After getting the God-killing Spear, Aunt Jizi had the hope to continue living, but for her own sake, she gave up the life she had always dreamed of, and used herself as firewood to burn herself, just to wake up her stupid student.

When Kiana thought of this, she couldn't hold back her tears again, and burst out

"Hey, don’t cry, you’re a grown-up girl now."

Murata Himeko was a little flustered to help Kiana wipe her tears. The students she taught were all Valkyrie reserves. Most of them were very sensible children who had experienced hardships and were much more sensible than ordinary children. Students like the one crying now were something she couldn't deal with.

Looking at Mei and Bronya who were also in tears on the other side, as well as Wendy who turned her face away with red eyes in the distance, and even Yulandel who looked at her with a wrong look.

She felt that her head had begun to have phantom pain.

Fu Hua sighed. She had recovered most of her memories. In her long life, she had experienced many separations and deaths. She had long been accustomed to it. It was just that after getting along with everyone for a long time, she seemed to have become much younger.

Einstein also remembered the man who had once moved her, the Herrscher of Reason, Walter Joyce, who had exhausted himself to protect London.

If he hadn't died, their children should be able to have children now. I just don't know if Herrscher and humans can have children normally?

【"Ms. Jizi, I want to say sorry to you. I originally thought you were just an old single woman who liked to drink. Now it seems that you are still an excellent teacher and a noble warrior. How about coming to Anti-Entropy to teach students? After Cocolia was arrested, the orphanage under Anti-Entropy is now missing a backbone."——Honkai Impact 3: Tesla】

【"Wait, Dr. Tesla! You shameless anti-entropy thief, you dare to steal my girlfriend right in front of me! I will kick your ass with my grandfather's broken boots!"——Honkai Impact 3: Theresa. 】

Seeing that the people from Anti-Entropy were actually trying to steal her girlfriend right in front of her, before Jizi could say anything, Theresa jumped onto the table and angrily cursed in a strange translation tone:

【"I think Ms. Himeko Muliangta wouldn't mind having a part-time job. Besides, the situation has come to this point. I think it's impossible for Ms. Theresa to cooperate with Tianming and Otto as well as before."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein.

Dr. Einstein is right. On the surface, Saint Freya is still under the command of Tianming, but both Theresa and Otto know that there is an irreparable gap between the two.

Teacher Jizi did not participate in the conspiracy of her boss and other forces.

She was entangled by Kiana.

"Teacher Jizi, please answer my question directly. If you encounter me going berserk again in the future, will you come to save me?"

Kiana looked into Jizi's eyes with her azure eyes and asked the question that she had been holding in her heart for a long time.

"I hope that while you still have the chance to choose, you can let go and live the life you want. I am Kiana Kaslana, the Valkyrie of Saint Freya, the future Herrscher of the Fire, and the future Herrscher of the End. I will take good care of myself and will not be taken away by the Herrscher of the Void, so please promise me, Aunt Jizi."

Her eyes were very serious.

"Alas, Kiana, you need to change your biased attitude towards study. Cultural courses are still necessary. Look, your sentences are inconsistent now."

Murata Himeko was obsessed with words and did not answer her directly.

Even if it was just a video, Kiana did not want to recall the scene of Murata Himeko dying in front of her.

She now understood herself in the Sky City, when she was desperately trying to commit suicide, what kind of despair and pain she had in her heart.


Ji Zi did not answer directly, but looked at her with a free and easy expression that Kiana was familiar with.

"……Really? I see.

Sometimes not answering is the same as answering.

Kiana closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Herrscher of the Void... Xilin, I want to see you……"

The echo in her heart reverberated in her consciousness. When Kiana opened her eyes in a trance, a mirror appeared in front of her. In the mirror, a purple-haired girl with orange pupils was reflected.

"……This is……"

Although she had never seen this purple-haired girl before, when Kiana saw her for the first time, she felt that this girl was very familiar but also strange.

She was looking in the mirror, and there was another girl in the mirror. This kind of plot in a supernatural story should have frightened Kiana, but she didn't feel scared, as if the purple-haired girl in the mirror was herself.

"Is this... the second Herrscher... Sirin?"

Chong Chong already knew that this body of hers was created by Otto stealing the real Kiana's genes and adding Sirin's genes. The purpose was to make Sirin appear again and achieve Otto's unknown purpose.

Kiana walked forward and stretched out her hand to touch Sirin in the mirror. However, when Kiana's hand touched the mirror, the mirror broke with a click. The two largest pieces reflected the faces of two Kianas, one of which was the arrogant and indifferent Queen of the Sky.

""Poor vessel, you finally have the courage to see me. It seems that the light curtain... has really changed a lot."

The two insects stood opposite each other. The Herrscher of the Void learned some philosophical sentences from somewhere and started a speech therapy with Kiana, trying to hit Kiana on the psychological level.

"Container... maybe... I feel like there should be something I don't know about it."

Looking at the girl who looked exactly like her, Kiana felt mixed emotions. After knowing that she sat down, Kiana thought she would be angry when she first saw her, but after actually seeing this girl, she felt complicated.

No one knew what Kiana and the Herrscher of the Void talked about in the consciousness space.

But when Kiana opened her eyes, she was surrounded by her friends and companions who cared about her.

Seeing that it was the familiar Chong Chong who opened his eyes, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Fu Hua loosened her fist, and Theresa hid the cross behind her.

"I'm sorry for making everyone worried, but I promise that I will never lose control!"

Kiana looked at Mei and Bronya, at her lover and friend.

"Mei, Bronya, I beg you to promise me one thing. One day, if I lose control, I would like you to just kill me!"

