Everyone was already very confused about the fact that Fu Hua, an honest character with thick eyebrows and big eyes, was actually a spy, and her mission was to monitor Kiana?

This made everyone even more confused.

What was there to monitor about Kiana?

Did Otto already know that she was a Herrscher?

Then why didn't he monitor Raiden Mei?

"Spy on me? What is there for me to spy on?"

Several questions popped up in Kiana's mind. She thought about it and realized that she had nothing that could make the Bishop of Heaven's Fate worry about her. Why would they specially send the Red Kite Immortal to spy on her? Isn't this just using a butcher knife to kill a chicken?

"Wait, is he here for my dad?"

Kiana's eyes lit up:"Could it be that Otto wants to catch my dad Siegfried through me?"

Fu Hua pushed her glasses and said in a deep voice:"Unfortunately, it's not"

"Monitor! May I ask why you are monitoring Kiana? Are you planning something bad to her?"

Mei looked at Fu Hua with a vigilant expression.

To Mei, Kiana is the most important person to her, and the straw that saved her from falling into the abyss of darkness. Kiana is the beauty in Mei's heart. Although this idiot is usually careless, she also has a delicate and sensitive heart.

So Mei will never allow anyone to dare to trample on Kiana's feelings. Even if she falls into hell, she must protect Kiana.

At this moment, Mei finally understood why her Herrscher form was like a ghost. That was because she was aware that even if she fell into darkness, she would exchange it for Kiana's light.

"I can assure you that I have never done anything to offend Kiana, nor have I harmed any Valkyrie in St. Freya Academy."

"Fu Hua, since you have no ill will towards Kiana, can you tell us why Grandpa sent you to monitor Kiana?"Theresa asked again

"In fact, the information Otto needs me to investigate is Kiana's daily life and emotional changes, and to suppress her at the critical moment."

"It's hard to believe the squad leader's vague explanation! However, it's easy to tell what kind of person the squad leader is, and he really doesn't have any ill intentions. Observe Kiana's daily life and emotional changes? Did Bishop Otto already know that Kiana would become a Herrscher in the future?"

Bronya touched her chin and speculated:"Future...Herscher...wait! Could it be that Kiana, like Mei, has had the Herrscher gem buried in her body since she was a child? So the future Kiana will become the Herrscher of the Void who should have been destroyed! So Bishop Otto is actually doing the same thing as Mother Cocolia?"

At the end of the analysis, Bronya also showed a very surprised expression.

Mei looked at Kiana worriedly;"So, has the future Kiana also experienced what I have experienced? That's why she will……"

There was a flash of electricity in Mei's eyebrows and hair, and a flash of cruelty in her purple pupils. Ever since she saw the picture of the Herrscher of Thunder, Mei felt that the elder sister of Thunder in her mind had become much quieter.

She remembered everything that happened to her father after he was arrested for corruption. Although those things were not worth remembering now, those who had bullied Mei turned into ashes or dead soldiers who could not think in that disaster.

"Bronya's speculation was very close to the truth, but the truth was even more cruel."

After listening to Bronya's speculation, Fu Hua nodded, but then shook her head.

"So what is the matter?"

Fu Hua showed a look of reluctance. She looked at Kiana and said,"What I am going to say next may be very cruel to you. Even so, do you have to know it? I know there is a light curtain. The truth of the matter will appear in front of you sooner or later, but at least you can be better off during this period of time. You don't have to face those difficult realities. The future you will become so vicissitudes and mature. It is all the suffering that spurs you to grow up quickly."

With this light curtain, Kiana's identity will be exposed sooner or later, so it is useless to keep it secret now. Instead, she will feel betrayed again in her heart, but Fu Hua still wants Kiana to feel better.

Seeing Fu Hua's solemn tone, Kiana was silent for a while. She seemed to be sorting out the good memories of getting along with everyone during this time. She said:"Squad leader, I know that your feelings for us during this period are not pretended. We all know that you are not the kind of person with deep scheming."

"Your worries... I know. Since I already know that I may have a secret, and this secret will hurt myself and others, even if I don’t know it now, I will work hard to find the truth."

"Kiana, some lies are actually well-intentioned. For the parties involved, some things in the past were cruel, and it might be better if you didn’t know the horrible truth. This kind of thing is like Pandora’s box. Once opened, it will not bring beauty and kindness, but heart-wrenching despair."

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