Honkai Q&A, The Opening Game Against Kevin

459: [Siyuan]'S Power! The Road To [The End]!


Facing the words of the Herrscher of Knowledge, after a brief silence...

A girl opened her mouth.

【"No problem, you know~Riser.

Bronya nodded: "We'll do this together.-"

...Huh?" The Herrscher of Knowledge was taken aback for a moment.

"Since Kevin can control the power of the end, who stipulates that there can only be one 'herrscher of the end'?"

Mei also spoke slowly: "As long as our thought spaces are connected to each other, it shouldn't matter how many people the Herrscher's power is concentrated on.

"If it is really necessary to confine everything to one person, then I will naturally do my part."

Kiyana also stood up: "It's just...we have always been a team-if possible, everyone would certainly hope to complete this important mission together.


"Huh? Three people together?"

In the question and answer space, Qiyana blinked in surprise: "But, obviously the correct answer in the question and answer space just now was me?"

"The right answer is the right answer, and the decision at the time is the decision at the time."

Bronya is very calm: "Borrowing the words of the monitor—the plan cannot keep up with the changes."

"Perhaps we originally planned that the three of us would bear the power of the end together, but no one knows what unexpected situation will happen in the future, so only Qiyana is left to bear the power of the end."

"Should......... there won't be any problems at the last moment, right?"

Mei's expression looked a bit worried: "I hope nothing will happen..."

"Oh, don't worry, Mei!"

Qiyana patted her chest, full of confidence: "Even if something really happens, with the strength of all of us, we can definitely save the day!"

"With Ms. Herrscher of Basic Knowledge here, how could something happen to you!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge was also bragging about his achievements: "Don't forget, I'm the one who even confronted that Kevin head-on and even drew with him!


Fu Hua glanced at the boastful Herrscher of Knowledge with a subtle expression.

"What? Any comments?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge used staring eyes: "I fought with him, he didn't die, and I didn't die either, what is it if it's not a draw?!"

Fu Hua: ".

"as long as you are happy."

Shangxian finally sighed and decided to skip this topic.

On the other side, the Herrscher of Knowledge on the screen also said that it doesn't matter

【"Okay, I don't care."

With one hand on his hip, Zhibao said casually: "It doesn't matter whether you lend power or connect your thought space—at least for the Herrscher with consciousness, there is no difference at all.

"So... to cut a long story short, what exactly are you going to do?"

"Don't tell me you plan to spend an hour or two on deep integration? Time is limited!"

"...not so much."

Bronya shook her head and explained: "Judging from the experience not long ago, the state we need to achieve is similar to the situation when we confronted the Herrscher of Domination.

"More specifically, it is to make Kiyana a medium for everyone to connect with each other."

"It's just that this time, apart from the three of us, what is needed is not the squad leader."

Qiyana looked at the Herrscher of Consciousness and smiled: "It's you...the Herrscher of Consciousness."]

"Hahaha! The old antique is useless!"

In the question-and-answer space, Zhibao laughed happily for some reason: "Sure enough, it is more important for me to know the law of knowledge hahahaha!"

Fu Hua's expression was a bit subtle: "...Uh, you don't have to be so happy, do you?"

【"Hmph, it's up to you.

The Ruler of Knowledge cleared his throat twice, and then said, "As I said, time is precious—who will come first?"

"Heh... besides the Herrscher of Origin, is there a better choice?"

Mei smiled softly and took a step forward. 】

As if a discussion had been made, all the surrounding voices completely stopped at this moment.

What is Shiyuan's power? ——The original Herrscher obviously didn't want to explain this in words.

——Let the textbooks teach the cold knowledge and technology.

—The later "you" will witness the footprints of our lives, the imprints of our souls, and find the answers we seek in them.

Perhaps at that time, Raiden Mei hadn't fully understood the true meaning of these words.

But at this moment, her action in accordance with her intuition has already proved everything.

Mei pulled out the sword from its sheath and showed it in front of Kiana

【"Kiana hold this knife and close your eyes.

"After that, you just have to do 'whatever you want'.

Mei said: "Leave the rest to me."


Kiana nodded slightly, and then grabbed the handle of the Taidao. 】

At that moment——before she understood everything, the girl stepped into a strange land.

Overhead, is the beautiful night sky, electric stars;

Under the feet, there is a slightly cool water surface, a dreamy reflection.

It was a view she had never seen before.

It seems that all the beauty that human beings yearn for are gathered here.

Following the agitation and gentle guidance in her heart, she set off into the depths of the star sea.

Time, it seemed, stopped completely.

On the way, she had an overview of the 'Herserscher of Origin';

At the end, she understood the true nature of the Herrscher of Thunder.

And at the end of the illusion, the body was almost invisible for a moment

She also got to know 'Lei Dian Mei' once again.

Things happen naturally, just as night falls and day sinks.

The same goes for how things end.

When Kiyana slowly opened her eyes, what caught her eyes was Mei with a concerned face——

【"How does it feel?"


Kiyana replied truthfully: "It's like... re-walking the path that Mei has walked, and experiencing the emotions that Mei felt.

Mei couldn't help smiling: "I'm asking about your current state."

"Haha, of course that's great, there are one hundred and one of my own powers in my body!"

While the two were enjoying the warm atmosphere, the Herrscher of Knowledge suddenly interrupted——

"What is this? If it were me, Qiyana would have at least one thousand and one of her own strength!"

Bronya couldn't help shaking her head and sighing, stroking her forehead: "Is it really important to add a few more Qiyana... Herrscher of Knowledge, don't you still claim that time is precious?"

