【Live Diary: Day 1】

[The live broadcast has officially started, please prepare your audience! ] 】

[Continue to play Chapter 11: Void Firmament, Lonely Moon.] 】


The live broadcast begins, and the book picks up after Kiana knocks Fu Hua down.

The Puffer Fish Lawyer shows Kiana her birth, it was Otto who made her, and she should be a vessel for the Void Lawyer in her own right.

Kiana didn't want to believe it.

But the truth is in front of her, and whether she believes it or not, it is unchangeable.

It was Otto's stupid human who created this ~Che tragedy.

It was He who summoned God's punishment.

Kiana is just a vessel, a prison that humans use to bind the Law of Emptiness.

Kiana's name and past are all fabricated lies.

None of this ever belonged to Kiana herself.

Kiana is nothing more than a pawn at the mercy of others.

After some demagoguery, the Void Law invites Kiana to fight against the humans who dictate their fate!

The demagogic words of the Void Lawyer were intertwined with the cruel truth, and Kiana fell into confusion, she began to believe the words of the Void Lawyer, and her consciousness began to blur.

The mockery of the Second Law swirled in the air, as if a noisy flock of crows coiled around the dying man.

Suddenly, her maniacal laughter was interrupted by a calm voice -

It's the woman in red, Fu Hua.

To be exact, it was the feather dust that Fu Hua left in the depths of Kiana's consciousness.

Fu Hua: "Fortunately, it's not too late for me to come, it's time for you to calm down!" "

The Law of the Void: "Cut, the guy who gets in the way...."

"But it doesn't matter, how many more times can you help her?"

"I could feel her emotions... Anger, sadness, depression! "

"Her existence is getting weaker day by day, and I just need to be patient."

"One day, you will see me completely dominate this body!"

[March 7]: "Facts aside, the puffer fish lawyer's eloquence is still quite good, and in this regard, she is indeed a better Kiana." "

[Mu Yu]: "Uh.... You have all put aside the facts, what else to talk about? "

[Star]: "Come on, the arduous task is entrusted to me, watch me slap the Great Desolate Prisoner Heavenly Palm, and let March Seven wake up." "

[March 7]: "....."

[Kafka]: "....."

[Silver Wolf]: "....."

No, where did this guy learn these weird words?

Great Desolate Prisoner Heavenly Palm?

Sounds amazing!

I just don't know if I can resist Kafka's slap of love!

[Blue Sparrow]: "Ahem... Today, I'm going to start answering questions. "

The reward is gone, and she's no longer the most beautiful boy at the table.

That kind of temperament that makes Tianhu gone.

Her life was also at that moment, there was no light, only a bleak!

So, today's sparrow needs to answer the question, to regain its strength, to become the most beautiful boy at the table again!

[Bronia]: "What she said is very level, but Bronia doesn't like Kiana like this, so please cheer for the stupid Kiana!" "

[Kiana]: "Don't worry, Miss Ben will definitely be able to." Secretly tell you that yesterday evening, I beat the puffer fish lawyer in my dream! "

[Himeko]: "Tell her secretly? "

[Black Tower]: "Perhaps, Kiana misunderstood the word secretly. "

[Teresa]: "This possibility is not ruled out. "

The darkness and dizziness temporarily receded, and the same gloomy night was in front of me.

From the moment he woke up on the coast three months ago and set out on the road to escape, such nightmares were no longer strange.

"I had a dream?"

Kiana murmured blankly, and in the next second, a voice sounded firmly, "That's not a dream!" "

"Kiana, you almost lost control just now."

"You've been resisting me for the past three months..."

"Be silent, wander around, refuse to talk to me, treat me as an illusion that does not exist."

"But, Kiana, the more you pretend that nothing happened, the more dangerous your situation becomes."

"You must no longer touch the Avalanche Energy, nor can you use the power of the Valkyrie in battle.... No, not even fighting! "

"Because any negligence will lead to the personality of the lawyer once again gaining the upper hand."

"Moreover, my strength is constantly weakening, and there is no way to take care of your mental state at all times."

"This time things are still under control, and next time it will not be so lucky."

"You and I both understand that once the Void Law awakens, it is equivalent to sentencing all innocent people in this city to death."

Listening to Fu Hua's words, Kiana hugged her head tightly with her hands in pain.

Thick reluctance and anger filled her heart.

She said excessively to the back hand left by the squad leader, "Take care? It's surveillance, right? "

"Isn't that what you've been doing?"

"All this time, you lurked beside me, observed me, and finally entrusted me to Otto."

"Have you forgotten how you betrayed me?!"

"Why do people who do this kind of thing start caring about innocent people?"

For the girl's question, Fu Hua didn't know how to answer.

And this also made the girl completely angry, and issued a hysterical question, "Answer me!" "

Fu Hua still didn't answer.

