[Eighteen years old, almost a year has passed since joining the Babylon laboratory. 】

[During this year, in order to be able to get in touch with the outside world as soon as possible, you have worked non-stop and constantly improved yourself. 】

[At nineteen, the intense research life continues, but your responsibilities have improved slightly. 】

[From the beginning of sorting out survey data, it has become experimental sample management. 】

Looking at the pile of experimental sample data in front of him, Jiang Cheng couldn’t help frowning a little at this moment.

“In the end, it is not about sorting out various materials, but just changing from sorting experimental data to sorting out experimental samples.”

Although he complained in his mouth, Jiang Cheng was still honestly sorting out the information at this moment.

In this regard, Jiang Cheng did not show any complaints, after all, since he was a child, he was able to persist more than others.

In this laboratory, new experimental subjects will be sent every month, and then the statistical data table will be sent to Jiang Cheng’s hands and sorted out by Jiang Cheng.

From these experimental data, it seems that most samples cannot survive one experiment, and the best ones are only two or three times.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng sighed at the difficulty of the experiment while sorting out the data.

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng’s hand stopped, and the experimental subject marked on the experimental data in front of him seemed to be very good.

After the first experiment, there was almost no effect, and no adverse reactions occurred other than falling into a coma.

Even in the second experiment after awakening, the individual was able to ensure consciousness during the experiment.

This made Jiang Cheng can’t help but take a look at the number of this experimental subject.

“SI-1111, well, this number is really special, Celine’s birthday is also November 11th.”

When he thought of this, Jiang Cheng at this moment was immediately amused by his own thoughts.

“Not to mention that the experimenters who participated in the experiment were all those who volunteered for reward, according to the economic conditions of the family, Celine would never be able to volunteer for reward.”

“Besides, I can be regarded as a management management now, and they can’t be stupid enough to catch Celine as an experimental subject.”

After putting aside the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, Jiang Cheng at this moment threw himself into work again.

And when Jiang Cheng was immersed in work, in the first department at this moment, the girl named Xi Lin was welcomed on the experimental table for the third time.


[Twenty years old, finally, you successfully relied on your own ability to become one of the supervisors of this part of the experimental area, and finally learned that the area you were in was the third region. 】

[And your responsibilities have become more diversified, in addition to managers, but also more management of experimental equipment and experimental sample data, etc.] 】

[After getting this position, you finally got communication with the outside world, although you still can’t disclose the latest situation, but at least you can send some supplies to your home to show that you are not in trouble. 】


At the time of receiving this news. At this moment, Jiang Cheng was a little confused.

“At a time like this, do you want me to go on a business trip?”

“That’s right, Director Jiang Cheng, there is news from the Mandate of Heaven headquarters that your current location has been able to touch some deeper things.”

“But because the data can’t be transmitted, you can only view it yourself, so you need to go on a business trip.”

Listening to the notice of the head of the Babylon laboratory in front of him, Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but nod helplessly at this moment.

“Okay, I see, there is another question, can I meet or contact my family after I return from this business trip?”

“You can communicate with your home during a business trip, but you are not allowed to have any contact after arriving at headquarters and returning here.”

“At the same time, even when you are in contact on the road, you cannot reveal any information about this place.”

Listening to the explanation of the person in charge, Jiang Cheng nodded at this moment to show understanding.

“Thank you for your understanding, Director Jiang Cheng.”

Listening to the words of the head of the Babylon laboratory in front of him, Jiang Cheng did not stay on this issue for long.

“Okay, when can I leave, if I come back early, I can also promote the research process early, and end the research early so that I can meet my family.”

Listening to Jiang Cheng’s words, the researcher’s eyes at this moment were a little strange.

Jiang Cheng’s position in charge was indeed obtained through hard work, but he did not know what kind of experiment he managed.

What he is valued for is actually the ability to work hard for him in any situation, as long as he is given a goal, even if he does not know what the goal is.

Because of this, in a dark place like the Babylonian laboratory, he could continue to work hard for several years.

But unfortunately, he was not an experimenter in front of the laboratory table in the first department.

Otherwise, as long as he goes to the experimental table of the first department to take a look… No, he didn’t even have to go to the bench, just look near the prison cell and he would know what a cruel laboratory it was.

But unfortunately, Jiang Cheng was just the head of a third-department manager, and he didn’t know anything about the content of the experiment.

I just don’t know what information he will come into contact with when he goes to the headquarters this time.

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