Hooked Boss

Chapter 1121

Daning had not eaten anything in the morning. It didn't matter that she vomited all the bile.

After vomiting for more than ten minutes, Dai Ningcai was panting and resting on the row chair, feeling as miserable as collapse.

Daning took a tissue to wipe the dirt on her nose and mouth, but she was a little lucky.

Fortunately, she did not vomit in front of Lu Yiming, otherwise her pregnancy would be revealed.

When Lu Yiming just wanted to take the money and the house with her, daining made a decision in her heart.

She won't tell him about her pregnancy. She doesn't want him to think that she is using her child as a bargaining chip. She wants to completely break with him. Later, she will raise the child by herself, and she will have nothing to do with him.

Thinking of the hardships in the future, daining did not retreat, nor was she afraid, but she could not help feeling sad when she thought that the child in her stomach was doomed to have no father.

Daining touched his belly, silently said to the baby in his heart: "baby, you should be strong, without father, mother will give you all the love, but later you will accompany your mother to bear hardships together!"

Dai Ning sat in front of the row chair, feeling powerless, looking at the traffic on the road not far away, suddenly there was a feeling that the world was so big that she didn't have a place for her.

At this time, Daning missed her mother and brother very much, and wanted to go back to the small town in her hometown.

But this thought only flashed in her mind, and she immediately denied it.

The house bought by my brother is only a small two bedroom house. My brother and sister-in-law have one bedroom, and my mother's one bedroom. Moreover, her sister-in-law is pregnant. She has no place to live when she goes back. What's more, she can't find a good job in the small town. Besides, she's not a relative or a neighborhood in the town. She will only disgrace her family when she goes back.

Ringling Ringling

Daining is planning to rent a cheap house first. When everything is settled down, she doesn't want to suddenly the mobile phone rings without any sign.

Daning answered the phone without much thought. "Hello?"

"Diana, this is Su Qing." Su Qing's voice soon came from that end.

"Hello, sister su." Dai Ningqing cleared his throat and didn't want Su Qing to hear the difference in his voice.

"Diana, where are you now? I'll come to you. " Su Qing went straight.

"I..." On hearing this, daining looked around for a moment and didn't know how to answer.

"Tell me your current address. I'm out now." Su Qing's urgent way.

Smell speech, although Dai Ning does not want to give Su Qing trouble, but Jiangzhou she is not familiar with life, she is also eager to help.

Half an hour later, Su Qing appeared in the corner of the park with a breakfast.

"Sister Su!" Seeing Su Qing coming, daining stood up.

Su qingduan took a look at daining's pale face and the suitcase beside her, frowned slightly, then handed her the breakfast in her hand and said, "eat the breakfast first."

"Well." Daining nodded.

After taking the breakfast, daining bowed her head and ate it. She was really hungry. She was so hungry that her stomach was miserable. Pregnancy was really strange. Although she couldn't eat, she felt like vomiting when she saw anything, but once she was hungry, she was still very hungry.

Daining wolfed down a bento and quickly finished eating it. Su Qing passed a bottle of water with a smile.

Daining took the water, looked up and took a few gulps.

Then, Dai Ning just looked at Su Qing and asked, "sister Su, what's the matter? You're pregnant and come all the way to me. "

Seeing Dai Ning's puzzled eyes, Su Qing said, "I suddenly received a call from Lu Yiming. She said you left alone. Let me find you. Don't do anything."

Hearing this, daining was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "he is afraid that I should be guilty of murder in case of any mishap?"

However, daining did not expect that Lu Yiming would call Su Qing. Does he still care about himself? She's still a little confused at the moment, but what about caring? Is this the last time I care?

"You're too bad to hear. When he called me, I could hear his voice was very anxious." Su Qingquan said.

Daining bowed his head and remained silent for a moment, then said without expression: "tomorrow he will be engaged to Meng Yashu."

Hearing this, Su Qing couldn't help being stunned!

"How do you know? It's not a rumor, is it Su Qing frowned.

"He said it to me personally. It won't be a fake." Daining said.

Hearing this, Su Qing couldn't help but stare at daining. Unexpectedly, the rumor has become a fact.

The next moment, Su Qing frowned and asked, "Diana, have you told Lu Yiming about your pregnancy? Didn't he say what to do with the children? "

Daning shook his head gently. "Sister Su, he has already told me his decision. Isn't it humiliating for me to tell you about my pregnancy again? What's more, he said, "I'm not worthy of giving birth to him. The person he loves is Meng Yashu."Although the tone is relatively calm, but daining's tears have been brushed out of the eyes.

Seeing Dai Ning in tears, Su Qing has a bad feeling. She knows something about Dai Ning and Lu Yiming. Maybe Lu Yiming can't forgive Dai Ning's mistakes. In fact, these two people have feelings. They are just made by nature, but they torture each other.

"I think he has misunderstood you. No, I'll go to him and make it clear." The next moment, Su Qing immediately got up.

Seeing this, daining quickly took Su Qing's hand. "No!"

Smell speech, Su Qing looks down at Dai Ning who shakes his head, frowns.

"Sister Su, don't go! It's impossible for me and Lu Yiming. I don't want him to look down on him. I will never pester him in the future. " Dai Ning's eyes tightly stare at Su Qing to clarify.

Su Qing can understand daining's feelings at the moment, because similar things have happened to her, that kind of pain, that kind of helplessness, that kind of sadness are unforgettable.

At the next moment, Su Qing hugged daining, who was still shivering.

Helpless daining finally had a shoulder to rely on temporarily. She cried heartily and wanted to cry all her sorrow out.

"Diana, what are your plans?" After a while, Su Qing saw that daining's mood had calmed down, and then she asked.

Dai Ning loosened Su Qing, sat up straight on his back and firmly replied, "I want to give birth to this child and raise it alone."

"I guess you've made a decision, Diana. You're a girl of your own mind. I don't think you should have thought about the hardships and possible difficulties of raising children alone. As a friend, I support your decision." Su Qing patted daining on the back of his hand.

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