Why am I the one who is persecuted?

Obviously, the second creation last time was me, how is it still this time?

Just stared at me alone and persecuted, right?

The screen starts playing.

Kafka enters the elevator with Himeko.

At first, the two were still quite arrogant, neither looked at the other, nor did anyone look at anyone.

It's not nice to say, just drag it like a two-fifty-eighty thousand.

Until the ding-dong sound -

The elevator doors closed.

In the confined space, the mother and stepmother were forcibly locked together.

After that, Houma Himeko looked and looked in the elevator, looked and looked, and finally began to panic in her heart.

"It's not... Don't you have buttons in your elevators? "

Mother Kafka said with a slight disdain, "They installed the voice recognition system of the Black Tower space station here. "

Himeko: "Voice recognition? "

Kafka: "Put it in the elevator." "

Himeko: "In the elevator of Luofu?" "

Looking around, Ji Zi is very confused, are you star core hunters so fierce?

Voice recognition installed in the elevator of Luofu?

Really not worried about accents?

Himeko: "You... Have you tried speech recognition? "

Kafka was quite calm: "No. "

Himeko: "Then let's try it now?" "

Kafka: "Eleventh floor. "

(Elevator: Can you repeat it?) )

Ji Zi sighed, Wei An trembled, really let himself guess, this is really a difficult problem.

If that's the case, let yourself come.

"Eleventh floor."

When the words fell, Kafka followed unwillingly, "Eleventh floor...."


It was a long silence.

The scene was a little embarrassing, and Kafka hurriedly added, "The eleventh floor... Amnesia building. "


Still silent.

Himeko frowned, things are difficult, you still have to rely on yourself, "Eleventh floor!" "

(Elevator: Can you repeat it?) )

Hearing this, Kafka got angry and shouted, "Eleventh floor, eleventh floor, eleventh floor..."

"What is this recognition?" Himeko was a little angry, but she didn't want to be looked down upon by Kafka, and suddenly had a countermeasure, "You have to try the accent of the space station." "

"Spinning in circles?"

"Spinning in circles?"

Everyone: "..."


I read little, please don't deceive me!

Is Luofu's accent really like this?

Isn't this the accent of the Black Tower?

Black Tower: "...."

Damn it!

The social death video of the two of you, why are you shouting words that make me feel ashamed?


Your behavior makes me feel disgusting, extremely disgusting!

Kafka: "You are the language of Luofu?" That sounds more like the accent of the Black Tower, right? "

Himeko was a little embarrassed: "Uh... It didn't. "

"Spinning in circles?"

Kafka: "Try the language of the space station!" "


"Let's get exciting!"

"Let's get exciting!"

When the words fell, Himeko looked over sharply, "You.... Do you learn the accent of the space station with Silver Wolf? "

Kafka was upset, "Are you good?" "

(Elevator: Please speak slowly and clearly.) )

Kafka was angry: "Big fool! "

Ji Zi pretended to be calm: "Eleventh floor." "

(Elevator: Sorry, please repeat!) )

"Eleventh floor, if you still don't understand, go back to your space station!"

Unable to bear it, no need to endure it any longer, Himeko viciously pointed to the camera in the elevator and threatened.

And this, let Kafka on the side sneer, let out a disdainful mockery.

"In a hurry? Started personal attacks? "

"Hmph." Himeko smiled slightly, "Don't be like this, do you think I'll be more real with an elevator?" "

(Elevator: Please speak slowly and clearly!) )

"11th floor~"

"11th floor~"

"11th floor~"

"11th floor~"

Listening to Kafka's words over and over again, Himeko began her counterattack, "Are you putting it on hold? "

Kafka clenched her fists and hung in front of her chest, "Today this thing doesn't recognize the accent of the space station, I won't stop, eleventh floor ~ eleventh floor ~ eleventh floor ~ "

"Okay, let's take the stairs!"

Himeko shook her head helplessly, staggered her gaze, and didn't want to look at the silly roe deer Kafka again, "Open the door!" "

(Elevator: This is an intelligent voice-activated elevator developed by the Black Tower, please say, the floor you want to go to, and stay sane and articulate!) )

Everyone: "....."

What does it mean for the wicked to sue first?

This... Let the wicked sue first!

Obviously, the intelligent system of the elevator gave the two people a whole defense.

But now, it actually wants Himeko and Kafka to remain calm and articulate!

