【"What you said makes sense, I am speechless"——Collapsed Star Dome Railway·March 7.】

In the picture, Xing suddenly opened her eyes and found that she had returned to the real world. On the Everwinter Ridge, the blizzard was still roaring, but at this moment she clenched the flame spear in her hand, and the flames were entwined around her body.

Under the call of the real Great Guardian, the Creation Engine stretched out its still movable arm and caught the falling Xing.

The machine is forever silent. It will only execute the orders engraved in the core and forever protect the civilization on this planet.

Seeing that Xing is still alive and kicking, the companions who just escaped from the blizzard finally let go of their hanging hearts.

Xing turned around and nodded slightly, then pointed the flame spear at Cocolia floating in the sky.

The flames rose from the flame spear and burned into the sky, dispelling the blizzard that had covered this area for seven hundred years and had never subsided. The long-lost blue sky, white clouds and sun appeared in the mirror-like sky.

The sun shone down, but it couldn't illuminate Cocolia's heart.

She roared,"How is this possible! This is impossible!"

She surged with icy energy, turning into a whistling cold wind and rushing towards the warriors.

However, Xing just raised the flame spear and swung it hard. A scorching heat like the scorching summer blocked the cold wind outside. The ice and snow on the Everwinter Ridge that had not melted for seven hundred years slowly began to disintegrate and melt.

The friends felt as if they had instantly come to spring from winter.

Bronya had never felt what spring was, and she felt it for the first time at this moment, which made her show a complicated expression.

"The will of the guardian has made a choice! Kokolia! You have reached a desperate situation!"

Kokolia roared, and the cold air surged around him, turning into countless ice piercing at everyone:"You know nothing about the plight of this world, and you know nothing about the ending that awaits him! The star core will rewrite everything!"

"Hey, it's just a star core! How can it be so powerful as you say? To be honest, I have one in my body, and I can still walk and jump, right?"

Xing's words were like a knife piercing Cocolia's heart, making Cocolia furious. She angrily controlled the ice and snow, condensing into a huge iceberg, thinking of Xing smashing it down

"You are nothing but the dying struggle of the old world before its collapse! The great new world will be created by my own hands!"

However, Xing just waved the flame gun lightly, and the bursting flames were like the solar prominences erupting from the stars, fixing the smashed iceberg in the air like a bug in amber. Then, the Creation Engine, which received the order, raised its giant arm, smashed the iceberg with one punch, and then smashed it towards Cocolia without stopping.

Facing the fist of the Creation Engine, the ice cone behind Cocolia flew out spontaneously, rushed towards the fist of the Creation Engine, and exploded with a loud bang. The bursting cold air instantly froze the Creation Engine in a huge iceberg.

March 7 was quick-witted and put several layers of shields on his friends.

Xing stabbed the flame gun into the ground suddenly, and the next second, the ground within a radius of 100 meters exploded with a loud bang, like a volcanic eruption, and a large amount of flames rushed towards Cocolia.

"Even if we are destined to perish, we will hold hands and bravely walk towards the darkness."Bronya said as she looked at the monster who was once her mother.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you talking about? With us here, how could this happen? We are the Star Train that has dealt with several star core crises."

Although Land Duck's words were very encouraging, they seemed a bit inappropriate to March Seven, and he pouted and retorted.

Bronya smiled:"Yes, the future of Beloberg and Yalilo still has a long way to go." Cocolia evoked a cold wave in the air, but the power of the cold wave was naturally restrained by the Flame Spear, and the power of the Star Core could not do anything to Xing, who was also a star core host.

In addition, Cocolia's combat experience was not as good as Xing, a natural warrior. After Xing stabbed Cocolia's shoulder with the Flame Spear for the third time, she roared in despair:"Damn outsiders, power will bring hope, and the future promised by the Star Core, a tomorrow without impurities, will eventually come! The power of the Star Core is with me, and there is no place for you in the new world!"

Cocolia extracted the energy of the star core to the maximum extent, condensing a huge meteorite outside the atmosphere. Under her involvement, it passed through the atmosphere and fell down.

If this meteorite really hits, not only will Xing's friends be offline, but Beloberg will also be likely to die.

Xingyun used all his energy, wanting to merge with the gun and rush into the sky to fight against the meteorite.

"You are not qualified to make judgments on behalf of the human civilization on this planet!"

Walter Yang's calm voice sounded in the communicator.

"Uncle Yang! It's Uncle Yang, you finally made a move."

March Seven's excited voice sounded.

In the direction where the star fell, Walter Yang silently followed the falling star from the sky, his thoughts seemed to have returned to the past years.

The long-lost passion in his chest ignited

"In the name of the world, let's see the stars shatter!"

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