The next second, in the white and red light, the floor was shattered by Xier's seven punches, and the door between reality and quantum was opened again, and Xier fell into the quantum sea again. The stigma on her chest overflowed with powerful power, and the violent collapse energy seemed so gentle, condensing on the surface of Xier's body, and changed Xier into a beautiful new dress.

In the quantum sea, Xier fell quickly, and countless quantum shadows were attracted by Xier's aura, gathered together, rushed up one after another, and attacked her, trying to tear this invader into pieces.

Xier struggled to resist, but she was not good at fighting. After a while, she was surrounded by countless quantum shadows, and it was difficult to even move her body.

But the light in her stigma became brighter.

A bigger quantum shadow appeared below, waving a huge lance to stab Xier.

Faced with this kind of attack, Xier gritted her teeth and clamped the huge lance tightly with her arms.

The power of the stigmata continued to be output, giving the little girl a huge strength all of a sudden. Xier held on to the quantum shadow tightly, waving it around like a meteor hammer, and fiercely knocked away the smaller quantum shadows. However, more quantum shadows rushed up and stuck Xier's small body in the middle. The squeezing force made her unable to move. The black and red lightning formed a brief stalemate with the large number of quantum shadows.

At this critical moment, Xier cried out for help to Hei Xi:"Please, the other me!"

"Come with me to save the sister who has always...always been protecting us!"

"Yes, yes,"Three, Five, Three" really can't do anything to you."

Hei Xier is the second most stubborn person in the world. How could she refuse Xier's plea?

She raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a tyrannical smile. She gently hugged Xier's body from behind, put her hands on Xier's chest, where the holy mark was, and gathered her power without reservation. The powerful force instantly erupted in Xier's body, directly shattering all the quantum shadows around Xier!

Like a beautiful butterfly spreading its wings, she broke free from the shackles from this moment on, flying ostentatiously between heaven and earth.

The scarlet energy surged in Xier's body, turning into black and red chains all over the sky, passing through all the quantum shadows, imprisoning them all in place, unable to move.

The power of creation and withering merged into one at this moment. At this moment, Xier was the Herrscher of Death! At this moment, it seemed as if even time had stopped, and no one could stop her from saving the sister who saved her.

"Go, Xier, let's our sister!"

Hei Xi's figure turned into a huge scarlet sickle, which was tightly held in Xier's hand.

Xier slowly opened her eyes, and her blood-red pupils were full of indifference and calmness.

Then she raised the giant sickle in her hand and swung it lightly at the blocked passage.

The sharp energy was like the creation of the world, splitting all the quantum shadows blocking the front and the entire passage into two, and abruptly cutting a hole.

In the quantum sea, the tentacles that seemed to stretch out from the abyss seemed not to want to give up the opportunity to invade the real world, and were still lingering at the position where Xier escaped. A large number of tentacles gathered to form a big tree without branches and leaves. It was tightly blocked at the exit of the quantum sea.

However, a destructive knife light fell from the sky, and all the tentacles were cut into pieces like a bamboo chopping, and dissipated into the void.

I don't know how long it took, Bronya, who was caught by the tentacles and sealed in the darkness, suddenly heard a familiar voice

"What a familiar voice, whose voice is it?"

" that you?"

A ray of light appeared in this dark world, and Seele gently held Bronya's hand tightly.

"This time, we will never be separated again."

Seele was like a beautiful butterfly, tightly grasping Bronya's hand. She fluttered her scarlet wings and flew towards the road to freedom.

The light shone on the two of them, as if they were reborn.

The scene ended here, but the shock brought by the image remained in everyone's heart for a long time and was difficult to calm down.

"Little one...I didn't expect you to……"

Chong Chong looked at Bronya as if she were one of his own kind, and then looked at her more vigilantly.


Mei spoke for the first time today. After being forced to kiss Kiana by Lei Lu yesterday, she dared not speak again today. She kept blushing and lowering her head when meeting people until the time for answering questions in the evening, silently pretending to be invisible.

