"Kiana, I don't know what a clone is, I only know that you are the Kiana in my mind, whether it's the real Kiana or the fake Kiana, I only know you!"

Mei hugged Kiana tightly and shouted in her ear with an anxious look on her face

"Kiana, Bronya doesn't know what K423 is. Bronya only knows that Kiana is a fool, and fools won't admit defeat!"

Ya Ya also said beside Kiana

"Fu Hua, are you lying? Is Kiana a clone of the real Kiana? Why don't I know? I clearly remember that Siegfried took her away from the headquarters of the Sky Destiny eight years ago!"

Theresa clenched her fists angrily, her expression revealing anger and helplessness.

"It is a pity, Principal Theresa, that what Siegfried took away was not the real Kiana, but a clone of Kiana. The real Kiana was hit on the head by the broken plane debris at an altitude of thousands of meters, and then fell from the sky. According to Otto, the real Kiana is still alive and has received good treatment, but I still don't know where she is placed."


She knew Otto's character very well. He was definitely capable of doing such a thing, and Fu Hua had no reason to lie to herself about this issue.

After thinking for a while, Theresa walked to the distraught Kiana and said loudly:"Kiana, stand up! What are you doing like this! Isn't it just a clone? I am your aunt too!"

"Theresa, you are a clone too?"

Ji Zi was shocked. She was already shocked that Kiana was a clone, but she didn't expect Theresa to be a clone too!

"Principal, you are also a clone!"Mei and Yaya were surprised

""Aunt? Are you a clone too?" Kiana, who was surprised by Theresa's revelation of her identity, raised her head and looked at Theresa again.

Although Kiana's eyes were very pitiful, Theresa knew that she must not be soft-hearted at this time. If she didn't face it herself at this time, then this matter might turn into a scar and remain in Kiana's heart forever.

I believe that in the future, Otto must have used this kind of blow to turn Kiana into a Herrscher!

"What's wrong with K423? I was originally called A310!"

Theresa said slowly:"You know, you are much luckier than me. You just developed self-awareness. I survived hundreds of battles!"


Kiana stared blankly.

"In 1972, Otto Apokalis, the bishop of Destiny, created a series of synthetic humans with the DNA of Karen Kaslana, the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny 500 years ago, and the cells of Vishnu, the fusion-type emperor-level Honkai beast, and I was one of them."

Theresa said expressionlessly:"Only a few individuals in this series of synthetic humans have developed complete self-awareness, and many are just a piece of meat in the shape of a human!"

"At that time, I was locked in a large cage with other identical people before my personality and mind were fully developed. Only those who survived could enter the next step of the experiment."

"Later, I, numbered A310, stood out, and Otto asked me to have a final duel with numbered A303. However, I did not kill A303 after defeating her. Otto thought I was a successful individual, so he gave me the name Theresa Apokalis. Although my grandfather was very good to me, I will never forget my origins and the hundreds of sisters I have never met."

"So, what's the point of being a clone? If you give up on yourself like this, wouldn't I have already become a Herrscher?"


Kiana didn't expect Theresa's life story to be so complicated, exactly the same as her own.

"Kiana, what about your confident words just now? Didn't you just say"No matter what the truth is, I can stand it." Then what are you trying to do now? Are you burying your head in the sand like an ostrich and never coming out again?"

"Who are you showing off your distraught and cowardly look to? Will seeing you like this make Grandpa stop his plan?"

"Auntie... Teacher Himeko... Meiyi……"Kiana opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

After learning the truth, her self-righteous tolerance collapsed. Her mind was in a mess. If she was really just a clone, how would her relatives and friends see her?

No wonder she had no memories before the age of eight. No wonder her stinky father had such a complicated look when he gave her the name Kiana that day...

Her identity was fake, her life was fake, but she enjoyed everything that belonged to the real Kiana.

If the one Siegfried took away from the headquarters of the destiny was the real Kiana, then who would be standing here now?

If the one Siegfried took away from the headquarters of the destiny was the real Kiana, then where was she now?

What was the meaning of everything she was doing now?

Kiana fell into deep confusion.

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