II, and it is normal to have such doubts and confusion.

However, if Penglai Temple Jiuxiao really knew them... Then don't mention this name in front of Jiuxiao, otherwise it is easy to talk about people's sad past.

Jiuxiao could see what she was thinking most of the time, but it didn't mean that she could read Su Shixiu's heart.

"I just said that something was wrong, it turned out to be a different time and space."

Su Shixiu keenly avoided that topic.

"It turns out that you also noticed that it was different. Yes, across the endless river of time, the Thousand Feather Academy at this moment is just a phantom of the past.

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao walked to the gate and gently stroked the four big characters of "Thousand Feather Academy".

In her red beautiful eyes, she rarely lost her confidence and pride in the past, rarely had a look of remembrance, and there was a trace of loneliness and sadness that was not easy to be detected.

And Su Shixiu just stood behind her silently and didn't say anything, because he couldn't say anything.

After all, he had not experienced the destruction of a civilization, and he had not witnessed all his important people, and one by one he finally left his side.

He couldn't empathize, and he couldn't even understand the heart of Penglai Temple Jiuxiao.

He was not the great hero she once was, and it was difficult for him to feel the heavy feeling that even if he tried his best, he still failed to save everyone in the end.

That kind of mood, Su Shixiu is really difficult to understand, but he should probably understand... He may understand that sense of powerlessness and self-blame.

Because, before coming to this world, Su Shixiu also had a past like that.

It is not such a grand and tragic thing, but it is everything that has been experienced that makes this teenager finally understand how hateful and pathetic it is to feel powerless when he tries his best to save someone.

He couldn't evaluate, and it was even difficult to give Penglai Temple Jiuxiao a comfort, because at this moment, he was just a witness to that past.

Just as the thunder and lightning bud clothes of the collapsed three-present civilization entered the promised land of the past and witnessed the memory of the fire-chasing heroic body of the past, the current Su Shixiu is only a witness of history.

He couldn't change that history, because it was in the past.

And Su Shixiu doesn't think that he can change that history, because it may be the plot of Honkai Academy II, which is destined to have no hopeless ending.

"But at least, Lord Jiuxiao is still there."

Su Shixiu's voice made Penglai Temple Jiuxiao, who had been stunned in his memories for a long time, finally raise his head again.

"At least you exist now, at least I'm still by Lord Jiuxiao's side."

"At least, I'm still there."

Speaking of this, Su Shixiu couldn't help but show a gentle smile, and subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed the head of Penglai Temple Jiuxiao.

This unguarded action directly made Penglai Temple Jiuxiao directly stupid in place.

"You, do you have a problem with liking to touch others? Or is it possessed by demons..." However

, Penglai Temple Jiuxiao did not resist, even in this stigmata space, Penglai Temple Jiuxiao was the absolute master.

Su Shixiu just smiled faintly and explained softly: "That's not it, Lord Jiuxiao should also be happy."

"Uh, but it's okay if you're so proud, while I'm still in the seal... Seeing you is comforting, and I don't care about your faux pas.

Until Su Shixiu withdrew his hand slightly embarrassed, Penglai Temple Jiuxiao hugged his arms and smiled again.

"The movements of the human hand can reflect the human heart... I don't feel your concern for me from just now to now. But don't worry too much about me, how can I, as a savior, be defeated by such a small setback? Seeing

that Penglai Temple Jiuxiao was cheerful again, Su Shixiu smiled and nodded, and did not say much.

It's good to be happy.

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao just wanted to take Su Shixiu's hand and take him around the school he had attended, but in an instant, Penglai Temple Jiuxiao's face became displeased.

"Go back, that cute little girl called you. Disciple, I will accompany you to train again in the evening, from the teaching of the Savior!

In this way, Su Shixiu was caught off guard and kicked out of the stigmata space, and he didn't have time to speak.

And looking at the figure of Su Shixiu leaving, Penglai Temple Jiuxiao sighed softly, stretched out his hand and flicked it on the clouds in the sky, and one by one the former figures appeared on the clouds.

"Celine, Dr. Isseline, Kiana, Nha Yi, Bronia, Ciel, Himeko, Teresa, Emisha... The last time I met you, it should have been 100,000 years, right? The

next moment, the clouds in the sky suddenly turned into three patterns.

This is not three coincidental patterns, these are all stigmata behind Su Shixiu!!

It's just that at this moment, those three patterns are no longer purple red.

The middle stigmata is purple-red, the upper stigmata is dark green, and the lower stigmata is dark purple!

"Dr. Isseline, Celine, and the stigmata transformed by my power... Axiu, I wonder how far you can exert our original strength? "

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