This experience was too stimulating for her.

The contrast in Xier was too great. She looked like a weak and well-behaved child, but she was so violent when she started to fight. Even the Quantum Sea could not stop her fist.

And it seems that this girl actually has a split personality?


So I am too. Not only me, but also Kiana. In the foreseeable future, the class monitor will also be one.

That's okay.

These days, if you don't have a split personality, you're embarrassed to go out and see people.

【"Xier, you've grown up."——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya.

Bronya's eyes were filled with relief. Once upon a time, Seele was just a coward who would hide in a box when encountering troubles, but she didn't expect that after not seeing her for a few years, she had grown into a strong and brave girl.

It was just a pity that she didn't get to witness Seele's growth with her own eyes.

【"Sister Bronya... Another Me……"——Honkai Impact 3rd: Seele.

Seeing herself so powerful in the video, Seele felt very complicated, but Hei Seele was just pure joy.

In the room in her heart, Hei Seele rolled around happily on a bed.

【"Bronya, Seele is so amazing, if there is a chance in the future, can you introduce her to me? I feel like I can become good friends with her."——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"Bronya refused,"Stupid Kiana, Bronya is warning you, don't get close to Seele!""——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423). 】

Ban Ya was startled, and she suddenly remembered what Kiana's essence was. What if Seele, who let her get close to her, kidnapped her?

Ya Ya seemed to see a heavy hat on her head in her fantasy.

She quickly crossed her hands and refused.

Theresa heard it and her eyes lit up. She suddenly had an idea and walked to Bronya in a sly way, winking at her.

Theresa said with a cute face:"Bronya, you see that your relationship with Seele is so good, how about letting her come to our St. Freya Academy in the future?"

Seeing Seele's powerful appearance in the video, weak but strong, kind but flexible, Theresa has confirmed that Seele is the talent that St. Freya Academy needs!

What is the most lacking thing in the 21st century? Isn't it talent!

If Seele can also enter her St. Freya Academy, the power gathered under her command will be even more terrifying.

At that time, Theresa will raise her arms and call for help, and heroes from all over the world will gather to follow her, kill Heimdall, the headquarters of the Destiny, and seize Otto's throne. Wouldn't it be great!

"Well, if Seele is willing."

Bronya did not reject Theresa's suggestion. After all, the environment of St. Freya Academy is much better than that of the orphanage, and she certainly does not want to be separated from Seele again, so she agreed to Theresa to persuade Seele to come.

The time for chatting passed quickly, and soon after, the second question of the day appeared.

【Today's second question is about to begin, please be ready. 】

Everyone sat up straight and focused on the questions.

【Please listen to the question: As we all know, a white-washed person is three points weaker, and a black-washed person is three times stronger. There was a person who made a big fuss at the headquarters of Destiny after turning black, overturned the World Snake, demolished Anti-Entropy, punched the ancestor Kevin, kicked the Super Stupid Goose Man, and revoked Bronya's driver's license. What is this person's name?】

【A:Fu Hua】

【B:Raiden Mei】

【C:Kiana (k423)】


【This question is a quick answer question. After the countdown ends, everyone can answer the question. Those who answer correctly will be rewarded, and those who answer incorrectly will receive a small punishment. 】

As soon as the question came out, everyone analyzed the question immediately, and then everyone was silent.

【"Are there such amazing people in our world?"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423). 】

Making a scene at the Destiny headquarters, overturning the World Snake, demolishing Anti-Entropy, punching Kevin, and kicking Super Goose Man, these battles���Any one of these is worthy of worldwide attention, not to mention that all these things were done by one person.

【"There are such masters in the world?"——Honkai Impact 3: Yulandel........ 】

【"Who is this super stupid goose man? Is he the hidden power of destiny?"——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya.

