[At the age of twenty, after discovering the corrosive nature of the spiritual will of the sample, you began to study this area again. 】

[No matter how strong a person is, in the state of pure spiritual will, his most vulnerable parts will still be exposed. 】

[Perhaps because of this, Honkai Energy can invade people’s spiritual will so easily.] 】

[In order to combat this erosion, the easiest way is, of course, to directly erase the original ideology, so that the collapse can not have the object of erosion. ] 】

[But in this way, it is similar to artificially creating dead soldiers, which conflicts with your research direction.] 】

[The other method is the plan you call the wall of the heart, or it should be called the cage of the heart.] 】

Divide the pure spiritual will, and then use this spiritual will to build an absolute cage, so as to capture the collapse energy that erodes the spiritual will.

After sealing the captured Avalanche energy in a cage, they use these captured Avalanche energy as the core to maintain a stable existence of the spirit.

In this way, a balance between the two can be initially reached.

As for the root of all this, it is still the collapse energy.


Looking at the events in the simulator, Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but recall a sentence he had heard before.

Why is it called Honkai energy, because Honkai can do everything.

Why is it called elemental force, because the elements are powerless.

“Collapse energy, it’s really omnipotent…”

As for the human orange juice project that he was going to engage in in in the simulator, he had no hope.

After all, the previous stimulation has pulled his endurance to a strong level, and it is no worse.

Compared with the destruction of the Finalist, the human orange juice project is just painless.

“Anyway, it seems that I have lived past the time when the First Law was born, and it is already better than the last time…”


[Just when the plan for the wall of the center of the laboratory was gradually advancing, news suddenly came from the outside world at this moment. 】

[The second collapse broke out without warning.] 】

[In a dense human settlement again, this disaster broke out without warning. ] 】

[Along with the outbreak of collapse, there is also the Second Law. 】

[After experiencing the first collapse disaster, human beings thought that they already had experience, not to mention the ease of maneuvering, at least they could handle the collapse disaster. 】

[Even if it is a sudden outbreak like this without warning, they can cope with it, and the worst outcome is to drop a nuclear bomb on the place where the second law is.] 】

[The weapons we have at our disposal can destroy the entire human civilization no less than ten times, let alone just a small lawyer.] ]

[Human beings think so self-righteously. 】

[The heavy reality still gives a blow to those who do not have enough knowledge of human beings themselves. 】

[The little lawyer in their mouths is extremely terrifying at this moment. 】

[The power that comes from the essential gap in the level of life, which can be easily used without learning or thinking, is not qualified to be compared to the first law who is killed in infancy without any room for development. 】

[Whether it is a long-range weapon strike, or the suppression of heavy armored forces, or the decapitation operation of a special team, in front of that girl, it became like a joke. ] 】

[Any weapon, once it gets close to the girl, it will be torn into a pile of scrap iron by some invisible force.] 】

And the warriors who are called the elite are as weak as children in front of her. You can’t even get close to her. 】

[Compared with the means of human beings, the girl only stepped calmly, bringing unimaginable disasters to mankind. 】

[Everywhere it passed, the chaotic collapse energy destroyed almost everything, and even the ground turned into fine dust under the erosion of the collapse energy. 】

[Weapons that claim to be able to destroy human civilization no less than ten times, and finally she can react, are only a few nuclear bombs that are launched recklessly. 】

[However, even if it costs a great deal and makes the other party neglect for a moment, the mighty force of the nuclear bomb explosion is enough to destroy the city and turn civilization into ruins, and even the power to shatter the spatial position that naturally surrounds the lawyer. ] 】

[At this point, mankind has completely collapsed. 】

[After investigating, people finally discovered that the power used by the second law comes from space. 】

[Therefore, the Second Law is also officially named by humans – void. 】

[The news of the birth of the Second Law naturally fell into your ears. 】

[After listening to the report on the deaths and injuries caused by the Second Lawyer, you just nodded, and then buried your head back in your research again. 】

[It is true that the harm caused by the second law has far exceeded that of the previous first lawyer, but what does this have to do with you?] 】

“You are just a scholar, not a warrior. 】

[Your duty is only to complete the research in your hand.] 】

[How to fight against the second lawyer, that is the matter of the weapons research and development department, or the soldiers. 】

[However, the strength of the second law has also sounded the alarm for you. 】

[Compared with the first lawyer, the second law has become more powerful, and no one knows if there will be a third, fourth or even fifth law next.] 】

[These unknown enemies make you have to be vigilant. 】


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