Next, Alicia pulled Su Shixiu and enjoyed this rare time together.

After all, the last time we played together like this was really a long time ago.

Alicia has seen with her own eyes how Su Shixiu has transformed from a trainee assistant who did not particularly understand society at the beginning to the strongest combat power of human beings today!

Alicia has witnessed Su Shixiu's growth, and she has also witnessed everything this man has done, including his own changes!

Alicia remembers that when she first met him, he was an ordinary college student, but in just over two years, the teenager became mature.

If you are responsible, it will become like this.

Their enemy is the enemy of all mankind.

Until the banishment of collapse, human beings will never be able to smile and say what they expect tomorrow without hesitation.

Therefore, they have to work hard to become stronger, and to become stronger.

Only by becoming stronger can they have the qualifications to protect themselves.

They are human beings, they should not be destroyed by the collapse, they also have the right to live!

They have the right to protect themselves with human power.

"Where are we going this time? Su

Shixiu's voice was always so soft, like a spring breeze, warm to people's hearts like a spring flower.

"So, where ♪ does Ah Xiu want to go?"

Alicia was stunned for a moment, and then came directly to the wave to ask.


Su Shixiu was stunned, but he seriously considered it for a long time, and then shook his head helplessly.

"It dawned on me that I really didn't know where to go."

Alicia was stunned, Su Shixiu didn't lie, he... There has always been no occasional blessed mind.

Even if it is a short rest, he rarely takes the initiative to rest for a while.

I'm afraid that for Su Shixiu, it's not that he doesn't know where to go, but he doesn't know where he can go at all, right?

Looking at the trace of panic in Su Shixiu's eyes and the apology that he couldn't answer, for some reason, Alicia's heart suddenly felt inexplicably sour.

Obviously, in the face of the disaster of all mankind, there is no need to carry so much by yourself, and the strength of one person is limited after all!

But Su Shixiu is like this, I don't know why, I always want to try to become stronger, and then carry all this alone.

Honkai, that is not his enemy alone, that is the enemy of all mankind.

Even if you are a lawyer, you can't...

"Sister Ellie, let's go see the sea, okay?"

Su Shixiu's voice interrupted her silence and pulled back her thoughts.

"Hmm! Let's go, I'll take you ♪!

Alicia nodded slightly, then took Su Shixiu's hand and walked towards the beach.

Su Shixiu's steps were slow, like a child, unwilling to walk fast, for fear that walking faster would stain the road.

And Alicia didn't plan to go in a hurry, she walked slowly with Su Shixiu, enjoying the scenery on the side of the road.

The two walked forward side by side, and after walking for about thirty or forty minutes, they finally saw the coast in the laughter of the two.

There is a huge boat there, the bow lights illuminate the sea, casting colorful ripples in the sea, which looks very beautiful.

Alicia couldn't help but stop and look up at the huge ship.

Su Shixiu also stopped and followed Alicia's eyes and looked forward.

I saw a ship, and it docked there quietly, and beside the huge ship, there were many steamers.

Embellished by ships, this endless sea becomes extremely beautiful.

In this sea, Su Shixiu also stepped on the beach under his feet and followed Alicia to the junction of Haiti.

As soon as Su Shixiu's figure stood firm, he felt a gust of wind blowing from the sea.

The waves churn, layers of seawater, lapping the beach, splashing layer after layer of splashes.

The sand on the beach was pounded everywhere.

While the sea washes the beach, it also makes the whole land wet.

The waves crashing on the beach make a 'pop' sound that sounds unusually crisp.

The sea washed the beach, so that the sand, from time to time washed by the waves, flew into the air, and then fell into the water, turning into a mist.

At this time, the water vapor formed bubbles one after another.

This strange sight makes people want to observe it, and then caress it with their hands to feel the warmth.

The waves crashing on the beach, smashing these small bubbles to pieces.

When Su Shixiu saw those bubbles, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart, more nostalgia for something.

Su Shixiu couldn't help but close his eyes, slowly opened his arms, and then showed a smile.

He is doing well now, because he is also surrounded by everyone.

He was always alone, but he was never alone.

He didn't long for anything else, just for the company of everyone in the days to come.

As long as everyone is there, that's enough.

"Ashu! Look here ♪! "

What... Groove! As

soon as Su Shixiu turned his head, his face was suddenly splashed with seawater!

Feeling the salty taste remaining on his mouth, Su Shixiu sighed helplessly, slowly squatted down, and picked up a handful of sand!

Then, he aimed at Alicia, who was standing above the sea with a smile, and smiled maliciously.

"Whooping !!"


Alicia quickly flashed and narrowly dodged the sand.

Both of them are wearing clothes, naturally they can't go into the water, but if you pull up your trouser legs, you can still experience the fun!

"Hey! Axiu, clothes get dirty easily... Ahhh ♪!

"It's called a false shot!"

Su Shixiu held the sea water on his hand, and he was about to splash it again!

"Aaaa ♪

"It's called outwitting! Su

Shixiu's figure appeared in place again, and then another handful of seawater splashed out.

The waves lapped on the top of the two people's heads, and a wave of terrifying waves kept washing the land, making the two constantly jump and dodge, and from time to time there were screams of the two.

But soon, the two would stop again, look at each other, and laugh.

After playing like this a few times, both of them were tired, so they found a lounge chair on the beach and lay down, looking up at the red glow rising from the azure sky.

Before they knew it, it was late, and the wet clothes on the two had long been dry.

Looking at the time on the mobile phone, Su Shixiu sighed with emotion.

I didn't expect to play for a day, although I was quite tired, but I was really happy.

Su Shixiu looked at Alicia and found that fine beads of sweat had appeared on her forehead.

"Ashu... Seeing

Su Shixiu staring at herself, Alicia's cheeks were slightly red, and she lowered her head a little uncomfortably.

Su Shixiu's hand stretched out, caressed Alicia's hair, and helped her comb it: "Let's go back."

"Well, it's ♪ time to go back~"

Alicia replied, and the two left.

It was a beautiful day, but also an unforgettable one.

Today is a time that belongs only to Su Shixiu and Alicia.

This is a happy and ordinary day, a small day, but a beautiful and promising day.

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