Honkai Impact: Knight Simulation, Meet Alicia

Chapter 265: Desperate To See Through

Mochizuki, who had just finished explaining, breathed a sigh of relief!!!

After all, in the last second, although the moon could not be seen directly,

But I can already imagine that the way Mei Yi looks at her is probably filled with some strange emotions!!!

Feeling this, Wangyue actually felt quite aggrieved!!!

I couldn’t even help but shout in my heart!!!

"I'm not a pervert!!!"

After all, the scene tonight would be unimaginable for anyone else!!!

After all, no one would have expected that three young girls would actually live in their own home!!!

If you really have this kind of expectation, I'm afraid it's really abnormal!!!

Mochizuki is really worried because her image in Mei's heart has suddenly collapsed!!!

Fortunately, after my own explanation, although Mei Yi’s tone still contained a bit of reluctance, she no longer doubted herself!!!

After all, it’s impossible for me to really remove the bathroom door handle just to peek!!!

But before Mochizuki's exhaled breath was completely straightened out, Mochizuki clearly heard Mei Yi's next sentence!!!

Listening to Mei Yi's tone, Mochizuki could even imagine Mei Yi's expression at this second!!!

Mochizuki's whole body was also shaken up, and she really didn't dare to wait any longer in this place!!

It seemed like he was waving his hands casually, but in Mei Yi's eyes, he was completely running away!!!

Looking at Mochizuki's figure that was quickly escaping, Mei Yi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"What a fool!`]!"

But the next second, Mei Yi's eyes also swept across the entire bathroom space.

My heart felt a little hot,

You know, I am in Wangyue’s home now!!!

For some reason, the word "Wang Yue" always has an inexplicable magic power in my heart, and I always feel itchy when I mention it!!!


At this second, Mei Yi's thoughts began to wander wildly, and seemed to have slipped to an indescribable place!!!

Her little face turned red all of a sudden, and she quickly turned on the faucet.

Under the influence of cold water, Guanyi's random thoughts stopped!!!

Mochizuki's original composure was completely broken when he faced Mei Yi just now!!

The last action is even a little indescribable, it is really too embarrassing!!!

Mochizuki also didn’t want to mention it!!

After all, at that second, not only my psychology, but also my own physiology seemed to undergo some strange changes.

After escaping from Mei Yi's sight, Wang Yue felt much calmer.

Sitting down on the sofa, Bronya, who was originally deep in thought, immediately raised her head.

There was also a hint of inexplicable emotion in the eyes that looked at him,

Feeling this, Wangyue also had some slight doubts in her heart.

I couldn't help but ask myself in my heart, what on earth was I thinking about today!!! Why do the ten people look in their eyes so strangely!!!"

Mochizuki didn't want to continue thinking deeply, but thought it was the sequelae of a cold that he hadn't completely recovered from!!!!

"What's wrong? Why do you look a little panicked!!"

Bronya spoke slowly, listening to this question,

Wangyue was also slightly startled, and even more confused in her heart.

"Could it be that Broni saw the conversation she had with Mei Yi just now!?"

This idea is certainly possible! After all, the living room and bathroom are not far apart.

If you listen carefully, you still have a chance to hear it!!!

But fortunately, what made Wang Yue breathe a sigh of relief was that,

There was no emotion in the tone of Bronya in front of her, and her calm question seemed to be a simple concern!!

However, Mochizuki didn't notice at all, and Bronya's facial expression seemed slightly strange.

How could Wang Yue, who was still emotionally undecided, pay attention to this!

Naturally, I just talked casually, and I managed to cope with it.

'Oh! I thought something happened between you and Mei!'


Listening to Bronya's seemingly unintentional words to herself, Mochizuki's body was even more stunned!!!

The scene that had been basically forgotten once again appeared in Wang Yue's (Wang Dehao's) mind!!!

Especially the last scene of Mei biting her lip and looking at herself,

The strange emotion in Mei Yi's eyes also entered Mochizuki's mind at this moment!!!


Heat surges!!

And in the next second!! Jian!

From the bathroom, a familiar yet unfamiliar sound instantly came out,

The sound of rushing water came out instantly, accompanied by Mei Yi's brisk humming voice!!!

Mochizuki only felt that there seemed to be something strange that could not be suppressed!!!

And just the next second!!!

A stream of nosebleed slowly flowed out of Mochizuki's nose!!!

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