Kiana: “Bud Yi, why are you willing to hit me~”

Bronia: “It’s not yet stupid Kiana stealing the fried chicken of Sister Bud Yi.” ”

Kiana: “It was originally made for me to eat.” ”

Saying that, Kiana did not forget to send barrages and other show-offs.

[Kiana: We’re ready to cook. 】

[Kiana: You haven’t tried it, have you? 】

[Alicia: Really? If only I wanted to taste the craftsmanship of Bud clothes, if only I could eat it while touching the little horns. 】

[Kiana: Yes, I will let Nha Yi do this in the future! ] 】

[Nha Yi: I… Can I not do without? 】

[Kiana: No~ Nha Yi. 】

[Alicia: I envy Kiana~].

[Mebius: I can’t imagine that this is the true meaning of the law of rice, it turns out that we misunderstood. 】

[Rita: yes, I thought I could control the food of people all over the world.] 】

[Meadophyllis: If the food is controlled, you can’t eat, which is indeed a terrible power. 】

[Cecilia: They’re so happy and happy…].

[Siegfried: Yes, their lives are so happy. 】

In the video.

Bud Yi forgives Kiana for stealing chicken nuggets and tells her to fry chicken nuggets.

Kiana made a puzzled voice: “Frying chicken nuggets? ”

Bud Yi replied: “Because the chicken nuggets are all eaten by you, the remaining chicken nuggets can only be made into cream stew.” ”

The video screen turns.

Kiana was next to Nha Yi, concentrating on frying chicken nuggets.

At this time, the third character appears.

Bronia walked in from outside with a bag.

Bronia: “Sister Bud.” Bronia bought the vegetables. ”

Bud Yi: “You’re back, hard work~”

Bronia saw Kiana helping, plus the scraps of fried chicken on the side.

Conclusions were drawn right away.

Bronia: “Stupid Kiana stole again.” ”

Kiana, who was poked, snorted with a small mouth.

Bud Yi interrupted the fight between the two and continued to cook.

It’s a heartwarming scene.

Anyone who looks at it will smile heartily.

Seeing himself in the video, he was so clever and poked Kiana.

Bronia: “Sure enough, Bronia is so smart no matter where she is. ”

But Kiana didn’t say anything this time.

Instead, I looked at the creamy stew in the video and swallowed my saliva.

Then look at the bud clothes.

“Bud Yi Bud Yi, do you really know how to make cream stew?”

Nha Yi nodded: “Hmm~”

Kiana: “Then let’s eat cream stew tonight, and the Kiana inside said it was delicious.” ”

Nha Yi: “Okay, as long as Kiana likes it.” ”

Kiana: “Well, eat cream stew tonight…”

In the office.

Teresa and Himeko watched this scene.

The corners of their mouths all rose together.

If not Honkai.

Maybe these children.

Really can live a carefree life like this.

Teresa: “Fortunately, it’s not really a lawyer, it’s just a nickname.” ”

Himeko: “Yes, we almost forgot, he just counted the nickname.” ”

“Such a life scene, really yearning for…”

Teresa looked at the barrage, all of them were praising that they could cook.

“Cecilia, you will also be very happy to see Kiana living like this.”

Cecilia watched Kiana after being fed vegetables.

That look of happiness is incomparable.

Earlier, I saw Kiana’s bad mood.

It was immediately diluted a lot.

“Zigfei, Kiana will definitely be able to live such a life in the future.”


Zigfei nodded vigorously: “Yes, one day they will live this warm life.” ”

“There is no collapse, no fighting, no sacrifice…”

“She will live happily with her friends.”

Cecilia stroked her belly.

The body flashed with maternal brilliance: “Kiana, it’s really good that you can grow up healthy…”

At this time, a barrage floated by.

[Lauderdale: Hahaha… I really thought it was some kind of powerful lawyer ability. 】

[Lauderdale: It looks really delicious, and I really want to eat it. 】

Cecilia looked at Zigfried: “I don’t know why, this person named Lauderdale.” ”

“It gives me an inexplicable sense of intimacy.”

Zigfei nodded in agreement: “Well, I have it too.” ”

“Maybe it’s a friend of ours who changed his name.”

Cecilia smiled, “Maybe…”

Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

Lauderdale smiled happily.

Originally, I thought that I was really a powerful lawyer, but the result was delicious cooking.

This magical light curtain is also too engaging.

As if on purpose.

The first succubus Kevin, mobilized everyone’s emotions.

The latter two lawyers, satisfied everyone’s curiosity.

Immediately followed by a rice lawyer.

The main one is a reversal!

More curious, what’s next.

Lauderdale looked at Otto: “Otto, how do I feel that you seem to be dissatisfied.” ”

Otto: “No. ”

Rita: “Lauderdale, let’s go to St. Freya’s Academy when we have a chance.” ”

Youlauderdale was stunned: “What are you doing there?” ”

Rita: “Do you still need to say that?” Go find Teresa! ”

Youlauderdale was stunned: “Let’s go find Teresa?” ”

Rita nodded vigorously: “Yes, yes, Bud Yi is in St. Freya Academy.” ”

“Go to Teresa and try the cream stew!”

Lauderdale smiled and said meaningfully: “Well, there must be a chance.” ”

Pre-civilizational era.

This time, there was no discussion among the people in the room.

They all looked at the warm scene of the three people eating on the light curtain.

They fought until the last moment.

Isn’t that what it is?

I thought it was impossible to see.

But this scene is presented in this way.

The corners of everyone’s mouth.

I couldn’t help but raise a smile.

Look at it lightly.

In this broken world.

This moment is very rare.

Mei looked at the smiling bud clothes on it.

It’s also a gentle smile.

“That’s nice…”

But suddenly a paragraph directly broke Mei’s atmosphere.

Sakura: “Dr. Mei, do you make cream stew?” ”

The eyes of others.

They also looked at Mei.

Mei: “…”

The look in her eyes says it all.

Do experiments.




May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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