Although we don’t know who the Super Goose Man is, the fact that she or he can be ranked alongside Kevin proves that this person is definitely not an ordinary person.

【"The four people in the options are all from St. Freya Academy. Ms. Theresa is indeed worthy of her reputation!"——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein】

【"So, one of these people will turn evil in the future and become quite terrifying, is that what you mean?"——Honkai Impact 3: Rita】

【"The word"blackening" usually means a dramatic change in personality or spirit, filled with negative emotions, kind people will become cruel, and simple people will become deep. If this question is about the future of our world, it means that one of Mei, Kiana, and the class leader may have a mental breakdown in the future due to something, thus turning black, and then their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved."——Honkai Impact 3: Bronya】

【"These people, well... it's hard to say. First of all, from the information we have received so far, we know that in the future, Kiana, Raiden Mei, and Fu Hua will all become Herrschers. Among them, Raiden Mei is already the Herrscher of Lightning, but we cannot rule out the possibility that she will be completely controlled by Honkai in the future and become extremely powerful."——Honkai Impact 3: Einstein】

【"Mei will not be controlled by Honkai!"——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423)】

【"Not to mention sister Mei, wasn't even the stupid Kiana herself controlled by Honkai?"——Honkai Impact 3rd: Bronya. 】

Yaya Sanwu's words were like a steel knife stabbing into Kiana's heart, making her unable to refute.

【"Among these options, Principal Theresa is not a Herrscher, so I think we can rule her out."——Honkai Impact 3: Fu Hua】

【"Don't forget the magical girl……"——Honkai Impact 3: Infinite Tower Himeko】

【"Shut up!"——Honkai Impact 3: Theresa.

Theresa flushed and rushed over to throw Jizi onto the sofa, covering her mouth.

She didn't want to think about that nightmare video again.

【"Magical Girl Theresa is Theresa from a parallel world, and this problem obviously happened in the future timeline of our world. The evidence is the number after Kiana's name. There is currently no information to prove that Kiana from other worlds is also a biochemical clone created by Otto."——Honkai Impact 3rd: Pre-Civilization: Mei】

【"First of all, Kiana, even if she is in the form of the Herrscher of the Sky, she is no match for Kevin. The same goes for the Herrscher of Thunder. As for Theresa... well... I can't say."——Honkai Impact 3: Pre-civilization: Hua】

【"Can we not mention this?"——Honkai Impact 3rd 4.6 Theresa】

【"If a person can defeat Kevin by becoming a Herrscher, it proves that this person is an extraordinary strong person from the beginning. I think that even if Raiden Mei and Kiana become Herrschers, they will not be Kevin's opponents, so the answer is already quite obvious."——Honkai Impact 3: Pre-Civilization: Velvet】

【"You mean……"——Honkai Impact 3: Fu Hua.

Before Fu Hua could finish her sentence, she saw everyone in the dormitory looking at her.

""Why are you looking at me? Do you think I will turn evil?"

Fu Hua felt a chill down her spine as she shuddered and said,

"I never thought that a dull-headed person would turn evil and become a Herrscher one day!"

Cang Xiaoxuan squatted on top of Fu Hua's head and sighed in an old-fashioned tone.

Of course, she was indeed an old lady.

【"But how did Hua Jie become a Herrscher? Judging from Hua Jie's spiritual will and experience, I feel that no matter what happened, she would not be able to turn evil and become a Herrscher."——Honkai Impact 3: Pre-Civilization: Padofilis】

【"Well, Bronya thinks so too. The class monitor has a strong will and cannot be defeated by any negative emotions."——Honkai Impact 3rd: Bronya. 】

Seeing Bronya trust her so much, Fu Hua was somewhat happy

【" feels so troublesome."——Honkai Impact 3: Kiana (K423).

Kiana scratched her head. As a member of the Kaslana family, her IQ was inversely proportional to the number of teammates around her. Now that she was surrounded by trustworthy people, with so many external brains, she had long since thrown away her own brain.

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