[However, to your surprise, although Dusk Street is full of chaos, there is still a pure land. 】

[It was a very ordinary-looking sanatorium. 】


When he saw this nursing home for the first time, Jiang Cheng was a little surprised.

The legend of Dusk Street, he had already heard from the magician.

In her description, the chaos of this place was enough to meet Jiang Cheng’s needs.

Under the magician’s description, he once imagined the scene of Dusk Street.

Criminals, liars, thieves, all may exist here.

But a place that seemed to be full of warmth was completely out of his imagination.

“Could it be that this is a place where children are being squeezed in the name of a nursing home?”

Out of curiosity, Jiang Cheng casually pulled a thief-eyed man and asked him about the group of nursing homes.

At first, when he was pulled by Jiang Cheng, the man showed an impatient expression on his face.

However, when he saw the money in Jiang Cheng’s hand, the expression on his face instantly became flattering.

“You said that the sanatorium ah, it seems to have been there for a long time, and it is no longer known who founded it.”

“Although the street is very chaotic at dusk, everyone will not move the nursing home, and if they do, I am afraid that the entire street will be regarded as an enemy.”

“The nursing home not only accommodated children, but also adults who had nowhere to go.”

“Don’t look at us guys badly, but we all have wives and children, and if we accidentally die on this street, that nursing home is the last hope of our wives and children.”

“So no one will move that nursing home anyway.”

“That, that’s all I know, see if you can…”

After speaking, the man’s sharp eyes like a mouse stared closely at the thin bill in Jiang Cheng’s hand.

After getting the information he wanted, Jiang Cheng was not stingy and directly threw the money in his hand to the man.

“Thank you boss! Thank you boss! ”

After respectfully bowing to Jiang Cheng twice, the man directly picked up the money on the ground and ran into the distance.

As for the words that the fool’s money in the man’s mouth is really easy to earn, Jiang Cheng did not pay attention to it.

After all, these money are in his hands, and it is estimated that he will not last long.

At least there were no less than three or four pairs of eyes that he had just seen staring at him and the man.

As for the fate of that man, Jiang Cheng did not intend to pay attention to it, even if this kind of guy was brought back as experimental material, it would not be of much value.

After the man left, Jiang Cheng immediately turned to look at the nursing home in the distance.

Looking at this nursing home, he couldn’t help but recall the orphanage where he used to stay, and the person who remembered the best for him.

In this place full of sin, such a place to take in many children and adults who do not have enough to eat, is like a pure white flower in the sludge.

Out of respect, Jiang Cheng did not bother this nursing home.

After all, the research he was now conducting was a blasphemy for this pure place.

Although he said that, in fact, Jiang Cheng did not really hurt many people.

Although the occasional disappearance of one or two people in this sinful place would not attract attention, Jiang Cheng actually did not intend to actively look for prey.

After all, he is not some dehumanizing guy.

After all, in a place like Dusk Street, experiments that are considered taboo by the outside world and challenge the law and social ethics are simply ignored.

As long as you can pay enough money, then there will even be people who will take the initiative to participate in your experiment.

He is not some Virgin who wants to save everyone by harming no one, but he is not some madman who kills innocents indiscriminately for the sake of research.

However, as for those ill-intentioned guys, he didn’t keep his hand.

However, the more he came into contact with these people, the more disappointed he became.

The malice of human nature made Jiang Cheng more and more disappointed with these guys.

He couldn’t help but wonder what these sinful guys could do if they really broke away from their physical bodies and became immortal spiritual bodies in their plans.

[In the days of Dusk Street, you have learned all kinds of knowledge in order to study the human spirit. 】

Whether it is neuroscience, brain science or thinking science, it is the focus of your study. 】

[While studying this, you also studied psychology. 】

[After sending away a guy who took the initiative to participate in the experiment, you couldn’t help but sigh. 】

[After being hypnotized, people will always expose their truest side. 】

[Even people who usually seem to be honest will have more or less malice hidden in their hearts. 】

[The evil thoughts that these people have hidden deeply are always hovering in your mind and making you feel tired. 】

[On a calm afternoon, you plan to go out and relax. 】

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