She turned to look at Qiyana: "Qiana, let's come directly."]

"Qiana... and Sister Bronya..."

In the question and answer space, Xier stared at Bronya and Kiyana, her eyes were full of envy: "That's great... Xier also wants to be with sister Bronya..."

Heixi: "Hey, Xier. What are you thinking?"

"Huh...ah! No, nothing!"

Xi'er shook her head quickly, her face flushed red.

On the other side, with the help of the Herrscher of Knowledge, the spiritual communication between Bronya and Kiyana is also continuing——

Some poisons are difficult to understand, and to understand their nature, you have to poison yourself.

There are some diseases whose pathology is difficult to understand, and to understand the essence, you must have the disease.

———This is what the girl named Bronya read in Dr. Einstein's basic collection.

The author has always talked lunaticly... But after careful taste, there is no lack of reasonableness.

Some people say that to learn to observe, you must first experience chaos.

So I close my eyes.

Some people say that to know how to listen, you must first be in silence.

So I cut out the noise.

Some people say that to understand the future, you must first live in the present.

So I keep my feet on the ground.

It has been said that in order to have everything, one must first lose everything.

So I make a change.

【"Already done, Kiyana.



Kiyana blankly opened her eyes and blinked.

Seeing Qiyana's appearance, Bronya couldn't help but chuckled and ridiculed: "Why, is the truth of the Herrscher of Surprise and Reason so simple?"

"Instead of 'simple'...how about 'nothing'?"

"Well, because the power of the Herrscher of Reason was originally a castle in the air——just like mathematics."

Bronya explained: "The proof of 1+1=2 is nothing more than repeating the definition of natural numbers...The Herrscher of Reason just naturally inherited the logic of civilization evolution.

"So, for other Herrschers, nothing will actually happen to integrate the power of the Herrscher of Reason—because it is a miracle that belongs to mortals."

0...seeking flowers...0

"But..." Qiyana hesitated to speak.

"It doesn't matter."

But Bronya shook her head: "You have already received Bronya's power—that's enough."]

"Uh... Sure enough, the future Bronya still has a hard time speaking.

In the question-and-answer space, Qiyana scratched her head, her face was a bit dazed: "What about repeating natural numbers, what about mathematics, it's completely confusing!"

"To be honest, Bronya doesn't really understand."

Bronya herself said this: "It seems that the future Bronya must have acquired a lot of knowledge."

"—Otherwise, even if the core of the Herrscher of Reason is approved, I am afraid that the true power of the Herrscher of Reason will not be able to be truly exerted.'

"After all, for the Herrscher of Reason—knowledge is strength."

Tesla replied.

【"Then it seems...it will be my turn next?"

With the end of Mei and Bronya, Herrscher of Knowledge also stood up.


Mei nodded: "As long as Kiyana can successfully integrate with the Herrscher of Knowledge, half of the powers of the Herrscher will be connected to each other."

"That is to say, the power of the Herrscher beyond this..." Qiyana seemed to think of a certain possibility.


"Well, maybe we'll have to—challenge to master it."

Mei nodded slightly: "Although no one can be sure what kind of medicine 'Cocoon' will sell in the gourd..."

"...Ah? Are you all idiots one by one?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help complaining: "Okay, okay, Qiyana stands up for me, just don't move around."]

Facing the puzzled eyes of the three people, Zhibao didn't bother to explain with words, and directly proved it with actions.

And after dropping these words, the three of them never heard the voice of the Herrscher of Knowledge again.

Her quietness is like her loudness, always very sudden.

"Xiaozhi, why did you go here?"

Qiyana blinked, looking at Xiao Shi who suddenly disappeared from the screen, with a surprised expression.

However, before her doubts were answered, the Herrscher of Knowledge soon reappeared on the screen with a relaxed expression on her face.

【"Hey, it's over. It even helped me complete a 'teleportation'."

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked at Qiyana: "How about it, Kiyana


"Right now, you already have ten thousand and one strengths of your own.

"You mean, our powers have been successfully integrated?" Qiyana was taken aback.

"Of course!" The Herrscher of Knowledge put one hand on his hip, looking relaxed and happy.

Bronya: "Bronya originally thought that Qiyana and her integration speed was fast enough, but she didn't expect Herrscher of Knowledge to be even faster.

"I could have gone faster.

The Herrscher of Knowledge glanced at Mei: "As for the reason, Leiden Mei herself should know best?"

Mei guessed: "Because...this is a giant net woven by billions of consciousnesses, and you happen to be the Herrscher of consciousness?"


The Herrscher of Knowledge looked puzzled: "Mei Lei Lei, are you pretending to be stupid?"

"It's obvious that you let me take this ride, but now you ask me deliberately, what's your intention?"

"Uh... what?" Mei was also confused.

Seeing Mei's appearance, the Herrscher of Knowledge couldn't help but sigh: "What. If your Herrscher's power isn't 'communicating with all other Herrscher's powers'—then how could the 'them' you were talking about just now be like that? Is it coming from all directions involuntarily like this?”]


Following the voice of the Herrscher of Knowledge, the scene around the four of them changed dramatically in the next second!

When the scene was re-frozen, what caught everyone's eyes was an arrogant subway station.


Mei looked surprised: "Isn't this the place where the future me will become the Herrscher of Origin?"

"Yes yes yes~"

Alicia also looked surprised: "Isn't this the place where Mei and I had our final date?"

...how did you come here all of a sudden?".

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