Although he was a scholar, Jiang Cheng did not give up his physical training.

Although this body is fragile, if it is too weak, it cannot support heavy research activities.

Therefore, without much effort, he brought back the mountain chicken brother in Padu’s mouth.

“Take it easy, this is just a villain, no matter who suddenly disappears in this dusk street, it will not attract attention.”

“Besides, without this guy, Dusk Street would be a little safer, and the people in the nursing home would be safer.”

“You’re just here to protect those you care about, what’s wrong with you?”

Looking at Pado, who was a little trembling, Jiang Cheng gently stretched out his hand and wanted to pat Pado’s head.

But when he saw the blood on his gloves, he withdrew his hand and gave Padot a warm smile instead.

In order to make the experimental sample honestly cooperate with the next process of experimentation, Jiang Cheng cut off the spinal nerve of the sample.

This allows the sample to be kept intact to the greatest extent possible while obtaining a stable sample.

[After obtaining more advanced samples, your research progress has skyrocketed again.] 】

[Now you have been able to analyze the spirit and keep the spirit stable while keeping the brain active. 】

[The cost, however, is your assistant’s growing fear of you.] 】

[But it doesn’t matter, as long as she’s still working.] 】


[During a normal day of research, you suddenly receive a letter signed by Mebius, who you have not seen for a long time. 】

[In the case of an Internet, you have to choose the backward communication method of letters, which makes you a little puzzled. 】

[But out of trust, you opened Mebius’s letter anyway.] 】

“Do you want to know what the world really looks like?”

Just one sentence made Jiang Cheng interested.

But then Mebius did not continue to explain what it looked like, but only included an invitation letter in the letter, telling Jiang Cheng to join the organization written on the invitation if he wanted to know what the world really looked like.

And the name of this organization is – Fire Moth.

“A fire moth? It’s a little interesting, if you compare yourself to a moth to a fire, then who will this fire be? ”

In the past two years of research, Jiang Cheng has felt more and more that there seem to be some real hidden secrets in this world waiting to be discovered.

And now an invitation letter from Mebius has finally unveiled the mystery of this world for him.

“The real world, the attraction of this kind of thing, is fatal to a scholar, Mebius, you really know me.”

After putting down the invitation in his hand, Jiang Cheng thought slightly, and then habitually beckoned Pado to make himself a cup of coffee.

However, after a few greetings, there was no response.

After going out, she found that there was no girl who was basking in the sun on the recliner at the door.

“The thing is still there, it shouldn’t be secretly carrying the bucket and running away, so where did this go?”

Although he had doubts in his heart, it was impossible to stop the research in his hand and run out to find Pado, and Jiang Cheng could only make himself a cup of coffee and return to the research room again.

It was not until the evening, after Jiang Cheng finished his research, that Pado appeared in the research institute.

“Did you have fun today?”

The moment the door was opened, a voice came.

Subconsciously, Pado replied with a smile.

“Well, happy!”

However, as soon as the words came out, Pado couldn’t help but freeze.

In front of her, was Jiang Cheng sitting on a chair.

And Jiang Cheng’s gaze was firmly staring at her at the moment.

Looking at Jiang Cheng’s gaze in front of him, Pado couldn’t help but fight awkwardly at this time.

“That, boss… We didn’t mean to be absent from work, we thought about going out to eat something during the lunch break. ”

“I saw a free show on the road, and then I was attracted before I knew it, which is why I came back so late…”

“Absolutely… It’s definitely not that our willpower is not strong, it’s really that magician is too powerful! Boss, you don’t know, in her hands those gears and steam are just like alive! ”

Originally, Jiang Cheng just wanted to knock and knock Paduo to make her work more serious.

However, some of the words that came out of Pado’s mouth caught his attention.

“Magician? Gears and steam? Are you talking about magicians who are female and have colorful hair? ”

“Boss, how do you know! Did you go to the show too? ”

Listening to Pado’s answer, Jiang Cheng had already determined that the magician in Pado’s mouth was the genius magician he knew who was suspected of being schizophrenic.

“Nothing, by the way, Pado, will that magician still be there tomorrow?”

“Well, yes, she said the show would last three days.”

“No problem, in that case, let’s take a day off tomorrow, you take me to see the magician’s performance, and I also want to meet this familiar but somewhat strange friend.”

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, readers big guys give some data to support the little authors, all readers big guys, a little flower rose in the afternoon, it’s uncomfortable!

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