【"So, the implementation location of the Spark Plan is in Shenzhou, so letting Hua go is a good choice."——Honkai Impact 3rd: Pre-Civilization: Mei】

【"May I ask, what is the Fire Project?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423). 】

Some people in the current civilization are also puzzled.

【"The so-called Spark Plan is one of several plans proposed by us, the Fire Moth. Due to the advent of the eleventh Ruler of Constraint, the entire civilization has suffered completely unacceptable casualties. In the foreseeable future, the failure of our civilization is certain!"

"If nothing unexpected happens, our civilization will be destroyed by the Herrscher of the End, so we have made some plans for future civilizations. Among them, the Spark Plan is to use the Sixth Key's function of dormant everything to allow some people to go to the new era as pioneers with knowledge, to help the new people build civilization and fight against the collapse."——Honkai Impact 3: Former Civilization: Mei.

Dr. Mei's words lightly revealed the cruel fact that the former civilization was eventually destroyed by the hands of the End!

【"……So that's how it is! Bronya understood, so the squad leader is really... the Red Kite Immortal, and also a warrior from the previous civilization?"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"So most of the myths in China and even the world were created by Fu Hua and his friends?"——Honkai Impact 3: Theresa】

【"A famous person in history is actually next to me? And he is my student? I am the teacher of such a great person. It feels like a dream."——Honkai Impact 3: Infinite Tower Himeko】

【"Teacher Jizi, please don't pay too much attention to these things"——Honkai Impact 3: Fu Hua】

【"So in today's Shenzhou, are there still temples and tablets dedicated to Squad Leader Fu Hua?"——Collapse Star Railway: Star】

【"Ugh! That sounds weird."——Collapse Star Railway: March 7】

【"I feel more and more that the class monitor is great, no wonder he always gets first place in every exam!"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"I don't know, most of my memory is gone, if I could still remember, I would definitely tell you"——Honkai Impact 3: Fu Hua】

【"There is no mistake. Future me, I sense the familiar Garuda in you! Future me, you have worked really hard!"——Honkai Impact 3: Pre-civilization: Hua】

【"Sorry...I don't remember"——Honkai Impact 3: Fu Hua】

【"Look at you, your super-mutation factor has weakened to this extent. I don't want my best experimental subject to be ruined like this. Go to the paradise on earth. The memory will help you, if they are still there."——Honkai Impact 3: Previous Civilization: Mebius. 】

Snake was arrogant the moment he spoke. He was obviously very concerned about Fu Hua, but he still spoke in a sarcastic tone. He was indeed the hardest thing in the Honkai world.

【"Sorry, I don't remember you. Thank you for your concern."——Honkai Impact 3: Fu Hua】

"Wow, squad leader, I didn't expect you to be so powerful! The guardian of the land of Shenzhou, the immortal!"Kiana sat next to Fu Hua in surprise.

"Bronya didn't expect that the class monitor had such an amazing identity."

"Sorry, I can't remember any of these things." Fu Hua looked a little distressed.

""Squad leader, don't force yourself. If you can't remember, forget it. There will be plenty of opportunities for treatment in the future!" Mei comforted

"Yes, squad leader, as long as we know that you are very powerful, that's enough." Chong Chong immediately agreed.

In the video.

At this time, Fu Hua and Dan Zhu came to one of the shelters left by the fire-chasing moths. In front of a table, Dan Zhu led out the collected clay and carefully picked out the grass leaves, small stones and other debris mixed in it. Fu Hua sat aside and watched her.

The screen went black and a few words appeared: After a while

【"Ah, this is really a video!"——Collapse Star Railway: March 7】

【"It’s editing, I added editing in there!"——Collapse Star Railway: Star】

【"Don't say such nonsense at this time! Don't embarrass yourself in front of people from other worlds, or our Star Train will become known as a comedian!"——Collapse Star Railway: March 7】

【"Oh, don’t worry about the details, comedians are good, right?"——Collapse Star Railway: Star】

【"Uh... there's a reason why you two have such a good relationship."——Collapse Star Sky Railway·Walter·Yang.】

The barrage was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

【"Haha, it seems that people from both worlds are living happily together. There is no such thing as collapse in the other world. I am so envious!"——Honkai Impact 3: Previous Civilization: Alicia】

【"There are many disasters in this universe, which are even worse than the collapse! In just a few thousand years, there have been several disasters that spread across the entire galaxy."

"In the distant past, there was the Universal Locust Plague, which directly caused a third of the Milky Way to suffer a devastating disaster. Before the death of the Insect King, the entire Milky Way was on the verge of destruction. In the near future, there was also the Antimatter Corps under the command of the Destruction Star God Nanook, which directly destroyed countless civilizations."——Collapse Star Dome Railway·Walter Yang.】

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