“So, I urged you so many times, and you released my pigeons for more than three months because you were with this pink fat woman!?”

For Mebius’s questioning, before Jiang Cheng could speak, Alicia next to him took the initiative to jump out.

“Oh, I don’t think my body fat percentage is at the point where I should call it fat.”

“But this green-haired lady should be Dr. Mebius who Jiang Cheng said all the way, right?”

“Is it really beautiful and endearing?”

For Alicia, who suddenly jumped and struck, Mebius was extremely cold, and even directly reached out to pull Alicia away and looked at Jiang Cheng.

“Cough, don’t worry, in fact, I was already ready to come, but I ran into Alicia again halfway, and then under her entanglement, I had to continue traveling for three months.”

“It’s a little late, but I’m not coming.”

Listening to Jiang Cheng’s explanation, Mebius’s eyes couldn’t help but turn to Alicia on the side.

Those pink-green eyes were full of hostility to protect food at the moment.

Looking at the eye exchange between the two, Jiang Cheng was also a little helpless at the moment, so he could only wait silently.

And while waiting, Jiang Cheng suddenly noticed Blanca who was stunned on the side.

Looking at Blanca, who was already stunned in place and opened his mouth wide, and the file in his hand did not know when it fell to the ground, Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, and then walked over to remind Blanca.

“Madam, your information has dropped.”

Saying that, Jiang Cheng began to help Blanca pick up the information that had fallen.

However, just picking up the first piece of information made Jiang Cheng’s eyes instantly freeze.


“Where did you get this information!”

The sudden sound from this side immediately attracted Alicia and Mebius, who were originally confronting.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng was grabbing Blanca’s wrist with one hand to prevent Blanca from touching the documents on the ground, and in the other hand was grasping the document he had just picked up.

“How can these materials appear in the hands of ordinary researchers like you!”

Jiang Cheng’s tough posture at this moment made Blanca suddenly stop moving at this moment, and did not dare to stretch out her hand again.

In the chat between Alicia and Mebius just now, she already knew the identity of this young and excessive person, the researcher of these materials in her hand, and the Dr. Jiang Cheng she was still expecting.

And the reason why she was surprised was because of Jiang Cheng’s age.

She didn’t expect that Jiang Cheng’s age looked much younger than her!

In her thoughts, Jiang Cheng should be at least a middle-aged researcher senior in his thirties and forties who is in his peak state, otherwise he would not be able to complete such a huge work on his own.

As for the girl who was said to be an assistant who was sent with these materials, they simply ignored it.

I thought she was also an excellent researcher, but later found out that she was just a little clever errand runner who liked to be lazy.

It is precisely because of this that they will admire Dr. Jiang Cheng even more.

But now, she wants to take back that assessment.

Dr. Jiang Cheng, he is so fierce (T^T)!

Fortunately, after Mebius saw this scene, he also came over to relieve Blanca.

“Okay, okay, don’t scare her, this is Blanca, my previous assistant, a very reliable person.”

“Although the talent is slightly inferior to me, as long as it is cultivated, it can also become an excellent scholar.”

“That’s why I gave her your research, and she was in charge of advancing your research in your absence.”

After listening to Mebius’s words, Jiang Cheng’s face was much better, but his brows were still wrinkled.

“Since I am the researcher in charge of my research, why do I still walk around with the data, it is very important to know that these materials are very important!”

“Since you have taken over the research, you should pay attention to twelve!”

Under Jiang Cheng’s reprimand, Blanca couldn’t help but lower his head at this moment.

“I’m sorry… Doctor, I see, I’ll go back to the lab…”

After Blanca left, Mebius patted Jiang Cheng’s shoulder again.

“Well, don’t blame Blanca, in fact, Blanca is quite a reliable scholar.”

“As for walking around with the information, it should be because of the routine inspection required by the high-level of the fire moth, and my laboratory often has this situation.”

Mebius’s words made Jiang Cheng, who was already a little deflated, frown again.

“High-rise? I remember that in your previous letter to me, didn’t you say that you are one of the elders of the Fire Moth? Why do you have to be subject to high-level inspection? ”

At the mention of this, Mebius’s expression suddenly became a little unnatural.

“Well, although I am one of the elders who created the Fire Moth, after all, this is also a supragovernmental organization that relies on the existence of the United Nations.”

“Even as one of the founders, I am naturally limited by those in high positions.”

“But it’s okay, anyway, I don’t have any ideas about rights or anything, as long as I have the capital to support my research.”

For Mebius’s statement, Jiang Cheng was a little silent at the moment.

After a long while, he spoke faintly.

“Is this the so-called human elite?”


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