Chapter 0070 Kiana: Alicia? Bad women!!!

“Alicia-san, where are you from?”

“Alicia-san, how do you take care of your hair?”

“Alicia-san, where did you study before, why did you suddenly transfer here?”

Listening to the almost noisy sounds around her, Alicia couldn’t help but feel a little distressed at this time.

Obviously, there was no problem with her charm, and as for why she failed to attract Jiang Cheng, she didn’t know the reason.

“Don’t be in a hurry first, don’t be so restrained, just call me Ellie in the future.”

After putting on a formulaic smile, Alicia also answered some of the questions she asked, but she did not answer some questions about herself.

What she didn’t notice was that after she skipped some questions, Jiang Cheng at this moment also withdrew his gaze through the cover of the crowd.

In fact, Jiang Cheng was not as calm as it appeared.

Although the most important thing at the moment is to raid the lightning bud clothes, the sudden appearance of Alicia has to make him think about everything that has happened recently.

It doesn’t matter how Alicia changed from the state of memory back to a real human being, and walked out of the promised land of the past.

The question now is why Alicia appeared in Changkong City, and in what capacity she appeared here and what to do.

A simple transfer student? How can it be!

To know that Alicia’s identity is a former civilization’s fire-chasing thirteen heroes, a warrior who resisted collapse, appeared here just to be an ordinary high school student, what kind of joke?

In the original plot, Nagaku City will be an important place, where the three protagonists will meet and then join the St. Freya Academy together to become a Valkyrie.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that Changkong City should only attract them, that is, the thunder bud clothes who are about to awaken.

In other words, their purpose is only possible with lightning buds.

And this is actually not the most serious thing, after all, the lightning bud may not be killed.

Because in the last era, Alicia’s last hope was that human beings could be united, and that the lawyer could have his own consciousness.

And the lawyer incarnated by Raiden Bud Yi is obviously in line with her wishes, and even can fight for humanity in the future, which is undoubtedly what she hopes.

Therefore, Alicia will not do anything to Raiden Bud Yi, and may even help Raiden Bud Yi control her power.

But in this way, everything I know will probably no longer have any meaning.

Until now, Jiang Cheng had at most a sense of urgency, and not complete despair, except for the system, because he knew all the stories that happened after that.

Therefore, even if he fails to gain power through the simulator, he can avoid all dangers through his familiarity with the plot.

And now the appearance of Alicia has completely shattered this advantage of him.

In terms of Alicia’s combat effectiveness, not to mention the third collapse, even if it is a collapse once a day, directly to the twelve lawyers, I am afraid that Alicia can suppress it with a backhand.

After all, at the end of the previous generation, the last blow of the Moonlight Throne and Kevin Laozu weakened part of the power of the gods, and Fu Hua’s last blow that burned memories killed the broken will for a while.

Therefore, the current generation of lawyers, compared to the previous generation, is much weaker.

However, in this way, the whole plot will be directly chaotic, and the advantage of his own traverser will be completely gone.

Looking at Alicia who was surrounded by everyone on the side, Jiang Cheng still did not approach at this moment for the sake of safety.

At this moment, Alicia finally breathed a sigh of relief after sending away the many classmates who came around.

However, just when she was about to go to Jiang Cheng to talk, the class bell rang…

Although Alicia’s strength can completely ignore these rules, in order not to be hated by Jiang Cheng, she still needs to be a student honestly.

Finally, after class, Alicia just wanted to go to Jiang Cheng, but was surrounded by a group of classmates again.

When she finally coped, she went to class again…

Seriously, Alicia had never hated her charm as much as she did now.

After a whole morning passed, Alicia barely found a chance to talk to Jiang Cheng.

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who disappeared directly into the classroom after meal time, Alicia couldn’t help but feel a pang of regret at this moment.

“My fucking charm with nowhere to put it!”



After pushing open the door of the rooftop, Jiang Cheng used his ability to let some of the people sitting on the rooftop leave, emptying the entire rooftop.

When he sat down, Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The classmates who surrounded Alicia when he was in the classroom were actually his handiwork.

After all, no matter how attractive Alicia is, she can’t always attract those girls.

The situation in the first class was just because of curiosity about the new classmates, but every time after that, it was Jiang Cheng who manipulated his consciousness and let them surround Alicia.

After all, her purpose is likely to be Raiden Bud Yi, if no one stops her, she will be in trouble if she touches Raiden Bud Yi.

