[At the age of six, when you learn something about the Celine family from your parents, you work harder to improve yourself. 】

[Driven by the identity of ‘Celine’s brother’, your motivation has become stronger and stronger, and soon, you have become a well-known ‘other people’s child’. 】

[At the same time, in the process of frequent visits to Celine’s house, Celine has become more and more familiar with your existence. 】

[Seeing that the relationship between you and Celine is getting better and better, Celine’s mother is also very happy, and even the pain on her body seems to be slightly alleviated. ] 】

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who was lying in front of Celine’s cradle and playing with Cyrin as soon as she arrived at home, Celein’s mother was also a little stoic at this moment.

“Okay, Xiaojiangcheng, Xi Lin won’t run, don’t keep staring at it all the time!”

“Besides, no one will come to steal her, you don’t have to be so nervous!”

For Xilin’s mother’s words, Jiang Cheng at this moment stubbornly raised his little face.

“No, I’m Celine’s brother, so I have to keep a good eye on her to prevent her from moving and getting hurt.”

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who took Cylin seriously like this, Celein’s mother at this time also shook her head helplessly.

Even Jiang Cheng’s parents on the side were a little covered up and chuckled.

Just as Jiang Cheng’s parents and Xilin’s mother were chatting, a childish voice suddenly sounded.

“Brother… Brother…”

When this slightly immature voice sounded, the eyes of several people in the room were immediately attracted at this moment.

“Yay! Little Cylyn has learned to speak! ”

“However, before learning to call mother, did you learn to call your brother first, well, mother is a little distressed!”

When he heard this, Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but raise his head proudly at this moment.

“Of course, I’m Celine’s brother!”

As if infected by Jiang Cheng’s words, Xilin, who was lying in the cradle, was also constantly clapping her hands.

“Brother… Brother! ”

The cheerful voice made several people at this moment show heartfelt smiles, as if the whole world was left with this small, full of beautiful rooms.

Even if there is falling snow outside the window at this moment, it cannot affect even the slightest warmth in the house.


Looking at this warm scene, Jiang Cheng at this moment is also rare and somewhat comfortable.

In the collapsed world, this kind of beautiful life between ordinary people is even more rare.

Although if you end up in this peaceful daily life, your settlement evaluation should not be too high, but experiencing this beautiful life is already a reward.

Simulating this kind of thing has a chance every day, but this kind of warm daily life is not always there, not to mention, it is still in a world like Honkai.

At least, in this ordinary and warm daily life, he was healed.

“It’s really good, I didn’t expect that this Sims system is quite humane, seeing that I am too stressed and will randomly come out of these warm daily routines to decompress me.”


[At the age of seven, Celine’s mother died of illness, leaving Celine, who was only two years old, alone in this world. 】


“I was wrong, I shouldn’t have hoped for a world like Honkai.”

Looking at the world that had just risen with a hint of warmth, it suddenly became dark and deep, and at this moment, Jiang Cheng suddenly felt like he had been stabbed.

“First make a beautiful reality, and then destroy this beautiful reality to others, is it really worthy of the most basic operating logic of the collapsed world?”

For the behavior of the corner of his mouth that had just been raised being pressed down again by this sudden knife, Jiang Cheng at this moment said that he was very tired.


[After Celine’s mother died, your parents brought Celine back to their home. 】

[With your family’s family situation, even if you adopt another Celine, there is no problem. 】

[And Celine’s behavior in coming to your house also makes you truly realize that you have become Celine’s brother, even if it is not related by blood. 】

[Looking at Celine, who is still asleep, you have made up your mind to let Celine live happily. ] 】

In order to achieve this goal, you and your father revealed your desire to become better. 】

[Your father supported your decision, and then used his connections to find you a good teacher. 】

After Celine’s mother died, Celine moved into your home.

Because he had already agreed to be Xilin’s brother and protect her for the rest of his life, Jiang Cheng was not unhappy that Xilin’s love had taken away a part of her parents.

On the contrary, he also took the initiative to ask his parents to treat Celine as an equal with him, and even favored Celine more.

As a seven-year-old, he has shown himself to be more mature and sensible than many people.

Looking at all this, Jiang Cheng’s parents couldn’t help but think of the expression on their faces when they entrusted Celine to them before her mother died.

“Don’t worry, Celine, this child is lucky, with such a brother who is kind to her and protects her, she will definitely live happily!”

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