Hooked Boss

Chapter 1126

Hearing this, Daning replied, "when I was studying in Vancouver, Philip and I were in the same school."

Hearing this, Helen widened her eyes and said, "so you are alumni?"

"Well." Daining nodded.

Then Helen whispered a kind reminder. "Philip pulled you away just now. You didn't see it. Annie's mouth was crooked. You must be in trouble this time!"

Hearing the speech, daining could not help but wring his brow.

"But I think that Philip seems to be interested in you. When he sees you, his eyes are straight, but Annie, who has been discharging towards him, doesn't even lift her eyes." Helen's gossip.

"Stop talking nonsense. Philip and I are just alumni." Daining quickly cleared the way.

"By the way, do you have a boyfriend?" Helen asked suddenly.

"No, what's the matter?" When answering this question, Daning lied. She was flustered and a little guilty. After all, Helen had no idea and was very enthusiastic about herself. Daning knew a lot of things about the company from her mouth, which could be said to be of great help to her.

"Since there is no such thing, you can consider this hybrid. Not only is he handsome, but also he has opened an art studio by himself. His mother is the editor in chief of fashion magazines, and my father is the CEO of an enterprise. Where can you find this kind of excellent product? Don't let that Annie get ahead of the rest. You'll regret it Helen was kind enough to persuade Daning.

For these words, daining is just a helpless smile.

Philip really has a lot of advantages and takes good care of her, but it's a pity that her heart is full of holes, and she doesn't want to talk about feelings any more. What's more, she already has this little guy in her stomach. Now her belief that supports her is to earn money and raise children. She has no interest in the rest.

Daning and Helen were whispering when Annie's cry came.

"Diana! Diana Annie's voice was very heavy, with a certain mood in her voice.

Helen patted daining on the shoulder and whispered, "be careful!"

"Coming!" The next moment, Daning quickly ran into the office.

"Anne, are you looking for me?" Daining stood at Annie's desk and asked respectfully.

Anne, sitting in the swivel chair, raised her eyes and gouged out daining. "I advise you not to think that if you have a relationship with someone, you can stop working hard. I only look at your work achievements and work attitude. If you don't perform well, I'll tell the editor in chief that I won't give you a full-time job. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Daning's face was red and white.

She knew that Anne was insinuating that she was in the relationship with Philip, who was the son of Catherine, the editor in chief.

"It's better to understand. These manuscripts should be proofread immediately, and no mistakes can be made." Annie then dropped a stack of papers on her desk.

Although Daning is very angry, she also knows that she can't fight with Annie. Anyway, she has to endure the probation period. Besides, she needs the job very much now.

These manuscripts have to be proofread today, so Daning has to stay and work overtime.

After everyone was off work, Helen came over, looked at daining sympathetically and complained, "this Annie, it's clearly revenge. These manuscripts are not in such a hurry. They will be proofread next Monday. She will have you proofread them today! "

"Anyway, it's all my work. OK, you can get off work quickly. Don't you have a boyfriend?" Daining raised his face and said with a smile.

"Yes, or I can share some for you." Helen's guilty way.

"Well, let's go now. I'm a lonely family anyway. It's not boring to work overtime." Daining said with a smile.

Then Helen left the office.

This evening, Daning did not finish the work until eleven o'clock.

As a result, when she handed the documents to Annie the next day, Annie was still picky. Daning understood that Annie had a grudge against herself because of Philip.

The next week, Annie deliberately puzzled daining everywhere, and daining had to swallow her anger.

However, Annie only asked daining to do some chores and proofreading work, and did not allow her to participate in the production of interviews and columns. As a result, it was very difficult for Daning to hand in a satisfactory job performance before the probation period. Without the realization of her work, it would be difficult for her to become a full-time official. Therefore, Dai Ning has been looking sad for days.

At the end of the day, Daning and Helen walked out of the office lobby.

"Annie clearly retaliated against you and refused to allow you to participate in any interviews and column production, so you can't pass the probation period. She's so vicious!" Helen complained.

Daning frowned and didn't speak.

"Well, you're talking. You can't wait for death like this?" Helen asked anxiously.

"What can I do if I don't wait to die? If I can't, I'll find another job. " Daining frowned.

Annie made it clear that she didn't want her to become a full-time official. Her immediate boss was not satisfied with her. She had no choice but to wait until she got the salary of this month to find another job.Daining subconsciously reached out and touched her abdomen. Fortunately, she was still flat here. Maybe she could still hold on for several months without being seen to be pregnant.

"But it's too stifling Helen held the injustice.

At this time, I could not help but frown at the distance.

Then, daining inadvertently raised his eyes and suddenly saw Philip standing in front of him.

Seeing Philip, Daning couldn't help being stunned!

Seeing dainington stop, Helen followed Daning's eyes. I can't help but open my mouth. "Diana, here comes the half breed, isn't it for you?"

On hearing this, Diana said, "don't talk nonsense."

"Well, I don't want to talk nonsense. I don't want to turn on the light. Bye!" The next moment, Helen squeezed her eyes at Daning, waved her hand and left.

Then, Philip walked to daining and said with a smile, "I happened to pass by here. I didn't expect to meet you after work. How about it? If I have time today, I'll treat you to dinner?"

"I..." Daining just wanted to say no.

Philip was the first to say: "it doesn't matter if you don't have time today. Then we can make an appointment tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Anyway, I'm already resident in Jiangzhou and have time at any time."

Smell speech, Dai Ning also is not good to refuse again, the way: "that is today."

"I know a good restaurant nearby. Let's try it?" Philip was overjoyed at daining's agreement.

An hour later, Daning and Philip sat down in a clean restaurant.

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