And the classmates who surrounded her were ordinary people, and Alicia could not make a move against ordinary people no matter what she said, so that she could restrict Alicia’s actions.


“Although this method is good, it can’t be used all the time, otherwise everyone will see that there is a problem…”

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but shake his head.

“It seems that we have to think of something else…”

Just as Jiang Cheng was thinking about his next plan, the door of the rooftop opened again at this moment.

And subconsciously ready to control the consciousness and let the person leave, Jiang Cheng suddenly stopped moving.

“Excuse me, did I disturb you?”

Looking at the thunder and lightning bud clothes who pushed the door, Jiang Cheng also shook his head with a smile at this moment.

“No, the whole rooftop is empty, and I wish someone would sit here with me to eat.”

Listening to Jiang Cheng’s words, Bud Yi also pursed his lips slightly at this moment, and then nodded.

“That, excuse me…”

Immediately, Nha Yi also walked onto the rooftop, sat on the other side of Jiang Cheng, and immediately opened his bento box.

Looking at the bud Yi who was sitting several meters away from him, Jiang Cheng was not good to say anything, after all, his current situation can almost only be regarded as a familiar person.

Although Kiana’s assist yesterday pulled the distance between the two a bit, if he walked directly to Bud Yi’s side and sat down as a friend now, nine times out of ten he would be hated.

Looking at the bud clothes on the side, Jiang Cheng at this time suddenly missed Kiana’s assist.

Perhaps because of Jiang Cheng’s prayer, there was a sound in the direction of the roof gate at this time.

And Jiang Cheng’s gaze also fell on the gate of Tianzhi for the first time.

However, unexpectedly, it was not Kiana who pushed open the door, but a pink girl – Alicia.

When he saw Alicia, Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but twitch out of the corner of his eye.

Thousands of precautions, I didn’t expect that I would actually not prevent it at this time…

And the roof was also emptied by itself before, and this time no one could help stop Alicia from touching the lightning bud clothes.

As for modifying Alicia’s consciousness to make her turn away, as if she didn’t find Bud Yi?

Make a fuss!

If Jiang Cheng’s ability could modify Alicia’s consciousness, then where did he need to bother to let a group of ordinary people drag Alicia before?

Looking at the figure of Alicia walking directly in from the gate of the rooftop, Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but grit his teeth at this moment.

Originally, he wanted to stay away from Alicia as much as possible, but now it seems that he can only step forward and drag Alicia himself.

When she pushed open the door of the rooftop, Alicia’s heart was suddenly filled with joy.

“Found you?”

For the whole morning, she couldn’t get a word with Jiang Cheng.

And now it’s hard to wait until there is no one else next to… Well, although there is a person, it seems that there is no idea of coming to find him, so it should not disturb himself and Jiang Cheng, right?

Looking at the lightning bud clothes several meters away from Jiang Cheng, Alicia couldn’t help but think a little in her heart.

And when he saw the direction of Alicia’s eyes, Jiang Cheng sighed secretly in his heart.

“It seems that it really came for Bud Yi!”

After the secret passage was not good, Jiang Cheng also made up his mind to stop Alicia by himself.

The next moment, Jiang Cheng took the initiative to get up and walk towards Alicia.

On the way over, Jiang Cheng also immediately sent a message to Bud Yi’s consciousness.

“Hurry up, Alicia is coming at you, I’ll help you drag her down!”

Looking at the bud clothes that suddenly stiffened for a moment while eating, Jiang Cheng took the initiative to meet Alicia, and by the way, he used his body to block the lightning bud clothes on the other side.

And Bud Yi’s side, after receiving the news from Jiang Cheng, also immediately became alert.

But after listening to Jiang Cheng’s words and leaving the rooftop, she couldn’t help but start thinking about everything in her mind.

After Jiang Cheng told himself those secrets yesterday, Bud Yi also immediately investigated those things.

And now the sudden appearance of Alicia, I am afraid that it is precisely because of her later investigation that she attracted the attention of the organization hidden in the secret, so she will be sent to deal with herself.

At the moment, Jiang Cheng let himself go quickly, and he blocked Alicia, which made her look a little ugly.

Jiang Cheng’s words are to drag, not solve, proving that he also did not solve the confidence of the people who came.

And Jiang Cheng’s strength, although he didn’t understand it, but with which illusion technique he had before, he couldn’t even see through it.