[March 7]: "It's really smart, I'm angry with Himeko!" "

[Star]: "Kafka is also angry!" "

[Pam]: "I'm sorry, please repeat, and keep your sanity and clarity of speech!" "

[Kafka]: "....."

[Himeko]: "..."

[Kiana]: "Hahahahaha, ridiculous Miss Ben, these two are really interesting, two big living people, actually trapped by an elevator!" "

[Bronia]: "Bronia thinks that their language is the same, there is no difference, so they don't understand what is called accent, just a simple change of two sentences!" "

[Teresa]: "It's rude, but I still want to laugh!" "

The video continues.

This intelligent to mentally retarded elevator finally broke the defense for both of them!

Himeko has no regard for her own image.

Raising his hand high, he waved it viciously, "Sense? That's it? This elevator actually says to make us sane? "

Himeko is mad!

Kafka wasn't much better.

Directly in the elevator expression performance art, hand dance, "This elevator sold to Luofu is to anger everyone who makes elevators, right?" "

(Elevator: You did not select a floor.) )

Kafka turned her face to the camera, "I said, eleventh floor!" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

(Elevator: If you don't want to select a floor and instead choose to leave the elevator, open the door!) )

Himeko: "Please.... Go to hell! "

Kafka: "Maybe we should be polite. "

Himeko: "I won't be polite to this elevator!" "

Kafka: "...."

After that, Kafka made a pitiful look and leaned in front of the camera again, "Please, please open the door!! "

Himeko pulled off Kafka's sleeve and said demonly, "Please~"

"How pathetic!"

(Elevator: Please stay sane!) )

Ahh --

I'm going crazy!

Kafka is not pretending, the showdown is over, she is not a poor guy!

I saw that she jumped up and landed accurately on Jizi's back, "I'm angry, I won't say it, wait for this elevator to open!" "

Himeko: "...."

(Elevator: Please be sane and speak slowly and clearly... )

Kafka: ".(!) (! (!! )+))))"

"If you don't open the elevator door again, I'll go to the space station and find the person who voiced you..."

"Then give you to the Blazers and let her have enough!"

At this time, Himeko said enough words to sublimate the video, "Freedom! We want to be free! "

Kafka: "Freedom! Freely! We want to be free! "

Himeko: "Absolute freedom!" "

Kafka: "Absolute freedom! "

At this moment, Himeko and Kafka, who were trapped in the elevator, let out an almost hysterical roar.

No... This should not be considered a roar.

But... Ghost crying wolf howl?

But at this moment, the elevator door suddenly opened, and standing outside were Xing and March Seven, who were talking and laughing.

Looking at the scene of people stacking people, the two were immediately blinded!

Kafka hurriedly jumped down from Himeko, her eyes a little wandering.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

For a long time, Himeko's mind flashed, and she pointed to the top of her head, "To... Going upstairs? "

This concludes the video.

But the melon-eating masses couldn't close their mouths with a smile, and they couldn't wait to continue watching.

Artificial intelligence, really smart enough!

Moreover, this voice-activated device can really bring infinite joy to people!

Just like Kafka and Himeko!

Before entering the elevator, he still dragged his face to the sky.

But in the elevator (Nono's), after being tortured by voice control, the direct character collapsed, shouting freedom, freedom, freedom, absolute freedom!

This contrast, really not too exciting!

[Ding, the second creation video player is over, calculating the reward for the host....]

[Detected that the host video playback is quite successful.] 】

[Reward host Mu Yu video the same voice-activated elevator.] 】

[Reward host lumbar pillow x1.] 】

[Reward the host's exclusive slogan horn.] (Freedom, freedom, want freedom, absolute freedom!! )】

"This.... Isn't the reward a little weird? "

The corners of Mu Yu's mouth twitched slightly, not to mention the same voice-activated elevator and exclusive slogan horn.

Let's just talk about the second reward.

This lumbar pillow, is it serious?

It's not serious!

Serious people who sleep with lumbar pillows?

Wait a minute... Is it mocking its own bad waist?

Mu Yu's face suddenly became strange, and then, he thought of a better explanation.

This lumbar pillow is not for your own use.

But... For Himeko.

As we all know, when doing some games, the lumbar pillow can greatly enhance the game experience.

So, that's the end of today's Q&A!

There is no sake and a lumbar pillow ready, and I ask Himeko to come to the bowl quickly!

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