Hooked Boss

Chapter 1110

After listening to Lucy's words, Daning did not have any appetite.

At the next moment, Daning looked up and said, "Lucy, I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well. I can't eat. I'll go first. We'll make an appointment next time."

With that, daining got up, picked up her schoolbag and walked away from the restaurant.

Looking at daining's back in a hurry, Lucy not only didn't care, but also gave a bad smile. She said to herself, "I won't blame you. Naturally, you should tell the way the good news at the first time."

The next moment, Lucy bowed her head and continued to enjoy the delicious steak

Daining ran to the drugstore in one breath, bought two pregnancy test sticks, and then ran back to the villa.

When Imelda saw Daning's sudden return and was in a hurry, she couldn't help but stare and ask, "Miss Diana, why are you back so soon? Didn't you say you had a dinner with a friend? So I didn't prepare your meal. "

"I have already eaten it." Daining, who is in the mood to talk to imeda, goes upstairs with her schoolbag.

Imeda looked at Daning's back, shook her fat body, and then turned to continue eating.

Daining went into the bedroom and went straight into the bathroom. His shaking hand tore the package of the pregnancy test stick

Five minutes later, Daning's eyes were fixed on the pregnancy test stick in her hand.

She couldn't believe the result. The two red bars on the pregnancy test stick made her want to cry without tears.

She was pregnant, pregnant, pregnant, saying important things three times.

How can you get hit if you don't take medicine once?

Daning sat on the toilet and tugged at her hair.

But now is not the time to regret, she has to figure out how to face it.

After half an hour's deliberation, Daning made a decision: this child can't stay!

She and Lu Yiming are only contractual, and Lu Yiming already has Meng Yashu. He has no feelings for himself, and he is not a satisfactory marriage partner.

If you choose to give birth to this child, the child will become an illegitimate child and will be looked down upon all her life, and she will not be able to raise a child on her own.

After making the decision, Daning immediately put it into action.

Daining took out a stack of money from the drawer, which was some of the money he had saved after deducting the cost of living in the past six months. Unexpectedly, it is now in use.

Then, daining took the money and left the villa.

In the evening, Daning sent him back.

Dining just ate a few mouthfuls at random, and his mood was very complicated.

That night, Daning was sitting on the bed with the medicine the doctor had prescribed for her.

The result of going to the hospital for examination is that daining is eight weeks pregnant, and it still needs to wait for another week for drug abortion. However, the drug is prescribed for daining. If you don't want this child, take the pill after a week, and the embryo will miscarry within three days.

It is absolutely false to say that daining does not miss this child at all, but nostalgia is useless because she does not have the conditions to ask for the child.

For the next week, Daning had a bad day's food and a bad night's sleep, and she lost weight.

On this day, it was finally the day the doctor said.

After school at noon, daining would rush out of the school.

There is no class this afternoon. It will be Saturday and Sunday two days after tomorrow. She will take the medicine when she goes back today.

Daning went to a supermarket and bought some sanitary napkins. It is said that abortion will cause a lot of blood loss.

Daning went to the display of sanitary napkins in front of the counter, was looking for a longer tampon, did not want to suddenly come to a sweating Chinese young man.

"Hello, my wife wants me to buy sanitary napkins for her. I don't understand this. Can you recommend it to me?" The Chinese young man was very polite to the salesman.

"Of course." The salesman smiles, then walks to daining's side and asks, "does your wife have much menstruation? Do you need daily use or night use

At this time, a happy smile appeared on the face of the Chinese young man. "My wife has just given birth and is still bleeding. I don't know what to buy. Please help me get some suitable bags."

Hearing this, the salesman said, "Congratulations!"

"Thank you. I'm a father. I'm so excited. You know, the first time I saw that baby, I I can't describe my mood in words. My wife, too, is looking at that little thing all the time The young Chinese man's eyes were filled with excitement, and his hands were in the air.

Seeing the young man's excited expression, Daning subconsciously reached out and touched his stomach.

Other people's pregnancy, childbirth, is such a happy thing, but he is gloomy. Think about that young man and his wife must be very happy, meet a small life, life immediately turned upside down.

Finally, daining didn't know how to get out of the supermarket, and she didn't buy sanitary napkins.Because daining's heart is experiencing the rough sea at the moment, her eyes seem to have a little baby, the mind is lingering, although she does not want to think about it.

Daining muddleheaded back to the villa, did not eat rice, then went upstairs.

Lying in bed, eyes have been staring at the ceiling, thinking for a long time, after a long time.

Daning suddenly made a bold decision, she can not lose the child, she does not want to miscarry, she wants to give birth to this child.

However, to give birth to this child, she must plan her future life.

Can she make the child illegitimate?

No, absolutely not!

Since childhood, her father died early, and her and her brother's psychological trauma has not been healed up to now. She and her brother are lack of fatherly love from childhood, so they have great desire for fatherly love.

If she doesn't marry Lu Yiming, the child will not only not enjoy his father's love, but also be ridiculed as an illegitimate child.

But isn't it impossible to make way for Yiming to marry himself? He already has Meng Yashu by his side. Meng Yashu is generous, beautiful and deeply loves Lu Yiming.

Thinking of this, Daning looks sad.

However, as a mother, daining knows that she is the only one who can fight for the rights of this child.

Daning recalled her and Lu Yiming's past, daining more and more have a feeling, Lu Yiming's heart is her, at the beginning of their love in the eyes she still remember, his eyes are hot, love.

To put it another step further, even if Lu Yiming can't stay with himself for a long time, then he and himself will get a certificate, and both children will be born and divorced. Then her child can also have an identity. In the future, Lu Yiming can visit this child from time to time, and the child can enjoy a little father's love.

Thinking of this, daining suddenly sat up. She wanted to put the idea into action. If she didn't act, she was afraid it would be too late.

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