Subsequently, Su Shixiu, at the invitation of Aponia, followed the person in charge of the orphanage who was simply dedicated to watching the situation of the orphanage.

Along the way, they saw too many children and learned too much about the past.

It was everything that was summed up in three words, but Su Shixiu could understand what kind of sadness was hidden behind Aponia's understated three words.

Some orphans are living alone in an orphanage, some are abandoned by their parents, some are fathers working outside, some are other orphans are adopted, and even some parents have already divorced, or the father dies or the wife divorces.

In short, these children had a very difficult time, but fortunately, they came here, one of the few pure lands in Dusk Street.

In Aponia's eyes, all the orphans were like her own children.

And these orphans living in orphanages, although their living conditions are not very good, but they can eat a lot of delicious food every day.

Of course, the living conditions are something, Su Shixiu may be comparing his own living conditions, but this does not prevent him from being able to see Abonia's intentions for all the orphans in this orphanage.

Along the way, Su Shixiu and Abonia chatted very happily, which also made Su Shixiu realize that it belongs to the humanity in this orphanage, as well as the rare kindness.

Yes, in this orphanage, Aponia is very popular.

Along the way, I don't know how many orphans took the initiative to run here to greet them, and a "sister Nia" shouted kindly, to be honest, Su Shixiu was also a little envious.

Of course, it does not prevent some orphans who are not too big to be involved, and in the process of coming up to say hello, they take the opportunity to ridicule them about some things.

For example, when a boy came to enjoy Aponia's embrace, he suddenly turned the topic to Su Shixiu:

"Sister Nia, who is this handsome big brother?"

"Me? Just call me Brother Xiu." At

that time, Su Shixiu did not realize the seriousness of the matter at all, so he answered so softly and warmly, and showed a smile.

For cute children who are not bear children, it is difficult for Su Shixiu to have any bad senses.

"Yes, Crow, Brother Xiu is my sister's friend!"

Abonia also noticed his interest in Su Shixiu, and when she saw that Su Shixiu himself was also interested in children, she echoed a few words.

"This way! Brother Xiu, are you and Sister Nia boyfriend and girlfriend? Crow

, a child who is not afraid of death, asked this topic almost immediately.

"Yes... Ha?! Su

Shixiu, who realized that something was wrong, was directly stunned on the spot.

Not only him, but Aponia was also stunned for a moment, and then glanced at Su Shixiu embarrassedly, lifted Crow, and slapped him directly on his ass!

"Crow! No kidding!

"I was wrong, Sister Niah!" Crowe immediately admitted.

Of course, anger is anger, and Aponia can't really do anything to Gram.

Crow, who escaped the clutches of Aponia, immediately sneaked to Su Shixiu's side at the speed of light, and then left a sentence that made Aponia even more at a loss:

"Brother Xiu, is my assist perfect?" When you and Sister Nia get married, you must remember to invite me to dinner too!"


Without waiting for Su Shixiu to come back from his confusion, Crow had already loosened his sleeve, and an arrow quickly rushed away, leaving only Su Shixiu and Aponia, who were staring wide-eyed in place.

Su Shixiu seems to be... On Aponia's face, a hint of blush and embarrassment was seen???

"Ahem, that, Mr. Su Shixiu, I..."

"It's okay, understand, kid."

Su Shixiu smiled very softly, and I have to say that these children are actually quite interesting.

Staying all the way away, Su Shixiu could see the thumbs up that Crowe gave to himself, as well as his conversation with the other orphans.

It's just that he didn't know at that time that Crow's actions and ridicule were just the beginning.

In the following time, many orphans took the initiative to come up, and then directly ridiculed the relationship between Su Shixiu and Aponia.

In fact, this is not to blame them, it is really, very rare to be able to accompany Aponia for so long and rarely smile at a young man of the opposite sex who really smiles.

After all, the attitude of other people towards Aponia has not been so friendly.

Because she can vaguely see some of the trajectories of fate, she always wants to try to change those crueler fates, and even some people do not have happy endings.

Her intentions are good, but unfortunately, Aponia always does bad things with good intentions, but she still enjoys it, always thinking about hoping to change something.

At least, in the few pieces of intelligence that the people here had investigated for themselves, Su Shixiu had roughly learned some of Aponia's past.

He naturally saw that Aponia took the initiative to do those things, originally wanting to do something, but in fact it just made the result worse.

For example, there is a person who has a terminal illness and is about to reach the point of advanced age, and he himself does not know about this matter and is still alive and well.

But suddenly one day, Aponia told the man about this, which directly made the person panic.

The reasons are good and the evidence is conclusive, and it is difficult for him not to believe it.

As a result, he, who should have lived longer, was directly accelerated by this kind message.

Originally optimistic, he will naturally be able to fight with the terminal illness for a while, even he himself may not know.

But once the mentality collapses, once he loses hope for future life and the motivation to move forward, it becomes easy for him to die from a terminal illness.

I wanted to change the doomed ending, but who would have thought that not only did not change, but also directly accelerated the steps of people's death.

And similar things have happened many times.

Finally, after Aponia sent away a few orphans, the original smile on his face became a little annoyed.

"This group of little guys, they like to talk nonsense when they have nothing to do, one or two are okay, how did they all become like this?"

Abonia is quite depressed, she herself has a good impression of Su Shixiu, but it is not to that point, right?

She knows Su Shixiu's identity and status, not to mention whether she is worthy or not, just Su Shixiu, once she understands a little, she can feel a gentle and warm person, and definitely more than one girl has a good impression of him.

Maybe with his identity, maybe he will start a family?

Of course, these are only Conjectures in Aponia's own mind.

In fact, she couldn't see through Su Shixiu, no matter what, even if it was the already vague thread of fate, she couldn't see Su Shixiu's fate.

"Who knows? Maybe those little guys want you to marry too.

Su Shixiu added indifferently, although they all knew that the child's intention to do this was not bad, but this did not prevent him from being secretly proud.

After all, he didn't suffer a loss anyway, didn't he?

"Hmm? I don't worry, these little guys... Forget it, it seems that next time I need to "invite" them all to the psychological room.

Looking at the smiling expression on Aponia's face, Su Shixiu nodded indifferently, anyway, these children definitely can't do anything.

Take care of some of the more naughty children, everyone has their own way, this Su Shixiu naturally does not want to be nosy, who makes these children really happy and happy?

"So, how about you stay together and have some lunch first?"

For Aponia's invitation, Su Shixiu noticed that it was already noon, and it was indeed time to eat.

"Good." Su Shixiu nodded slightly, and then suddenly remembered something, and quickly changed his words: "Miss Nia, I don't know where the kitchen of your courtyard is?" "

Huh? Sir is thinking..." "

I want to cook myself." Su Shixiu smiled slightly.

He suddenly remembered that Aponia's cooking skills did not seem to be very good.

At least, Aponia's cooking skills can make all the children in the orphanage change their faces when they talk about it, and even personally prevent her from entering the kitchen!

For the sake of his own life safety, Su Shixiu decided that it was better to let himself cook in person.

It just so happens that I haven't cooked for a while, so I hope my craft is not rusty.

Su Shixiu thought in his heart.

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