Hooked Boss

Chapter 1176

At the next moment, he entered and could not enter, but she was unable to retreat.

Their eyes were to their eyes, their noses to their noses, and his lips almost touched hers.

This moment, daining's heart is tight! Then her hand gripped her bathrobe.

At the next moment, Daning would not look away from his face, so that he could open a little distance from his face.

To tell you the truth, he was shirtless at the moment, and the heat from his nose was all sprayed on her face. The feeling was both comfortable and itchy, which disturbed her already calm and mirror like heart lake.

"You What are you going to do Daning's hands around his arms, his body sent out the dangerous breath has let daining feel dangerous.

Seeing her frightened appearance, Lu Yiming's eyes are more and more love, more see more heart, voice also hoarse up. "Don't you ask me what to ask, laugh? I want to explain it to you. "

Hearing this, daining put out his hand to push his chest in a hurry, and said irritably, "if you want to explain, you should stay away from me..."

However, her hand touched Lu Yiming's chest.

His chest was elastic and extremely warm, so to speak.

At the next moment, Daning's hand seemed to have been stabbed by something, and he immediately retracted back.

What's the matter with her? How could he touch someone's chest? God, he's not wearing a coat now, OK?

At this time, daining's face was red first!

But just as her hand left his chest, one of his big hands immediately took Daning's hand and put her hand on his heart!

Daning struggled to retract his hand, but he held on to her hand tightly.

Then Daning felt completely enveloped in his breath.

Her back is tightly against the big leather bed, no retreat.

Seeing her tense appearance, Lu Yiming felt pity and love and pressed her hand tightly on her chest.

Daning's hands can clearly feel his heart pounding, his heart beating so powerful, so hot, Daning can't help being electrified all over the body, that feeling she can't use words to describe.

At this time, Lu Yiming stared at daining and said with a smile: "even if I was drunk last night, I didn't have any complaints. I'm willing to do anything for you!"

Suddenly heard such confession, Dai Ning raised his eyes.

What she saw was a pair of extremely deep and deep eyes with deep sincerity in them.

Dai Ning can't help but wonder at the moment that Lu Yiming is not a person who can speak eloquently. Although he can easily disturb her heart sometimes, he never says such words.

He looked so affectionate and sincere that Daning didn't know what he was thinking? Why do you suddenly say so to yourself? Didn't he give up on himself? Isn't Meng Yashu what he loves?

By the way, he and Meng Yashu have broken the engagement. Is it true that he and Meng Yashu are over? That's why he came to find himself? Isn't he for himself a vain, fickle woman? Didn't he say that he was not worthy to talk to him about feelings?

A series of questions let daining stare at Lu Yiming with a questioning eye. However, daining knows that no matter what he says now, she will not believe him, let alone talk about feelings with him.

Love is really a luxury and hurtful thing, she can not talk about, also can not hurt.

At this time, daining is coldly staring at the face, sincere Lu Yiming: "are you talking to me about these useful?"

Daining's cold attitude makes Lu Yiming's brow frown. "Daning, I really love you."

"It's a pity that I don't love you anymore." Daining said without looking over.

"No way!" Lu Yiming's resolute way.

He looked so confident, but daining sneered: "Lu Yiming, overconfidence is conceit. Can others love you? No matter what the situation, others will be waiting for you

"I understand that I can't let anyone wait for me in the same place, but now you are deceiving yourself. You can't deceive me or yourself. Last night, on this bed, you were calling my name in your sleep. How can you explain that?" Lu Yiming points to the big bed where they are sitting.

Hearing this, Daning was completely shocked!

"You what did you say? I called out last night Your name? " Dai Ning can't believe staring at Lu Yiming.

Last night, she really had a night's dream.

Her boat is always on the stormy sea

At this time, Lu Yiming is looking at daining and answers: "you shout in your sleep, Yiming, luyiming, I'm going to fall, dangerous."

Hearing this, daining could not help but think of the things in her dream last night.She really dreamt that Lu Yiming was sitting on a boat with himself. What she had been holding was not a boat, but his hand.

At this time, daining's eyes stay on Lu Yiming's chest.

Because Lu Yiming's chest has several pieces of red as if the nail scratch marks, in his white skin is very eye-catching.

When Lu Yiming saw daining's eyes, he looked down at his chest and said with a smile, "this is your masterpiece last night."

"Me?" Daining stares at the trace on Lu Yiming's chest and frowns.

However, Lu Yiming is not angry at all, but seems to like what she left on his chest.

"Last night, you've been scratching my chest with your hands, and you've been holding on to my bathrobe. You women are the same. You don't want to admit it before you get out of bed? " Lu Yiming looked down at daining and joked.

Smell speech, Dai Ning's face is red, white one!

In front of the evidence and his memory, Daning can not deny that the traces on his chest were indeed left by her.

Oh, my God! What a shame. How could she call his name in the middle of the night?

The next moment, daining said: "Lu Yiming, you know, I'm just having a nightmare, and then I call your name. You think I love you just by this. Are you too self righteous? It's just that you happen to appear in my dream. If someone else appears in my dream, I'll call someone else's name

Smell speech, Lu Yiming's eyes are staring at daining and ask: "then why is the person who appears in your dream not others, just me?"

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