The girl shook her head and laughed bleakly, "Your task should have been completed, right?" Now, disappear from my eyes! "

Fu Hua: "Sorry, I can't leave anymore. "

"The Eighth Divine Key Hado Dust... Its zeroth power rating binds you and my consciousness together forever. "

Kiana: "What? "

Fu Hua: "Go back, Kiana-san, go back to the school principal, now only they can protect you!" "

Kiana: "No... No way! "

Fu Hua: "I know you're having a hard time right now... But... Only this....."

Kiana: "Get out of here!" Get out of my head! "

The girl crouched on the ground in pain and buried her head deep between her knees, she could not accept all this.

Or rather, she couldn't forgive herself. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The death of Aunt Himeko, the rebellion of St. Freya, and the death of countless innocent human beings are all things that she will never forget in her heart.

She is the culprit of all this, the ruthless executioner, and she is the one who makes all disasters happen.

She couldn't forgive herself, and she didn't have the face to meet those at St. Freya's Academy.

Just when Kiana fell into great pain, Fu Hua also fell into difficult thinking, if things really got out of hand, then she could only prepare for the worst:

At this point, the picture came to an abrupt end.

New problems arise.

[Question 1: Excuse me, what is the worst plan in Yuduchen's (Fu Hua)'s heart? 】

[A asks the World Serpent for help and lets the snake kill Kiana. 】

[B: Forcibly control Kiana's body, and then go to find Teresa and her group. 】

[C: The consciousness of the Void Law is wiped out, emptying all the memories in Kiana's mind and allowing her to continue to wander. 】

[D: Die together with Kiana and the Law of Emptiness, and completely strangle the disaster in the cradle. 】

[March 7]: "I feel sorry for Kiana for three seconds, then, I feel sorry for Fu Hua for three seconds, and finally, please let me beat up the puffer fish?" "

[Star]: "I feel sorry for Kiana for three seconds, but I still want to ask Kiana if she really hasn't grown?" "

[Himeko Hoshiki]: "After great suffering befalls a person, that person usually has two choices, either sink or realize it for a while. "

[Pam]: "But Kiana is not an ordinary Pa. "

[Himeko Hoshiki]: "....."

Well, it's me who is abrupt!

How can Kiana's identity be an ordinary person?

What ordinary person has three people's consciousness in their minds!

Simply not too outrageous!

But the question is, the consciousness of the three people can't change the fact that she is stupid?

[Kiana]: "Ahem... Miss Ben doesn't need everyone to feel distressed, the tragedy played in the video will not happen, Miss Ben is super strong....."

[Bronia]: "Bronia thinks that the stupid Kiana is still the stupid and arrogant stupid Kiana, and there is no growth, so that tragedy will still happen!" "

[Bud Yi]: "...."

[Teresa]: "....."

[Himeko]: "Uh... Although, however, I feel that the Kiana tragedy will not happen. In the future I will live, she will not wander. "

Yesterday, Mu Yu helped her get an injection.

The physical condition has never been better.

She already knows the future script, and Nakiana's fate can definitely be changed.

Not to mention, Mu Yu had already decided to separate the consciousness of the Void Law from Kiana's mind today.

In this way, the puffer fish lawyer has no chance to be a demon.

Kiana will definitely not repeat the tragedy in the video again.

Wyvern rides face, she doesn't know how to lose!

And in the process of a group of people talking and discussing,

A time management guru who is keen to touch fish has already typed out what she thinks is the answer on the screen.

[Blue Sparrow]: "I choose C, and the consciousness of the Void Law is wiped out, emptying all the memories in Kiana's mind and letting her continue to wander." "

[Ding, the green sparrow answered incorrectly, random punishment is in progress...]

[Second creation video: It's a fish and blue sparrow who took the savior script! ] 】

[The penalty is mandatory for live broadcasting.] 】


Wait, me, did I answer wrong?

Qingque took a deep breath, clenched the Diheng Qiong jade card in his hand, and secretly decided that next time I must win.

Whether it's a big bet with five record points or a desperate bet, you must go all out, be fearless, and move forward bravely.

I, the green sparrow, am the ultimate gambling monster who will never give up and will not back down!

[Fu Xuan]: "Uh... Am I right? Can Green Sparrow get the script of the Savior? "

[Yanqing]: "That's really bad, let this world be completely destroyed, I don't believe that Qingque can win!" "

[Green Sparrow]: "Hmph... You guys, what if I win the bet? "

Everyone: "...."

Hiss... Terrible!

March 7, would you like to see what you're talking about?

What is your identity?

You are the Savior!

You are carrying the hope of a world and thousands of people, but you still want to gamble?

This bet is probably too big, right?

Otherwise, let's play slowly, play operation can't work, don't stud as soon as you come up, our little heart can't stand this force! .

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