Later, Su Shixiu did not say goodbye to others, especially Teacher Mebius.

Don't ask why, Su Shixiu just didn't want to see Mebius's thousands of instructions to pay attention to safety, but he had to pretend to be arrogant because of his face, and deliberately treated himself very coldly.

It's not that it's uncomfortable to watch... It's just that it's not a parting of life and death, there is no need to exaggerate so much, the whole thing seems that Su Shixiu is ready to go to the end, and he is about to be heroic and righteous.

Not to mention that this mission is a bit long, basically I won't stay in the headquarters of the Fire Moth for a long time.

On the Australian side, Su Shixiu estimated that he would not be able to stay long, after all, he did not apply for too many tasks there, as long as a few difficult to handle.

The purpose of going there, checking his family's property is secondary, the most important thing is for the girl who was saved by his parents, Xi'er, who is his half sister.

Of course, it's Milk Xi.

The second most important is the European area, especially the Dusk Street area.

The wholesale factory knows everything, and it must be taken care of.

Other people from the special squad, Su Shixiu doesn't need to say hello, anyway, she has already applied with Alicia, and then she will tell Kevin and Trace, and by the way, Mebius and Klein together.

If Mark knows, Blanca and Grace will know; If Kevin knows, Mei will know, after all, he has a little special right, and he can directly apply for a task from his superiors over her.

On Weiwei's side, Su Shixiu had already said hello in advance, so there was no need to run; As for Bei Mihu and Hua, they went there specially to ask about the task a few times, and they already knew.

As for what will happen to the Fire Moth Headquarters in the Far East after he leaves, it is not Su Shixiu's business.

Because he's on the plane now.

"Wuhu~ The feeling of running people at the speed of light is so refreshing, as if they ran directly from the teacher's laboratory, it is so painful!"

Su Shixiu celebrated happily on the plane, and the Jiuxiao Shadow of Penglai Temple beside him couldn't help but glance at his disciple.

"Let your teacher know your mentality, and she can beat you to death after I look back." O disrespectful teacher, it seems that your moral literacy needs to be purified a little through sacred rituals.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously, Lord Jiuxiao."

Su Shixiu shrugged, and the smile on his face froze on the spot.

"Hmm... Well, I'm kidding. Hey? "

“...... So why would Lord Jiuxiao also hehe!! "

Fortunately, this is a private special plane, and there is no one else except two pilots and a fighter (bodyguard, attendant) resting in the rear cabin.

The sound insulation effect of this private room is good, otherwise it may mean that after Su Shixiu reached the Australian branch of the Fire Moth, the next day it would be possible to spread outrageous rumors such as "Su Shixiu is actually a neuropathy".

Of course, not only the branch, but also the headquarters.

Along the way, Penglai Temple Jiuxiao wanted to say something several times, but he looked like he wanted to say something, and Su Shixiu had already noticed it.

However, since her teacher was unwilling to say it, Su Shixiu would not choose to ask her to take the initiative to say it.

The atmosphere between the two has long been more than just a relationship between teachers and students.

Sometimes it's more like inseparable comrades, it can be like a good friend, or it can be like a feeling between a commander and his own soldiers.

Therefore, the atmosphere between the two on this road is still very harmonious.

Fortunately, the speed of this special plane is also very fast, applying for a mission to board in the morning, and it is almost noon, and the plane arrives at the international airport in the Australian region.

When he got off the plane, feeling the obviously cold climate, Su Shixiu was still casually wearing a relatively thin trench coat, but his face was not affected at all.

In the south and north, basically the most obvious climate change, that is, summer and winter are opposite, spring and autumn, although the same opposite, in fact the feeling is not particularly obvious.

Others do not need to follow Su Shixiu, they are only responsible for sending Su Shixiu to the Australian regional airport, and then someone from the branch will come to pick up Su Shixiu.

"Yawn~ As for running so fast?"

Rubbing his eyes, Su Shixiu muttered, touched the special double gun hanging from his waist, and was about to prepare to go to the terminal and prepare to leave the airport.

At this time, he found that on the side of the large passenger plane not far away, a group of passengers were getting off the plane.

Unfortunately, many people noticed him because he got off the plane alone.

Ordinary people don't know so much, and they thought that Su Shixiu was some rich young master who proudly chartered a whole plane!

Although Su Shixiu's identity as a rich young master is not wrong... But the key is the gaze of some exotic girls, passionate as if they want to swallow him, Su Shixiu, who is watching, instantly feels a chill behind him.

Fortunately, before Su Shixiu could think about how to escape later, a group of army soldiers with exotic faces came.

It was obviously the commander of this force who quickly came to Su Shixiu and gave him a local military salute.

Su Shixiu also just wanted to respond, suddenly remembered his identity, and then nodded silently.

"Hello, Honbu Special Squad Soldier, "Apocalypse" Mr. Su Shixiu. My name is Oliver, I am the deputy of the fourth squad of the Australian division of the Fire Moth, and I have been ordered to carry out the reception escort mission here! Sir, please instruct! "

In the army system of the Fire Moth, the ranks of special squads are generally very high-level, because they are special existences.

Su Shixiu sighed, originally still surprised at this situation, because he was not such a person who liked to be ostentatious.

"No instructions, just take me back to the branch." Then, what should your fourth squad do, there is no need to make such a big fuss.

Oliver nodded, and then began to give orders to the other team members in English.

Soon, Su Shixiu was surrounded by three circles inside and three circles outside, but he was the one who was protected.

Although the vice captain did not say it in public, in fact, everyone knew it in their hearts.

Su Shixiu, the descendant of the high-level Shenzhou Su Clan of the Fire Moth, is expected to become an existence of the high-level above their heads, and this is not a person who can be snubbed casually.

Although Su Shixiu didn't think about the idea of climbing up the top at the beginning at the beginning, his current identity is very sensitive.

In the end, Su Shixiu didn't say anything, let the group of people take themselves out of the airport, followed them into an armored car, and left the Australian airport.

To be honest, today may be Su Shixiu's most decorated cup, but he didn't feel anything.

The main thing is that it has grown, the age of the soul and the heart have become larger earlier, and they are not so attached to some things, nor do they care so much.

In about one or twenty minutes, the unit successfully brought Su Shixiu back to the Australian branch, which is one of the most famous buildings in the local area, the Victoria Building.

After getting off the armored car, Su Shixiu looked at the still magnificent building full of Greek style in front of him, and couldn't help sighing helplessly.

The key is how long you don't stay here, you have other things to do!

After getting the troops sent to him, Su Shixiu looked at the map of the building in the hall on the first floor according to the words left by the deputy captain before, and walked towards the minister's office on the top floor.

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