【"Cocolia saw no hope. The great guardians had worked hard for seven hundred years, but they could only delay the erosion of the Rift. Beloberg's situation was getting worse day by day. There was no hope for the foreseeable future. Sooner or later, a disaster would destroy this country."

"Such despair was passed down from one generation to the next. Rather than perish in despair and pain, it was better to commit suicide directly to save the struggle. She could not find a way out and future for this country. The power of preservation was getting weaker and weaker, and no miracle happened. So she was completely desperate and decided to destroy the country directly. What a tragedy."——Collapse Star Railway: Himeko】

【"But just like what Bronya said, she is the guardian chosen by the people, shouldering the trust and hope of the people. She is not qualified to decide the fate of Beloberg. The will of the people is to strive to survive. As the guardian elected by the people, she is not qualified to choose to lead them to death, even if she knows that if she persists, the final outcome will still be death."

"She was completely desperate. She could give up protecting Beloberg, but she could not lead Beloberg to destruction, and she could not subjectively endanger people's lives. Even if she would die in the end, there would always be people who wanted to live in the present, and live one more day. What if a miracle happened?"

"Everything is really over when you die. Just like if a person has a serious illness and there is no cure, he will get sicker and sicker and then die. The attending doctor cannot ignore the person's wishes and directly lie to him to die. It is painful to be entrusted with unrequited expectations and trust. She can choose to give up this responsibility, but she should not make decisions for others."——Honkai Impact 3: Yulandel】

【"What is a human being? Human beings are born with the bad habits of meanness, weakness, and greed. Therefore, we should uphold these bad habits, fight, develop, and die to protect and continue these bad habits, because this is what makes human beings human beings and different from animals and plants."

"However, Cocolia gave up the struggle and believed that human bad habits should be eliminated. Then she betrayed humanity and gave up the essence of being human. The essence of human beings is very complex and may not be completely separated from those despicable elements. When she stepped into the so-called new world, you don’t know what was eliminated, and you don’t know whether it is you who remains."——Honkai Impact 3: Otto】

【"I don't feel sorry for Cocolia at all. The Great Guardian has been passed down from generation to generation. It is to protect civilization and wait for hope. Find a way to seal the star core. Hope came in her generation. Shiluwa said that the research of generations will have results, so she exiled Shiluwa and closed the laboratory."

"The arrival of the Star Train was also a hope, but she gave it up herself. As a leader, it is appropriate to question appropriately, but even if she believes in the virtual part of the star core, she should at least make two plans. Our world is suffering from a disaster called collapse. We all know that a previous civilization that was more advanced than ours has failed, but we have never laid down and never given up, right?"

"Therefore, I can only say that Kokolia is extremely unqualified as a leader. She may not have the courage to bet. But she must make all the preparations. It may not be useful in her generation, but there will be a turning point in her next generation. So don't give up before the real demise comes."——Honkai Impact 3: Tesla】

【"I agree with Dr. Tesla's words. I didn't expect she could say such philosophical words."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein】

【"In such a hellish place as the Lower City, people are still living tenaciously. Some people struggle to survive for their families and are willing to turn themselves into monsters. If Cocolia had such courage, she would not have chosen to escape. But she closed her eyes and ears, thinking that all humans would give up struggling like her. As a great guardian, she only sees despair, while the lower class is still stubbornly pursuing hope. It's really ironic."——Collapse Star Railway: Seer】

【"Didn't the previous Great Guardians experience more than she did? The antimatter army, the cold wave of the star core, and the world-breaking monsters, they all survived the early stage of the disaster, which was even more desperate.

By the time they came to Cocolia, Shiluva and the researchers had made some progress in their research on the star core.

Isn't this the darkness before dawn? The Great Guardians of all generations have survived, and I believe that future generations can solve it.

When it comes to her, she is directly desperate.

No wonder the option for this question is to fall in the darkness before dawn.

"——Collapse Star Railway: Seer】

【"……I love my weeds, but I hate the ground that is adorned with them."

"……The underground fire is running and rushing underground. Once the molten lava erupts, it will burn all the wild grass and trees, leaving nothing rotten."

"……But I am calm and happy. I will laugh and sing"——Collapse Star Railway Natasha】

【"That Bronya from another world is really a very qualified leader, at least more competent than someone else."——Honkai Impact 3: Infinite Tower Himeko】

【"Hey, are you mocking me?"——Honkai Impact 3: Theresa】

【"All in all, Beloberg's story is a very clear reminder to us that our world is also facing powerful enemies and the end of the world. The most important thing is that we already know the end of our civilization, but we will still choose to fight to the end."——Honkai Impact 3rd: Previous Civilization: Kevin】

【This question has been answered. Please listen to the second question.]

Seeing the next question appear, everyone calmed down and looked at the light curtain.

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