Hooked Boss

Chapter 1185

Nestling in Lu Yiming's broad and elastic arms, daining is in a trance for a moment.

"Are you all right?" Lu Yiming looks down at daining nervously.

At this time, Daning's most nervous is the camera and recorder in his arms.

She looked down and saw that the equipment in her arms was in good condition, and then happily said, "fortunately, the equipment is all right."

Hearing this, Lu Yiming can't help but frown and say: "you're OK is the most important thing."

"These are high-end professional equipment, which is much more valuable than me!" Daining's sincere way.

"Nothing is more important than your safety." Lu Yiming looks at daining seriously.

Hearing the speech, Dai Ning raised his eyes and saw Lu Yiming's serious and serious eyes. He couldn't help being stunned!

His eyes told her that he didn't seem to be telling lies, but what's the use of telling her that now?

Lu Yiming, Lu Yiming, since you have made a choice, why bother yourself again?

Dai Ning can't help but feel sad from her heart. Then, she pushes Lu Yiming away.

Lu Yiming takes a step back. However, after pushing him away, Dai Ning realizes that his left foot can't move any more. He can't help shaking his body.

"Ah..." Daining let out a low voice, and then, the body was nervous and leaned over to act as her armrest.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yiming frowned.

"My shoes." Daining said a word, and then looked down at his immovable left foot.

Lu Yiming looked down and saw that daining's sharp high-heeled shoes accidentally stepped into the iron gap in the sewer.

No matter how daining lifted her feet, she couldn't get out of the shoes. However, she had to take off her shoes and hold the equipment in her hands. The golden rooster's independent modeling was very embarrassed.

The next moment, Lu Yiming will bend down to pull Dai Ning's shoes from the crack in the sewer.

"The heel is scrapped." Lu Yiming stands up and raises his shoes to daining.

Daining frowned at the shoes, because the high heels of the shoes were broken.

"What to do? I can't wear a shoe, can I Daining could not help but feel anxious.

Smell speech, Lu Yiming frowned, and then suddenly bang, the high heels on the shoes to break down.

Daning was shocked.

The next moment, Lu Yiming squatted down and put the shoe back on Daning's left foot, and then took off the shoe of daining's right foot. Next, with a bang, he broke off the heel of another shoe.

Afterwards, daining understood Lu Yiming's intention.

He knelt on one knee and half, and put the shoes on her right foot. Daining had a tacit understanding to extend her right foot. Lu Yiming put on the shoes for her.

Now, the shoes on Dai Ning's feet have become flat shoes, let alone, they are quite comfortable.

"How about it?" Lu Yiming squats on the ground and looks up at daining.

"Thank you." Daining chuckled and said thanks.

Later, Lu Yiming stood up with a sense of accomplishment.

At this moment, they are very close. Daning has a strange feeling in his heart, but that feeling is a little warm and melting. In short, it is very complicated.

"Let's go." Then, Lu Yiming will bend down to pick up the helmet that Dai Ning fell to the ground, and gentle way.

"Well." Daining nodded, followed the road Yiming all the way to the car.

It was quiet in the car. Daning was sitting in the front passenger's seat. He didn't dare to look at the road Yiming all the time. He felt that the atmosphere was a little strange.

Driving road Yiming glanced at daining and said with a smile, "why don't you talk?"

"Oh, I'm thinking that the management of your Lushi group is really strict, and the quality of its employees is also very high. No wonder it can do such a good job in the enterprise." Daining is being polite.

After that, Dai Ning felt that he was too flattering.

However, Lu Yiming said with a smile: "this is my father's hard work for decades."

"Do you have any pressure when you come back from abroad and suddenly take over the Lushi group?" At the moment, Daning asked in the tone of an interviewer.

"Are you interviewing me now?" Lu Yiming looks at Dai Ning with a smile.

"Yes." Daining replied.

"It's natural to be under great pressure to be ordered to be in danger, but now it's already on the right track, and the dark clouds have passed." Lu Yiming looks at the road ahead and laughs.

Although Lu Yiming said lightly, Dai Ning knew it would never be so simple.

Dai Ning looks up at Lu Yiming. It's only a year since she came back from Vancouver. However, Lu Yiming's temperament has matured a lot. In particular, her eyes are sharper and sharper than before. Maybe this is the temperament of a businessman?

Soon, Lu Yiming stopped the car in front of the parking lot of a department store in the most prosperous street of Jiangzhou.

Dai Ning looked out of the window and knew that the department store was one of the top five shopping centers in Jiangzhou. He was surprised and asked, "what are we doing here?"Smell speech, daining untied the safety belt on the body, and put his hand to the side of daining's body.

Seeing his hand stretched out, daining couldn't help being flustered!

Seeing her nervousness, Lu Yiming's lips hook, and then he untied the seat belt for daining, and then retracted the body.

At this time, Daning's face turned red, because she thought too much.

Later, Lu Yiming replied: "this department store is also Lu's industry. There are many clothing and cosmetics brands in the department store. They are all Lu's own brands, so the profit margin is very considerable."

"Oh." Daining nodded.

Later, under the guidance of Lu Yiming, Daning followed him to visit the department store.

Daning has been to this department store before, but it belongs to high-end consumption and has not bought anything here.

Daning took a few photos in this mall, and when she was about to leave, Lu Yiming took her to a brand selling women's shoes.

This brand decoration and furnishings are very high-end, even the maid's wear and make-up are very tall.

"What are we doing here? The photos have been taken, and we can leave. " Daining asked in surprise.

Lu Yiming smiles at daining, then turns around and picks up a pair of silver sheepskin high-heeled shoes from the stand, and says to the waiter, "help me get a pair of size 37."

"Yes, just a moment, please." The waiter went to get the shoes.

Dai Ning wears 37 size shoes. Of course, she knows that Lu Yiming wants to buy shoes for herself, so she quickly refuses: "I don't buy shoes. We can go."

With that, daining turned to go.

Lu Yiming is looking at Dai Ning one eye, and then smile in the eyes: "I was bought for my girlfriend."

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