Hooked Boss

Chapter 1107

Hearing this, daining gave up the struggle in an instant.

Because what Lu Yiming said is not wrong, she and he are just money transactions, and what he has done at the moment is beyond reproach.

The next moment, Daning closed her eyes in despair, tears sliding across her cheek and falling on the sheet

A long time later, Daning was paralyzed, lying motionless in the big bed, hearing the sound of water in the bathroom.

It was dark in the room. Daining's eyes were looking at the stars outside the window, and a look of melancholy could not be changed between her eyebrows.

She is more and more unable to understand Lu Yiming, if he wanted to revenge her because of his self-esteem.

Why hasn't he let her go now?

Or is he a playboy? He had Meng Yashu from an early age, and he came to provoke himself. It can be seen that he is also a person who shows mercy everywhere.

The more she thought about it, the more sad she was, but she was unable to change all this because she had to abide by the contract, and if she didn't, Lu Yiming might have some ways to deal with her.

The next day, Daning more and more sad.

Lu Yiming either doesn't come back or comes back drunk.

The first thing back is to torture daining in bed. Gradually, daining doesn't resist. She is submissive.

However, if she is really submissive, Lu Yiming will push her away.

Dai Ning doesn't know what Lu Yiming wants to do. Is he enjoying being resisted?

She is more and more do not understand this man, can only day by day, hope that the day can live faster.

That day, daining just walked out of the classroom with his book in his arms.


Lucy's voice came from behind.

When daining turned her head, it was Lucy.

"Lucy." Daning said hello with a smile.

Lucy and Daning talked and laughed as they walked.

"Diana, I've noticed that you've been looking so bad recently. You haven't looked at all." Lucy looked at daining road.

Hearing this, daining put out his hand and touched his cheek, perfunctorily saying, "maybe it's because I'm too tired to sleep recently."

Lucy chuckled at her words. "It seems that Lu's ability is very strong. After only half a year's hard work, you have been tortured into this way."

Hearing this, Daning's face turned red, and then quickly said, "what are you talking about?"

At this time, Lucy whispered in daining's ear: "it's very common for you. Many newly married women, especially those who are physically weak, can't stand the repeated demands from their newly married husbands. Then they are mentally depressed and listless. You should buy some supplements to make up for it. Besides, you can't make way for them too much by their temperament!"

Hearing this, Daning's face became a monkey's buttocks, but he still refused to admit it. "Where is it?"

In fact, Daning also realized that she was a little weak in the past two months. Although Lu Yiming sometimes didn't come back for a few days, she came back once, that is to eat all her bones. Now she is really afraid.

"You can't fool me. I don't have so much experience, but my brother and my sister-in-law were like this in their first year of marriage." Lucy pretended to understand.

Hearing this, daining frowned and worried about his body. After all, his body is the capital of revolution. It seems that although the salary of this job is high, it is really not easy to do. Daning can't help laughing at himself.

"Ah." At this moment, Lucy suddenly sighed.

"What's the matter with you?" Asked daining, looking at Lucy.

Lucy curled her eyebrows and said, "how nice of you to be with you. My boyfriend is in Taiwan. We can only meet once for a long time. It's really a drought. It's waterlogging to death!"

Hearing the speech, daining couldn't help laughing. I feel her metaphor is really funny, but she would rather die of drought than waterlogging.

"As long as you love each other, the separation is always temporary." Daining comforted Lucy.

At least, Lucy and her boyfriend have love, and what is there between her and Lu Yiming? There's a contract, there's a bargain? Daining thought to himself in his heart.

"Well, I won't tell you. Bye!" Then Lucy went away lost.

After Lucy left, Daning's heart became more sad

That evening, daining just walked into the villa.

"Miss Diana, sir, is back upstairs. It seems that she is very unhappy."

Hearing this, daining's heart was pounding!

These days, Lu Yiming came back late at night. Why did he come back so early today? And she's not happy. Maybe she'll suffer again.

At the thought of this, daining felt a little frightened, and her legs were also a little weak, because the feeling of waterlogging was really bad.

"Sir, you come back, you let you go upstairs." Yimeida said again.

Hearing this, Daning knew that he could not escape.

The next moment, Dai Ning frowned, then resolutely went upstairs.Walking into his bedroom, Daning saw Lu Yiming sitting on a chair.

At the moment, the afterglow of the setting sun was shining on his face through the window. He was like a statue, sitting there motionless, even without any expression on his face.

Although there was no expression on his face, daining could see the evil in his eyes and the anger between his eyebrows.

Daining looked down and did not know where she had offended the plague God again.

Daining stood in the middle of the room, staring at Lu Yiming.

Two people's eyes in the air confrontation for several seconds, Lu Yiming stretched out his hand to daining, raised a thing, the voice asked sternly: "is this your thing?"

Smell speech, Dai Ning's eyes look to Lu Yiming's fingers.

She saw a small medicine name, white, the handwriting on it was very small, she could not see clearly, but this small medicine bottle was no stranger to her, because the lid of the medicine bottle was blue, and there was a blue trademark on the bottle.

Seeing clearly the medicine bottle in Lu Yiming's hand, daining can't help being surprised!

"How did you find it?" Daining then asked in surprise.

Hearing the speech, Lu Yiming suddenly stood up from the chair.

"So it's yours?" Lu Yiming continues to ask.

"Yes." Daining, turning away, replied.

Hearing this, Lu Yiming hesitated for a moment, and then suddenly fell the medicine bottle in his hand on the floor!


The next moment, the medicine bottle will be mercilessly dropped on the ground, do not know where to roll down.

Lu Yiming came forward and took daining's shoulders fiercely and asked, "do you hate me so much? You just don't want to have my baby? Have you got my permission? You take this medicine secretly

Daining's shoulder pain is incomparable, Lu Yiming's voice makes her deafening, daining can't help but wring her eyebrows.

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