Hooked Boss

Chapter 1145

Seeing Lu Yiming suddenly laughing, daining glared at him and said, "what are you laughing at?"

Lu Yiming stopped smiling and said solemnly, "nothing. You'd better control your emotions. Emotional excitement is not good for children."

Hearing this, daining reached out and stroked his abdomen, which was not so flat.

At the moment, daining from Lu Yiming's eyes to see a touch of tenderness if not, that touch of tenderness let daining can not help but be shocked.

Then daining turned and sat down by the bed, half hanging his head.

At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly changed, and the atmosphere of the sword and crossbow immediately turned into a long silence.

Later, Lu Yiming suddenly said, "I have convinced Yashu not to pursue the beauty magazine and you again. The beauty magazine has also apologized to Yashu, so the matter has been settled. In the future, you should remember not to have any contact with Yashu and disappear in her world. In fact, this is not a bad thing

Hearing this, daining looked up at Lu Yiming in surprise. After half a day, he said, "but I was wronged. Has that become a stain of my life?"

Lu Yiming gazed at daining's aggrieved eyes and even advised him to say, "daining, things have calmed down. You also want to open up a little bit, so don't make extra troubles!"

Smell speech, Dai Ning's heart can not help but a cool!

"Lu Yiming, do you also think that I did it?" Dai Ning stares at Lu Yiming and asks.

Seeing Dai Ning's sad eyes, Lu Yiming sighed: "the matter has come to this point. It's no use to tangle again. Now your most important thing is to keep your body well. Well, I have another meeting. Let's go first. "

Looking at Lu Yiming's back, daining's heart is full of bitterness.

After all, he would not believe what he said. Maybe in his heart, she was an unbearable woman and could not be compared with Meng Yashu in his mind.

Walking to the door, Lu Yiming reached out and took hold of the door handle. Her hand suddenly became stiff. She turned her back to daining and said, "in half a month, Yashu and I are going to get married. Recently, there are a lot of things that you may not come to see you. If you have anything, you just need to contact Xiao Wang. Yimeida will take good care of you. Don't think about it. Raising a good baby is the first thing."

Hearing this, daining's heart couldn't help tightening. Then he looked at Lu Yiming's back with a sneer and said, "I wish you a happy marriage in advance."

Smell speech, Lu Yiming's back a stiff, then resolutely open the door, walked out.

Soon after, there was a sound of the door being closed, and two lines of clear tears flowed from daining's eyes

In the afternoon, Daning finally went out, but yimeida had to follow. Daning had no way out, otherwise he couldn't get out of the door.

Daning and Su Qing meet in a very emotional cafe.

Su Qing can't help being a little surprised to see that daining has also brought yimeida, a Filipino servant.

Daning asked imeda to sit down at another table and ordered a cup of coffee for her, and then sat down with Su Qing to talk.

"When did yimeida come to Jiangzhou?" Su Qing asked Dai Ning in surprise.

Hearing this, daining frowned. "It was Lu Yiming who asked her to come here. Now she is taking care of me by my side. Of course, she is also taking care of me."

Hearing this, Su Qing frowned and said, "is he aware of your pregnancy?"

Daining nodded.

"What is Lu Yiming going to do?" Su Qing asked eagerly.

Dai Ning bowed his head and said with a bitter smile, "what else can I do? He will still marry Meng Yashu on schedule after half a month

"What is that? He wants to enjoy the happiness of all people? Or monogamy? " Su Qing's angry way.

"He just wants the child in my stomach. As for me, I can refuse him, but he won't allow me to take the child away." Daining's bitter way.

Su Qing looked down and thought for a moment, then said indignantly: "Diana, if you need me to help you, you can say that in Jiangzhou, Lu Yiming can't cover the sky with one hand!"

On hearing this, daining looked at Su Qing with gratitude and said, "sister Su, this is a private matter between Lu Yiming and me. I don't want to involve you all. To tell the truth, I don't know what to do now. I think it's better to give birth to the child first. However, I can't be a woman outside Lu Yiming. At most, he is the father of my child."

When he said the last word, daining's eyes were very firm.

These days, she thought a lot. If she becomes a woman outside Lu Yiming, she can foresee the tangled life that can't be seen in the future. She doesn't want to be a self complacent woman!

Smell speech, Su Qing nodded.

She also had such a dilemma. She didn't want to give up the baby in her stomach, nor could she completely get rid of her entanglement with men, so she was in a dilemma.

Ringling Ringling

At this time, Daning's mobile phone suddenly rings!

Daning took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was Philip's phone."I'll answer the phone," she said with a smile

Then Daning put Philip through.

"Philip, what can I do for you?"

"Diana, I have something important to see you. Where are you now? I'll come to you. " Philip's voice was urgent on the phone.

Hearing this, daining looked up at Su Qing and said, "I'm in the cafe on the road. Come to me."

"Well, I'll be there in a quarter of an hour." Finish saying, that end then hang up the phone.

"What's the matter?" Su Qing looks at Dai Ning and asks.

"Last time Philip said that he would help me to investigate the issue of sending Meng Yashu mint coins. His tone was very urgent just now. I think maybe he has something to show."

Hearing this, Su Qing said, "that's good news. I'll go first, and I'll contact you another day."

"Well, sister Su, slow down on the way." Dai Ning looks at Su Qing's stomach.

Seeing daining's eyes, Su Qing lowered her head and touched her stomach. She said with a smile, "I know. You should be careful on the way."

"Well." Daining got up to see Su Qing off and sat in his seat waiting for Philip.

Not long after that, Daning saw Philip coming.

Seeing the sweat on Philip's forehead, Daning said with a smile, "I've ordered coffee and tissue for you."

Daning put a packet of paper towels in front of Philip.

Philip laughed, took a tissue, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then said, "thank you."

"Is there any news about me in such a hurry to find me Then Daning looked down at Philip, who was drinking coffee.

Philip first lowered his head and took a sip of coffee, and then eagerly replied, "we judged that it was Sophia who secretly changed the coin into the gift box."

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