Hooked Boss

Chapter 1222

Dai Ning's palm touched the skin on Lu Yiming's chest and blushed: "what are you doing?"

"Let you feel my heart." Lu Yiming lowers his head.

"Disgusting!" Daining pursed his mouth and swore.

Lu Yiming looks down at daining and gently cuts his hair on the temples.

Feeling his tenderness, daining's heart is as warm as a spring.

Then, daining's eyes glanced at today's booty on the sofa and asked with a smile, "by the way, do you think I look good in that white dress or the black one?"

Smell speech, Lu Yiming embraces Dai Ning's waist body to reply: "all good-looking."

"I'll wear black on the day of the meeting that year. Black should be more atmospheric?" Daining thought for a moment.

"No, you wear that white one for the annual meeting." Lu Yiming is shaking his head.

"Why?" Daning asked with a smile.

At this time, Lu Yiming said with a smile: "in fact, the black one is more charming than the white one. It's just that the black one is too sexy. The white elegance can only let me appreciate your sexiness, and your elegance can be appreciated by others!"

Hearing this, daining couldn't help laughing and said, "you are so mean!"

Although daining said so, but the heart is very useful, she saw a strong possessive desire from his eyes.

"If a man is not stingy in this respect, he certainly does not really love the woman." Lu Yiming, however, is a right and strong way.

Dai Ning knows that Lu Yiming can always argue, so the next moment, daining said: "OK, listen to you. Can I wear that white one?"

"In a moment, you can show me the black one first." Lu Yiming suddenly whispered in daining's ear.

Hearing his bewitching voice, Daning's face turned red and nodded.

Because he is the only one to appreciate this dress.

Then, Lu Yiming bowed his head and kissed daining on the cheek.

At this time, daining quickly pushed him away and said, "OK, hurry to eat. The dumplings are cold for a while."

Hearing this, Lu Yiming's lips hook up and whispered in daining's ear: "well, I'll eat dumplings tonight, and I'll eat you on the wedding night."

Smell speech, Dai Ning's face is more crimson, and then quickly push him away, turn around and take the dumpling dish and put it in front of Lu Yiming's seat.

This road Yiming, every time can stir her heart, she already felt at a loss.

Later, Lu Yiming and daining sat at the table.

"I don't know what to eat first. These dishes and dumplings are so delicate." Lu Yiming is indecisive with chopsticks in his hand.

Seeing Lu Yiming's vacillating appearance, daining picked up his chopsticks and put a dumpling in the dish in front of Lu Yiming. "Have a dumpling first. You like pork and leek stuffing best."

Smell speech, Lu Yiming a smile, and then pick up the dumplings with chopsticks just want to bite.

Ringling Ringling

Don't want to, at this time on the coffee table on the mobile phone is urgent ring up.

Hearing the mobile phone ring, Lu Yiming didn't care to eat a mouthful of dumplings, then put the dumplings back into the dish, and then said sorry: "I'll answer the phone first."

"Well." Daning nodded slightly.

Lu Yiming picked up the phone, looked at the flashing mobile phone screen, and said, "it's my mother calling."

Hearing this, daining was uneasy.

In fact, during the period of reconciliation with Lu Yiming, daining has always been a little worried that her family and background are too different from Lu Yiming, and she does not know whether Lu Yiming's mother will agree with her association with Lu Yiming.

In particular, Lu Yiming has been mentioning the word "marriage" these days, and she has seen some of them. They pay attention to the marriage of their sons and daughters, and they pay attention to the unity of the powerful and the powerful. Therefore, daining is very worried.

Later, Lu Yiming answered the phone. "Mom, what's up?"

"Yiming, where are you?" From there came the voice of Lu Mu.

Lu Yiming took a look at daining sitting at the table, hesitated for a moment, and then replied, "Mom, I'll have dinner with my friends."

Hearing this, the end of the road: "Yiming, another day to eat, there is an emergency at home, you come back immediately!"

Hearing the unquestionable tone, Lu Yiming frowned and said, "Mom, what's the matter? Isn't dad sick? "

Lu Ning's face is heavy.

"Don't ask, just come back." With that, Lu Mu hung up.

At this time, Lu Yiming could not help frowning.

Dai Ning saw the situation and quickly asked, "is there something urgent at home? Why don't you go back soon. "

"I'm sorry. You can have dinner yourself." Lu Yiming is very sorry.

"Go back quickly. Be careful on the way." Dai Ning instructs Lu Yiming to leave the door.After seeing Lu Yiming's car leave from the window, daining sits in front of the table powerlessly, looking at the dishes and dumplings on the table, and can't help but frown

Lu Yiming runs all the way, and soon returns to Lujia villa.

As soon as he entered the door, Lu Yiming saw his mother sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

Lu Yiming quickly walked over and asked, "Mom, is Dad uncomfortable? What about Yifan? Didn't you ask him to come back? "

Lu Mu looked at her son and said, "your father and his old friends have gone to the party. Yifan will not come back until he calls."

Hearing this, Lu Yiming couldn't help frowning and asked, "Mom, you scared me. I thought it was dad who was uncomfortable."

At this time, Lu Mu looked at her son with a serious expression: "I want to take advantage of your father's absence, I need to ask you something, you must answer me truthfully!"

Seeing that her mother was so solemn and her face was more serious, Lu Yiming could not help asking, "Mom, what's so solemn?"

Later, Lu Mu asked, "have you been very close to a girl named daining recently?"

Hearing his mother suddenly mentioned daining, Lu Yiming hesitated for a moment, then nodded calmly. "Yes."

Hearing that Lu Yiming was so generous, Lu Mu immediately said, "are you in contact? Are you serious? Yiming, how far are you and that girl? "

Seeing her mother's panic, Lu Yiming grabs her mother's hand. "Mom, how do you know about Daning? And how do you know I'm in love? In fact, I've considered what I told you these two days, but I didn't expect you to know it already. "

"So you mean it?" Lu Mu's brows wrinkled.

"I'm very serious." Lu Yiming nods.

At this time, Lu Mu's face immediately sank, and her attitude was resolute: "no, I don't agree!"

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