The girl didn't dare to stay in any place for too long, nor did she dare to get too close to anyone. She was afraid that all the tragedies would repeat themselves.

Mei, Bronya, Theresa and... Teacher Himeko...

These encounters made her feel the warmth of home and made her want to stay, but it was just a naive idea.

No matter where the girl ran to, no matter where she struggled, the road under her feet would eventually lead to the final destination.

Unconsciously, the tiny lights of neon lights flashed before her eyes, and the noisy voices and the aroma of food disturbed her thoughts. She realized that she couldn't stay here, she had to leave here, she had to avoid the crowd...

But this warm night market was so familiar, like the streets she had strolled with them many days and nights in the past.

In the end, her footsteps disobeyed the orders of her body and kept moving forward like a moth chasing a flame.


Mei was already in tears watching Kiana's inner monologue, and Yaya and Theresa's eyes were red. They didn't expect that Kiana, who was usually carefree, was so fragile inside. Was her usual appearance a disguise to escape?

Kiana was restless with her inner world exposed to everyone. This experience could be called public execution.

She jumped up and said loudly:"This is all the conspiracy of the Herrscher. How could I be so fragile!"

"Kiana!"Mei hugged Kiana tightly, tears dripping on Kiana's shoulders.


Facing her lover's sadness, Kiana wanted to cheer her up and comfort her, but she couldn't say anything to comfort her. So she suddenly felt a little nervous and reached her hand into Mei's clothes.


A minute later, Kiana, with a big bump on her head, looked at Mei, who was blushing, and smiled foolishly.

The video continued.

Kiana walked on the deserted street in the rain. The scene in front of her became a little blurry. The pain in her body and the blow to her heart were like shackles on her back all the time, so heavy that she could hardly breathe.

Gradually, an illusion appeared in front of her eyes. It was the image she had experienced in St. Freya Academy before.

"Please introduce yourself.……"


Kiana still remembers that it was May 2015, when she, Mei and the other two were pulled out of the disaster area in Changkong City by Himeko and joined St. Freya Academy.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Himeko Muruta, the A-rank Valkyrie of Destiny. From today on, I will be your instructor. Although the principal personally arranged your admission, don't expect me to show mercy, do you understand? Now, everyone introduce yourselves."

At that time, Kiana was still a husky. She was lively and active. Her world was beautiful at that time.

"My name is Kiana Kaslana! Hey, auntie, a student like me who has experienced many battles should be directly incorporated into the Valkyrie Corps without taking the test, right?"

Teacher Jizi had a cross on her forehead.

"Heh, first of all, you should call me Teacher Jizi, and secondly, when I rescued you and Mei from the ruins of Changkong City, you were still lying on a stretcher, wrapped like a mummy! This is what you call"battle-hardened"."?"

Kiana blushed:"That... that was just a momentary mistake! Our Kaslana family has always been responsible for fighting the Honkai and protecting mankind. You know, I have been following my father to eliminate Honkai beasts since I was very young!"

"A fighting genius? Then, let me, an ordinary person, learn how powerful you are as a genius, right?"

Without a doubt, the girl lost in front of this"ordinary person".

Without any fancy moves, without wasting any effort, the giant sword simply swung and chopped, accurately judging her every foothold, and chasing without mercy.

This is the strength of an"ordinary person". It is the strength of"ordinary people

" after a thousand or ten thousand sword swings.

【"Bronya still remembers this moment. The next second, the idiot Kiana who was still bragging was hung up and beaten by Teacher Jizi. Her buttocks were swollen. She slept on her stomach that night."——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"Damn it, little one, you remember this kind of thing so clearly!"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"Not only does Bronya remember it clearly, but she also recorded it with Bunny Heavy. Not only that, Bronya has also made high-definition video records of all the dark histories of the stupid Kiana, and Bronya will have to enjoy them slowly in the future!"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya.

Kiana didn't expect that her dark history was recorded by Yaya, and steam immediately came out of her head. She rushed towards Bronya fiercely:"Asshole, delete these things quickly!"

Being pressed under Kiana, Yaya's face remained unchanged:"Bronya refuses!"

"Stop making trouble!"

Teacher Jizi came out to stop the fight, and then said:"Bronya, can you give me a copy of Kiana's dark history?"

"Um... Bronya, I want one too.……"

Mei said a little embarrassedly

"Wow, Mei, you too……"

The atmosphere in the dormitory is peaceful and warm, but Kiana in the video is still in despair and pain. Her friends are afraid that Kiana will have bad thoughts, so they play with her in their usual manner. The picture shows Kiana's memories.

Before Father's Day, Kiana was walking around the campus in a bad mood and was seen by teacher Ji Zi after class.

"Is there something on your mind, Kiana-san?"

Kiana, who was discovered by teacher Jizi, immediately denied it and said,"Ah! No!"

Jizi continued to ask,"But there are clearly some words written on your face. Let me see,"I am worried now and I am in a bad mood!" Haha. Children should not have so many troubles. Tell me the truth!"

Kiana subconsciously made a cat cry after Jizi pulled her ears;"I am not a child! When I was 12 years old, my stinky dad left me alone and ran away. From that time on, I said to myself, Kiana, you are no longer a child, and now you have to learn to live alone."

