Hooked Boss

Chapter 1191

Half a day after the nurse left, Daning couldn't believe her ears.

She was a little dizzy and worried about Lu Yiming, so she leaned her body against the cold wall.

A few days ago, Lu Yiming drank too much? Is it because he refused her to drink? Does daining dare not imagine that he is so important in his mind?

Today, he didn't listen to the doctor and sneaked out of the hospital? No wonder Xiao Wang has been supporting Lu Yiming. It turns out that he has a stomach bleeding, but he has not taken care of his body and even came to do his own interview.

At this time, Daning suddenly felt remorse.

Daning has been leaning against the wall, looking at the emergency room door, praying in his heart for Lu Yiming: I hope he is not in any big trouble.

Soon after, Xiao Wang came out of the emergency room.

Seeing Xiao Wang's dejected appearance, Dai Ning can't help but come forward and ask, "assistant Wang, how about Lu Yiming?"

Hearing this, Xiao Wang looked up and suddenly saw Dai Ning. He was surprised and asked, "Dai Miss Dai, why are you here? "

"I saw you holding him. I knew it was wrong, so I came here." Daining replied.

"Oh, Mr. Lu is just a little uncomfortable. It's no big problem." After hesitating for a while, Xiao Wang looked wrong.

"You don't have to hide it from me. I know Lu Yiming is suffering from stomach bleeding due to excessive alcohol." See Xiao Wang seems to want to hide, daining then direct way.

After hearing this, Xiao Wang opened his mouth and then nodded: "Mr. Lu was drunk in a Japanese food store that day, and he was admitted to the hospital that night. After the doctor's diagnosis, it was gastric bleeding. Fortunately, he went to the hospital in time. There was no danger, but he had to be hospitalized for at least a week. Mr. Lu does not allow me to tell his family about this matter, nor can the company tell me about it. I'm afraid it will cause fluctuations in the stock price. So please hide it for Miss Dai. "

Dai Ning first nodded and then said, "Japanese material store? Did he drink too much that day

It seems that after she left that day, Lu Yiming used wine to relieve her worries. Daining is very sorry at the moment. She should let him leave first that day. Maybe this would not happen.

"Mr. Lu was drunk that day, and he was in a bad mood. I think it should be related to you? The next day, you called to ask Mr. Lu for an interview. Actually, Mr. Lu was in hospital at that time, but Mr. Lu didn't let me tell you. Yesterday, when Mr. Lu was better, I asked me to tell you that we could do the interview today. I also advised him to do it in a few days. But Mr. Lu was afraid that you couldn't pay the work in a hurry, so I let me take him out of the hospital secretly today The hospital, did not expect his condition to be serious again, all blame me bad, did not persuade him At this time, Xiao Wang was very remorseful.

Seeing Xiao Wang's remorse, daining said, "in fact, the responsibility lies with me. I shouldn't have left him alone that day, and I shouldn't have called you later."

"It's no use saying that now, Miss Dai. Mr. Lu really cares about you. If you can stay and take care of him, I think he will recover soon." Assistant Wang suddenly made such a request.

Smell speech, Dai Ning stares at Xiao Wang in embarrassment.

Xiao Wang saw daining's embarrassed expression and said, "if you're in a dilemma, just think I didn't say anything."

Daning didn't speak because she didn't know what to say.

Let her stay to take care of Lu Yiming? In fact, she didn't want to. However, in that case, they will be more involved, and they will not forget in the lake and lake.

Later, Lu Yiming and Daning wait anxiously outside the emergency room.

About an hour later, the emergency room door opened!

Xiao Wang took the lead to rush up. Daining stood in front of the wall, feeling his legs were paralyzed and unable to move.

Daining saw Lu Yiming lying on the hospital bed with her eyes closed and her face pale and ugly. She could not help but reach out and hold the wall, feeling that she was already crumbling.

Xiao Wang follows the nurse and moves Lu Yiming to the ward. Dai Ning anxiously asks the doctor. "How is he, doctor?"

The doctor's face was more relaxed: "the patient's stomach bleeding, although it is not a big problem, but we must take good treatment, or it will cause serious consequences."

Hearing this, daining's tense mood relaxed. "Thank you, doctor."

After the doctor left, daining followed Lu Yiming's bed in a daze

Xiao Wang and the nurse will be Lu Yiming settled in the hospital bed, daining has been standing in front of the bed.

At the moment, Lu Yiming fell asleep, and did not know that daining was standing in front of his bed.

Daining just want to say something, Xiao Wang motioned to daining not to disturb Lu Yiming, two people quit the ward.

Seeing daining's worried appearance, Xiao Wang explained: "Miss Dai, I've already asked the doctor and said that Mr. Lu is in no big trouble. You don't have to worry too much."

Daining nodded, then frowned: "the doctor said that although the situation is not very serious this time, but must receive good treatment, absolutely can't let him sneak out of the hospital, otherwise the consequences will be very serious."

Xiao Wang nodded and said, "Miss Dai, don't worry. I will never let Mr. Lu go out even if I've tried my best.""Well." Daining nodded.

Later, Xiao Wang said, "Miss Dai, Mr. Lu is no longer in any way. Please go back and have a rest."

Daining frowned and said, "I won't go until he wakes up. Don't tell him I've been here."

With that, Daning turned and sat down in the corridor chair.

Seeing this, Xiao Wang stood in front of the ward door in silence.

More than three hours later, Lu Yiming finally woke up.

Xiao Wang and the nurse stood in front of Lu Yiming's bed, both very happy.

Dai Ning stands at the door of the ward. Through the glass window on the door, she sees that Lu Yiming is in good spirits and has begun to drink water.

Seeing this, daining was relieved.

The next moment, daining is afraid that Lu Yiming will find himself, so he leaves quickly.

After going back, Daning began to work day and night, because once stopped, he would think wildly.

This afternoon, daining came to the hospital again.

She stealthily walks to Lu Yiming's ward and takes a look through the glass window. She sees Lu Yiming sitting in front of the hospital bed, looking down at the papers.

Seeing this scene, Daning could not help but frown.

Dai Ning saw Xiao Wang as if he was reporting something to Lu Yiming. Soon, Xiao Wang turned to walk out of the ward.

Daining quickly turned around and hid in the side of the wall. After Xiao Wang came out, he closed the door of the ward. As soon as he turned around, he was stunned to see daining!

Daining made a silent movement to Xiao Wang, then quickly turned around and walked to the ward far away from Lu Yiming.

Xiao Wang followed him knowingly and said with a smile, "Miss Dai, are you here to see Mr. Lu?"

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