Seeing that Kiana finally regained her liveliness, her friends all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kiana, I'm glad you've calmed down. You don't have to thank me. I just told you something that you'll know sooner or later. The future you didn't tell you directly, probably because you knew that you had to face these problems. If you can't overcome them, then everything after that will be out of the question."

Fu Hua slowly withdrew her hands from behind her back, and a feather in her hand exuded a bright glow.

"Actually, I have some broken memory fragments, but I have been avoiding them. My past has always been in my mind, but I have never been willing to face it. But if you hadn't told me this now, if I knew it later, and if I didn't have you by my side, I would have collapsed."

Kiana rarely showed a serious look, as if she was wandering

"Really... Then, classmate Kiana, what do you think after you know your life experience?" Fu Hua asked

"I want to go to the Destiny Headquarters to rescue the real Kiana!" Chong Chong said without hesitation.

Since he already knew that the real Kiana was still in the Destiny Headquarters, it was impossible for Kiana to just stand by and watch.

"This is a good idea, but there are a few problems."Fu Hua replied calmly.

"First, and the biggest problem, is that we are not strong enough? Even Siegfried and the school principal couldn't take the real Kiana away from the headquarters of the destiny. I think Otto did it on purpose."

"Well, I don’t have this ability now, but I still have Shi Lan from reincarnation. If I ask my future self, she will definitely help me!"

"In this case, I think the future you will not help you directly, but let you practice hard from now on and use your own strength to save the real Kiana."

If it is the mature Kiana in the future, she should do this

"That's right, she must have gone through a lot of pain that I haven't experienced yet to have such a temperament."Thinking about the final Kiana that I saw in the light curtain, Chong Chong felt a little inferior.

"In addition, there is another thing, that is, it is not certain whether the real Kiana is in the Savior Headquarters!"

"What? Where is she?" Theresa asked anxiously.

Seeing Theresa's anxious question, Fu Hua knew why she was so anxious. She shook her head and said,"I don't know either. I guess only Otto knows the whole destiny. But we don't have to worry. The light curtain will reveal the answer sooner or later."

Theresa's expression suddenly became very ugly. In fact, she also knew that with their current strength, if there was no hidden power of Samsara Shilan, Otto could easily destroy her side.

But Fu Hua's final words still made sense.

"Therefore, before the light curtain tells us where the real Kiana is, we need a stronger force. I still have two Senzu beans here. Fu Hua, aren't you seriously injured? Eat one quickly!"

Theresa took out a small bottle of Senzu beans. Her original plan was to give one to Jizi and one to Wendy, leaving one for research. However, the future Kiana was so powerful that she took out the Gem of Desire directly and cured Wendy's injury directly. As a result, there were only two Senzu beans left.

"Principal, this is unnecessary. I am actually a fusion warrior from a previous civilization. I have the genes of a Judgment-level Honkai beast named Garuda in my body, so I can recover quickly from injuries. It's just that my mental state has been bad over the years, which in turn suppressed the super-mutation factor, causing it to enter a dormant state, so the injuries cannot be recovered, causing my strength to deteriorate."

"Yesterday, Kiana from the future helped me activate the super mutation factor, so my body is recovering slowly. In about a month, my body will be back to its strongest state, so there is no need to waste a Senzu Bean on me."

Fu Hua shook her head and rejected Theresa's kindness.

Seeing Fu Hua's determined expression, Theresa didn't force it, but still resolutely handed the small bottle containing a Senzu Bean to Fu Hua:"Okay, if you don't want to eat it, I won't force you, but you must keep this Senzu Bean. If you encounter an emergency and need strength, use it immediately."

Fu Hua hesitated for a moment, but still took the small bottle from Theresa's hand and put it away

"In this case, Kiana, your lazy life of eating, drinking and having fun is over. In the next period of time, I will train you with the highest standards! Don't forget how you felt just now."

Ji Zi said seriously.

""Well, Mr. Jizi, I understand. I won't be lazy anymore." Kiana nodded. Although her voice was a little hoarse, it was calm.

In this short period of time, she seemed to have undergone a transformation. Although this transformation is not obvious now, it is like a seed, and sooner or later it will bloom.

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