Jizi suddenly realized,"It turns out that Father's Day is coming soon. I didn't expect that fools would also be sad. If you ask me, you are much happier than me. After all, your father made you understand the true face of life a long time ago. And I... until I was 19 years old, I naively believed that my future was rosy."

"At that time, I believed that my life was a road with infinite possibilities. I wanted to be an extreme adventurer, to engage in marine life photography, to date good men all over the world... Hehe. At the very least, I could go to my father's research institute after graduation and work with him on topics related to the application of Honkai energy."

"Unfortunately, life is not a script that we can change at will... My father died... He was eroded by Honkai energy and became a monster who lost his mind. He would not even react to his daughter's crying."

Kiana looked embarrassed:"Sorry, I shouldn't ask this question."

Infinite Tower Himeko showed a look of reminiscence:"In order to find the answer, I left everything behind and joined the Valkyrie Corps of Destiny. At my age, it was a little too late to become a Valkyrie. But I met someone. She told me that it is never too late to do what you want to do. The important thing is to start doing it."

"So I joined her army. After the battle, she always talked to me about her future plans. She said she wanted to be a gardening teacher after retiring and teach children to grow some flowers and plants. But... she died in an action."

"I am the only member of her team who is still alive. After the team was disbanded, I remembered her words and applied to come here. Sometimes I think that I became a Valkyrie to prevent more daughters from losing their fathers. But now what I do seems to cause more fathers to lose their daughters."

"Those girls who could have had an ordinary job, could have fallen in love, got married, and enjoyed family happiness, became Valkyries. They gave up a lot for this, not just their lives."

"Do you think it's worth it?"

Kiana said frankly,"I don't know, but some things have to be done by someone. Just like my dad told me, we in the Kaslana family can't bear to see innocent people suffer. When we see it, we can't help but feel excited and want to lend a hand."

"Kiana, your father left you something very precious. Maybe fate made them leave because it wanted us to be with the people we cherish."

· ·······Request flowers··· ··

"For example, Mr. Jizi loves you very much. In order to further prove my love for stupid Kiana, why not start a loving individual training!"

Hearing that there would be special training, Kiana hurriedly slipped away. Mr. Jizi looked at the girl's youthful and lively back and showed a faint smile. That smile was still that of the 19-year-old girl who still believed that the future was rosy.

【"Stupid Kiana thought of Teacher Himeko in this situation. Bronya had a very bad guess about this."——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"Bronya thinks so too. It seems we have the same idea."——Collapse Star Railway: Bronya Rand】

【"What did you think of this? Don't keep us in suspense!"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"Is that so? I see, this ending is pretty romantic!"——Honkai Impact 3: Infinite Tower Himeko】

【"The other me, you have become the me that I admire most"——Collapse Star Railway: Himeko】

【"What did you think of? Why can't I understand what you said?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】


Theresa was reminded by the people in the barrage, and she also thought of that possibility. She looked at Jizi with red eyes.


The video showed a line of words: August 2014.

The fully armed teacher Ji Zi looked at the new female warriors who were doing their first actual combat with a serious expression. She admonished:"Before your first actual combat mission, I want to remind you again that in addition to being alert to the enemy in front of you, you must also pay attention to the situation of your companions, because they are not only your comrades who provide support for you, but they may also become monsters unfortunately."

"Every Valkyrie faces this risk in battle. We use Honkai to gain powerful combat power... but we may be attacked at any time, lose our minds, and become monsters who want to destroy everything. As long as you fight as a Valkyrie, you must be aware and be prepared to face this worst outcome."

"If one day, your comrades-in-arms are infected by Honkai and lose control and become monsters, you must ruthlessly end their lives. Letting them die as human beings is the best comfort for them!"

After listening to Ji Zi Lai Shi's cruel advice, Kiana hesitated:"……If it is Teacher Jizi who loses control, should we also take action?"

"Trying to protect the life of the out-of-control Valkyrie will only result in more sacrifices. If you don't understand this, I won't let you go to the battlefield."

Facing Ji Zi's decisive words, Kiana was a little depressed:"I... understand. Then if one day, I also... I mean, if I lose control, then Aunt Ji Zi, you must……"

Wuliangta Jizi turned around and replied cunningly:"As your instructor and captain, I will do my best to protect each of you and keep you from being in danger. Okay, get ready to parachute, the mission is about to begin."

"I won't let this happen!"

Teacher Ji Zi's cunning words echoed in Kiana's heart.

"You said that if a comrade loses her mind and is controlled by Honkai, she must be killed without hesitation. But why... why do you...……"

Kiana's tears suddenly burst out, and that figure seemed to reappear in front of her eyes, the woman with scars all over her body, her red hair turned dark, but with an eternal spark in her eyes.

Kiana always knew what happened in the imaginary space. She was like a bystander, witnessing her body kill her most beloved teacher with her own hands, and Teacher Jizi gave up her life just to give herself a chance to live.

She couldn't even give her the last hug, and could only watch her fall into the bottomless imaginary space with her last smile.

She could only be trapped in that body, and only at the end, when Teacher Jizi pierced the serum into her body, could she let out a shrill wail.

There was a burst of intense pain in all parts of her body, which was the uncontrolled collapse energy surging. After some collapse beasts sensed the collapse energy emitted by Kiana, they surrounded her.

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