Mei and Bronya were shocked after hearing Kiana's words. They didn't know if Kiana had lost her mind again to say such a thing. Could Mei and Bronya do such a thing?

"Kiana, I can't do this. Just like you saved me, I can't just watch you disappear."

""Stupid Kiana, when Bronya loses control, will you kill me too?"

Yeah, how is that possible?

We are all friends who are like family, how is it possible to see a friend die in front of our eyes, how can we kill a friend ourselves?

Yeah, I know you can't do it. Looking at the tangled Big Three, Himeko sighed. Nothing is easy in this world.

Even the most basic peace of mind is gained through the sacrifices of many people.

Although some of the three have been killer mercenaries, some are the eldest daughters of wealthy families who have experienced ups and downs at the bottom, and some have wandered between continents at a young age.

It seems that they have very rich life experiences.

But in Himeko's view, their life experiences are still too shallow, and their experiences are too simple. They still need time to grow up, and they need to experience more reality before they can grow up completely. Get up.

Although people always have to grow up, it is better for girls to grow through normal experiences rather than the quick ripening method of fertilizing with suffering.

So before that, let the adults continue to hold the umbrella for these girls for a while.

Today's answering is over, and everyone returned to their own places with full thoughts, or thinking, or resting, but the Valkyries lay in bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

Early the next morning, Yulandel took the plane that came to pick her up and returned to Heimdall without disturbing other people.

Kiana, Mei and the other two have been training in silence all day.

Although this energy is strong, their trainer, Teacher Ji Zi, does not want to see this situation. This kind of thing can easily leave physical and psychological pain.

·· ···Request flowers0 ········

At night, the tired bodies made the three of them have no time to think about other things. With the help of Fu Hua and Ji Zi, Mei made a delicious meal for everyone. After a good meal, Kiana finally regained some liveliness.

Ji Zi and Fu Hua were relieved.

Soon, the time for answering questions was up.

【Good evening, fellow answerers.】

【Today's quiz time is up】

【"Hello everyone, hello Teacher Jizi!"——The cute March

Seven greeted everyone first and even said hello to Teacher Ji Zi.

【"Did you guys sleep well last night? I didn’t sleep all night! I have dark circles under my eyes this morning!"——Honkai Impact 3: Previous Civilization: Alicia】

【"Me too!"——Collapse Star Railway: Star】

【"@General Jing Yuan, we have received a warning from the Star Core Hunters. They said that someone colluded with others and secretly sent a star core to the immortal boat Luofu! The leader of the Star Core Hunters, Elio, has the title of the slave of fate and is suspected of having the ability to see the future. Please be prepared to deal with it!"——Collapse Star Dome Railway·Walter Yang. 】

Just this afternoon, the train crew was having lunch and everyone was discussing where to go next. Now the star core problem on Yalilo VI has been solved by the nameless guests, and it is time to go to the next station.


Originally, Jizi said that she had received an invitation from the family that controls the Dream Star Pinoconi to go to the territory of Tongxie Xipei to participate in the Harmony Festival held by the family. However, just when everyone was discussing how prosperous the event star Pinoconi was, an uninvited guest quietly came to the train.

Kafka, a star core hunter, came to the Star Dome Train and used moral kidnapping to"invite" the train crew to go to the Xianzhou Luofu to help them solve the star core problem on Luofu.

【"Oh? Is this true? I wonder if Fu Taibu has any result?"——Collapse Star Railway Jingyuan】

【"I have been divination since sunrise today, and have made divinations for 137 times in a row.

The hexagrams have all fluctuated between Kan and Zhen.

The sixth line changes to"Riding a horse, weeping blood and rippling like a river".

The"Xiang" says:"Weeping blood and rippling like a river, how can it last long?" The results of the interpretation of the hexagrams by the Taibu Si all indicate that Luofu is about to face a great disaster.

Without the help of the nameless guest, Luofu will lose at least half of its population and caves!

There is another thing.

The star core hunter with abundant power who was captured not long ago disappeared in prison!

"——Collapsed Star Sky Railway·Fu Xuan.

Fu Xuan's tone was not very good, Jing Yuan's eyes flashed, and the whole person changed from a lazy guy to a hunting spearhead of the civilized galaxy, General Luofu, one of the seven generals of the Imperial Bow

【"In this case, I would like to invite all the unknown guests from the Starry Sky to come to the Immortal Boat Luofu and see what crisis the efforts of the destiny have discovered."——Collapse Star Sky Railway·Jing Yuan.】

General Jing Yuan waved his hand and���Star Train Invites

【"In this case, we will start the jump immediately. If nothing goes wrong, we will arrive at the route where the immortal boat Luofu is located in nine system hours."——Collapse Star Railway: Himeko】

【"The bed will be made clear for you to welcome!"——Collapse Star Railway Jingyuan】

【"What a serious atmosphere. Did something serious happen?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"Naturally, there are thousands of caves and billions of people on the Luofu Immortal Boat. Among the tens of thousands of futures observed by Elio, if there is no help from the unknown guests on the Star Train, in this star core crisis caused by collusion between internal and external forces, Luofu will have to lose at least half of its population and caves to resolve this incident!"——Collapse Star Railway Kafka】

【"So...wait, you are a Star Core Hunter!"——Collapse Star Railway: March 7】

【"Mom! (Please hug me)"——Collapse Star Railway: Star】

【"I'm so glad to see you like this."——Collapse Star Railway Kafka】

【"It is us. This light curtain is really magical. Even among the tens of millions of futures observed by Elio, only the future on this timeline is unclear."——Collapse Star Railway: Silver Wolf.】VIII.

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