Hooked Boss

Chapter 1139

Hearing that Philip believed in himself so much, Daning was very moved. Philip gave her spiritual comfort, and she felt much better.

Daning and Philip stood in front of the hospital gate and talked for a long time. In the end, both of them analyzed that Sophia was the most suspected of exchanging gifts.

"But why did Sophia do it? It won't do her any good. " Philip looked down and questioned.

Hearing this, daining could not help saying, "Sophia and Annie usually go very close."

From your point of view, she was not pleased. After knowing that Philip was very enthusiastic about herself, she became even more serious. Was it because Anne was afraid that she would take Philip away that she encouraged Sophia to do so?

For a moment, Daning looked at Philip thoughtfully, but he did not say it.

Looking into Daning's eyes, Philip immediately understood dianin's meaning. "I know why. It should be Sophia who was inspired by Anne."

Dianing could not help saying: "if Annie did it, she would have ruined all her jobs this time, and even implicated so many people."

"Don't worry. I'm going to find a way to collect evidence, and I'll make sure you're innocent." Philip's word.

Hearing this, Daning was very moved, but did not know what to say. "Thank you, Philip."

"We are friends, and I can't let it be destroyed after years of hard work of my mother. Well, I'll go first. Take good care of yourself these days. Keep your mood happy. Don't think about it! " Philip told daining.

Smell speech, Dai Ning heavy nodded.

Daning watched Philip leave, feeling much better.

Just then, a straight man in a black suit came down from a black luxury car parked on the street. He walked quickly towards daining with a gloomy face!

Daining suddenly felt a cold, as if there was a cold light.

The next moment, daining looked up and suddenly saw Lu Yiming coming towards him. He couldn't help but feel nervous.

In an instant, Lu Yiming had come to daining's face and asked, "I really despise you. You still have contacts with that half foreign devil. You can still get together in Jiangzhou!"

Daining frowned at the sarcasm. "Lu Yiming, you can't spit out Ivory

Finish saying, Dai Ning then turn to want to leave, don't want to say a word with Lu Yiming more.

Daining's attitude immediately let Lu Yiming, who was already angry, burst his lungs. He stepped forward and grabbed daining's arm!

"Lu Yiming, what are you going to do? Don't forget, I have nothing to do with you. Let me go! I warn you, your fiancee is still living in it. Maybe their family will come in and out and see you harassing me. Then you can't explain clearly! " Daining struggled, but it did not help. She could only threaten Lu Yiming.

However, how can Lu Yiming be a person who accepts other people's threats? Instead of letting go, he took Daning's shoulder in his hands and drew her close to the corner.

"Don't threaten me. Do you think I care? I ask you, have you ever been associated with that half foreign devil? Why is he in Jiangzhou Lu Yiming's eyes are sinister.

Just now, Lu Yiming saw daining and Philip together in the car, and they talked for a long time. He was really mad!

He doesn't know what's going on? He thought he had put it down, but when he saw daining and other men, especially the half foreign devil, he could not control himself at all.

Daining was entangled by him. He could only yell at Lu Yiming: "can you be rational? Philip and I just met by chance. "

"China is so big and Jiangzhou is so big. What are the chances that you will encounter it? You're lying to a three-year-old. " Lu Yiming gnaws his teeth.

"Because Philip's mother is Katherine, editor in chief of beauty magazine, we met in the magazine." Daning felt his shoulders were going to be crushed by him, so it was loud.

Hearing this, Lu Yiming is even more angry. "I said how could you find a job so quickly. It turns out that Philip is the son of Catherine, the back door that the half foreign devil gave you at his mother's place?"

"You are so unreasonable!" Daining felt that Lu Yiming's mood was out of control at the moment. She didn't want to argue with a madman, so she tried her best to push her way.

However, Lu Yiming is holding her shoulder.

For a moment, the two men confronted each other.

At this point, Daning suddenly felt dizzy.

Next, she would pull back the hand pushing Lu Yiming and hold her head, feeling that she had already stood unsteadily.

Seeing daining's sudden situation, Lu Yiming frowned, and instantly reduced his hand strength. He asked anxiously, "Diana, what's the matter with you?"

"I..." Daining said a word of "I", then rolled his eyes and fell down."Diana!" Lu Yiming gave a low roar and took daining into his arms.

Seeing daining fainted, Lu Yiming immediately bent down and held Dai Ning horizontally.

At this time, the driver saw that the situation was not right and had already rushed over. "Mr. Lu, Miss Dai fainted?"

"Go to the emergency room quickly!" Lu Yiming gives a low roar and turns to enter the gate of the hospital with daining in his arms

Daining only felt that he had been sleeping for a long time and struggled to open his eyelids. What he saw was a piece of white.

White walls, white furniture, white sheets, Daning also saw the white hanging bottle, she is playing a little bit.

"Are you awake?" At this time, a familiar male voice came from my ear.

Daining a blink of an eye, to see a familiar and happy face sitting in front of his bed.

Seeing Lu Yiming, to tell the truth, daining is not in a good mood.

"What's wrong with me? Is this the hospital? " Daning felt a blank brain, all over the body weak.

"You ask me what's wrong with me, don't you know your physical condition?" Lu Yiming's eyes are sharp at daining, as if to see through her.

Hearing this, daining calmed down.

A moment later, Daning tried to remember the scene before she fainted.

I remember that she had a physical confrontation with Lu Yiming, and then she fainted.

At the moment, Lu Yiming's eyes are tightly staring at her, as if to see through her, does he already know what?

Think of here, daining very guilty, want to touch his abdomen, but a little afraid.

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