And at the moment, Jiang Cheng only said to hold on, doesn’t it mean that the girl who appeared at the door of the rooftop is stronger?

With the cleverness of Bud Yi, he naturally immediately thought of the fact that Alicia had been surrounded this morning, and also understood that it should be Jiang Cheng’s handwriting.

Thinking that Jiang Cheng had been secretly guarding himself for a morning, Bud Yi couldn’t help but feel a little heartbeat at this time, and his mind immediately remembered what Kiana said yesterday.

Jiang Cheng cares about himself, and he also has a good impression of him…

“No, no, what am I thinking, shouldn’t I find a way to save Jiang Cheng now!”

After clearing out the thoughts in his mind, Bud Yi at this time was also hurriedly preparing to look for weapons.

On Jiangcheng’s side, when the figure of Bud Yi left from the rooftop, Alicia’s eyes couldn’t help but widen slightly at this moment.

“Hey, I didn’t expect that this girl is still very discerning, and she is actually creating a space for me and Jiang Cheng to be alone!”

“When I finish chatting with Jiang Cheng when I turn back, I will definitely thank you and then be friends with you?”

Looking at the back of the bud clothes, Alicia’s eyes were full of approval.

And the eyes that she has been chasing Bud Yi have also been seen by Jiang Cheng.

His eyes widened slightly, and he was annoyed

The expression of anger, and the gaze chasing Bud Yi, was interpreted by him as the meaning of “waiting for me”.

After sighing slightly, Jiang Cheng had already arrived in front of Alicia at this time, but before he could speak, Alicia in front of him directly burst into a smile.

“How are you, Jiang Cheng-san?”

It’s over, it seems that I have already investigated the people around Bud Yi, including me.

“I found that you were the only boy in the entire class, and you were the only one who didn’t gather around me in the morning.”

Not good, it seems that this morning’s tampering with consciousness to let her classmates stop her behavior is likely to be discovered!

“I’m curious about you?”

Toothless, does it mean that she has discovered that I have the power of a person who knows part of it? Every word of Alicia made Jiang Cheng sweat coldly at this time.

After all, he can’t beat Alicia now…

If Alicia starts now, I am afraid that there will be one more news in Changkong City tomorrow: shock, a boy from Senwa Gakuen committed suicide by jumping off a building because of excessive pressure

After swallowing his spit a little, Jiang Cheng also stiffly put on a smile at this time.

“Hello, Alicia-san…”

“I just want to concentrate on my studies, that’s why I didn’t gather around you, and besides, I’m just an ordinary student, what is there to be curious about.”

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who was constantly humble, the corner of Alicia’s mouth evoked a smile.

“Really? However, I don’t think you are ordinary, on the contrary, I think you are very important! ”

Although Alicia is deeply in love with Jiang Cheng, Alicia is also a girl after all, although she has two worlds of memories, but in the end, she is also a girl who has no love experience.

And the girl’s heart is always shy, even if she has a strong love for Jiang Cheng in her heart, she can’t directly say the words I love you.

What’s more, when Jiang Cheng didn’t seem to remember anything, wouldn’t it seem frivolous to say this again?

She didn’t want herself to become that frivolous look in Jiang Cheng’s heart, so she chose to retreat, slowly, little by little, knock on Jiang Cheng’s heart, and then fill it up.

However, the girl’s indescribable shame reached Jiang Cheng’s ears, but at this moment it became a different meaning…

“Sure enough, although I don’t know what’s going on, she seems to already know that I have the power of the Law of Knowledge…”

“Humans who already have the power of a lawyer do not have any urge to destroy, so they say that they are important?”

Thinking about Alicia’s words in his mind, and the next way to deal with it, the smile on Jiang Cheng’s face at this time suddenly became a little insincere.

“Yes, why don’t I feel that I am important, I feel that I am just an ordinary person, I don’t plan to do anything earth-shattering, I just want to live peacefully.”

As the saying goes, sincerity is a killer.

Jiang Cheng believes that this statement should make Alicia understand that she has no plans to become a hero, or a monster that destroys mankind.

In this way, it should be possible to make the other party lose the idea of investigating themselves, at most they are secretly observing themselves to see if they will really live as they say they can live in peace.

Unfortunately, the two of them are not on the same line of thinking.

But before Alicia could continue to speak, the roof gate at this moment was suddenly kicked open!

“Hey, big liar! Miss Ben is here to save you! ”

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