No matter what era it is, a lonely life alone is not an ordinary taste.

Before you know it, the sun sets in the west, gradually climbing below the horizon, and the stars are intertwined, lighting up the night sky.

Looking at the city at night, Su Shixiu was in a much more relaxed mood, so he was not in a hurry to go downstairs, ready to continue to watch the rare scenery here.

Taking this opportunity, he quietly waited for Eden's concert.

It wasn't until about to start that Su Shixiu decided to go downstairs to watch the concert and finish what he was going to do next.

Sighing, Su Shixiu yawned, stretched silently, and looked at the starry sky at night with a comfortable face.

I have to say that the roof of the high-rise building at night is the closest place to the starry sky.

Unconsciously, Su Shixiu's thoughts flew back to when he was in high school before.

He also often sits alone on the roof, looking at the sky, quietly in a daze, thinking about the past and future expectations.

Stretching out his hand and gently holding the starry sky, Su Shixiu gently put his clenched fist in front of him, and while closing his eyes, he couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Mom said, just hold the star in the palm of your hand and put it in front of your eyes. In this way, I have a star of my own. "

Open your eyes, gently spread out the clenched palm, everything is as expected, there is really nothing on the palm, let alone the stars in the sky.

It's just that Su Shixiu didn't look at his palms expressionlessly like when he was a child, as if he knew everything earlier.

There was a shallow smile on his face, just like the innocence he should have at the beginning, just as he should have expected when he was young.

"So, Mom, since I'm already an adult, can I believe it once in a while, and you've tried to coax my fairy tales?"

At this moment, in the palm of Su Shixiu's hand, the ice blue cold light condensed, and a crystal bright ice blue star lay quietly on his hand.

"I wish I could occasionally touch the star that symbolizes you and Dad..." I

don't know when we have looked up at the stars like this.

And now, the teenagers who used to look up to the stars, how many people will now be willing to look at the stars in the sky?

At this moment, Su Shixiu suddenly noticed that the door on the roof of the building was suddenly pushed open!

The frost crystal stars on his hand turned into light particles and dissipated in the palm of his hand in the blink of an eye, and then Su Shixiu slowly lowered his right hand, but the faint smile on his face did not dissipate.

Now for him, the departure of his parents has long ceased to be painful and repeating, but has long been transformed into the strength to strengthen Su Shixiu's heart and help him move forward.

After waiting for a short while, the person behind him seemed to be stunned for a moment, as if surprised by Su Shixiu's presence, and then gently walked behind Su Shixiu.

"I didn't expect that in this place, there would be people with the same interest. Sir, interested in having a drink? Behind

him, a slightly mature and soft voice suddenly came.

Turning his head, Su Shixiu saw a strange but familiar face, standing beside him with a wine glass made of gold, smiling.

Looking at the richly dressed women, Su Shixiu's heart was slightly surprised, but he quickly returned to normal.

"No need. I was surprised though. Miss, for strange people, you have always been so naturally familiar?

"Oh, not really."

The dignified and elegant woman shook her head, took a sip of the wine in the glass, and looked at the beautiful scenery that Su Shixiu could see, and her smile became stronger.

"Under this starry night, I wait to look at the gorgeous lights of the city and listen to the quiet and pleasant wind in my ears, why not enjoy?"

Although he did not directly answer the reason for his question, Su Shixiu did not care about this.

I saw him nodded in agreement, "Indeed." This kind of place can always calm people's irritable hearts,"

"Yes. Every time I am nervous before taking the stage, I always find such a quiet place to empty myself so that I can bring better artwork to everyone with a more perfect attitude. The

two who did not know each other, but at this moment, they all found a common topic.

People who easily talk about common topics are very sensitive to the soul of fit.

This may be the reason why she is familiar with Su Shixiu.

"Very good. I don't know much about art, I just know that every creator treats his own artwork, not just a work, right? Such

a topic aroused her interest.

"Oh? So what do you think, sir?

"Sir is not that old, I'm not that old." Su Shixiu shook his head awkwardly, and after thinking for a while, he quickly replied:

"I think that artists treat their artworks like their own children, right?"


Few people would use such a title to describe a work of art in front of her, so even she was a little curious about what Su Shixiu thought.

"yes. Artists have devoted too much effort and energy to their works, and naturally cherish their children.

After a pause, looking at the extremely interested gaze of this beautiful woman, Su Shixiu continued: "Child, but a treasure." So a noble and good work of art is sometimes far from being measured by money.

Looking at the temperamental beauty who was caught in thought, Su Shixiu quickly smiled apologetically, and added: "I'm a little stupid when I'm young, it's just some personal thoughts..."

It seems that you are not someone who is very interested in art?

She didn't care, on the contrary, she looked at Su Shixiu's clear and sincere light blue eyes, but she still had a very good impression of him.

After all, what Su Shixiu said was also reasonable, and her sincere speech also penetrated into her heart, so naturally there was nothing wrong with it.

"How can I have that talent? I also thought about it, but I didn't have that musical cell, at most I could only sing for fun.

Su Shixiu sighed helplessly, at most, he listened to the songs, he would listen to whatever he liked, and he would not listen to them if he didn't like it, and he didn't care how much effort the composer and singer put in.

Good works should indeed be respected, but whether you like it or not is another matter.

"It's quite modest. My biggest gain and luck today may be to get to know you, right? Looking

at Su Shixiu's young appearance, women did not think that Su Shixiu could be much, and naturally stopped calling him "sir".

"Don't dare. I'm just a listener, not an artist. If you want to say lucky, it should be me, right?

"I can't tell, you're quite humorous."

Looking at her and smiling softly, Su Shixiu didn't say much.

In fact, the reason why she chatted with herself for the first time may not only be because she felt the right soul from her body, right?

After all, he is a person, but it is easy for others to have a good impression of himself, after all, this is his own charm.

From the very beginning, Su Shixiu easily let the people who knew him feel intimate with him!

"That's true, too. By the way, my name is Su Shixiu, I wonder if you are willing to know me as a passerby?

Su Shixiu smiled and stretched out his left hand to the woman in front of him.

"Don't bother yourself like that. There will not be such a gentle soul on the body of passerby A. The

elegant woman in front of her smiled gently, held the golden wine glass in her right hand, stretched out her own left hand, and shook Su Shixiu gently.

"Eden. At this moment, I am no longer a singer, I am just an ordinary person, making a friend with similar interests. I wonder if I can grant this request? Letting

go of his hand, the smile on Su Shixiu's face became much more hearty, and he nodded more easily.

Among friends, then there is no need to say "honor".


Under the starry night, the two looked at each other and smiled, witnessing the beginning of a friendship.

This is the first meeting of a young man and a star.

Their eyes on each other also witnessed the beginning of the acquaintance between "apocalypse" and "gold".

The story between them, from this moment, began to be composed.

Since then, fates have been intertwined and no longer easily divided!

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