Hooked Boss

Chapter 1225

Suddenly saw Meng Yashu, daining quickly showed a smile: "Ya Shu, long time no see."

In fact, only Daning knows how stiff her smile is at the moment.

Now she and Lu Yiming are together. Although she is not a third party, she and Lu Yiming first fell in love, but when facing Meng Yashu, she still feels a little guilty.

"Diana, long time no see. You are more beautiful than before." Meng Yashu stares at daining road.

Hearing this, daining hung his head shyly. "Thank you."

The next moment, daining looked up and met Meng Yashu's eyes.

Meng Yashu's eyes were staring at herself, daining felt very embarrassed, and then she wanted to quickly end the conversation. "I..."

However, Meng Yashu was the first to interrupt daining's words. "Diana, I just saw that you came in brother Yiming's car, didn't I?"

Hearing this, daining was stunned. Thought: she saw it all.

For a moment, Daning didn't know how to answer.

At this time, Meng Yashu said again: "I think you are very close. You Are you dating? "

Meng Yashu's questions caught Daning off guard.

Although daining is very embarrassed and has some guilt in his heart, Daning thinks Meng Yashu has been friends with her after all, and she is very good to her, so daining does not want to cheat her.

Although it was difficult to speak, daining nodded and said, "yes."

Hearing this, Meng Yashu's eyes slipped a touch of sadness.

Seeing the sadness in Meng Yashu's eyes, daining's heart was also very sad. Then, she said, "I'm sorry, Yashu, I'm the master of ceremonies today, so I must go up immediately."

Hearing this, Meng Yashu said with a smile: "you go, by the way, I forgot to tell you that I also received an invitation from your magazine to attend the annual meeting of beauty magazine."

"Is it?" After hearing the speech, daining thought: Although Meng Yashu's exclusive interview was not published, she also contributed to the magazine, so it is reasonable for the magazine to invite her.

However, daining did not expect Meng Yashu to come, and felt a little uneasy.

"You're welcome up there." Finish saying, Dai Ning then escape also like turn into the hotel lobby, Meng Yashu left behind.

Stepping into the venue, Daning's face showed a confident smile, with a confident pace, he always smiles back to the guests.

At the moment, there are many people in the meeting, all of them are in groups of three, five in a group, drinking and chatting at the same time.

After greeting several familiar people, daining felt that all the people around looked at her with strange eyes. Daining could not help but feel a little strange. She looked down at herself, as if there was nothing wrong with it?

At this time, Helen suddenly walked quickly to daining and lowered her head: "what's the matter with you? How can you come out in such a suit? "

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Daning asked? What's wrong? "

At this, Helen could not help frowning and said, "look at the waitresses."

Hearing the speech, daining then raised his eyes to catch the figure of waitresses shuttling around the banquet hall.

When she saw the maid's clothes, she couldn't help opening her mouth in surprise and flustered, "how can this happen?"

at the moment as like as two peas, dinning saw that the waitresses wore the same white dress as she did.

Seeing this, Daning couldn't help but be blinded!

What's going on? When she bought it, didn't the service lady say it was limited? Are there only two pieces in Jiangzhou? Why are all the waiters in the ballroom now?

At the moment, Daning's eyes glanced at a waitress who passed by. He saw that although the clothes looked the same, the texture and workmanship of the clothes were completely different. It was obvious that the clothes on the waiters should be very cheap.

However, the people present will not carefully look at the texture and workmanship of the clothes. They will only laugh at the fact that the clothes of the emcee tonight are the same as those of the waitresses. They feel very low.

"Where did you buy this dress? How could you bump into a waiter's shirt? It's killing me Helen was anxious for Daning.

"I bought it in the most famous shopping mall in Jiangzhou. At that time, the service lady said it was limited, and there were only two pieces in Jiangzhou." At the moment, Daning didn't know what to do.

"Don't talk about that. Now you have to find a way. You can't wear the same clothes as the waiter, can you? Magazines and yourself will be very cheap Helen frowned.

When Dai Ning was in a state of unconsciousness, Lu Yiming also found something wrong and immediately walked over with dignified eyes.

"The clothes collide with each other. I'll ask Xiao Wang to buy you one nearby." Lu Yiming took out his mobile phone while talking.

"No, it's too late. I have to be on stage in five minutes." Daining looked up at the big clock in the banquet hall.

"What about that?" Lu Yiming frowned.At this time, Helen immediately took Daning's hand and said, "let's go to the bathroom and change clothes. You'll wear mine."

Hearing this, Daning took a look at Helen's black dress. Although the texture and workmanship were not as good as her suit, it was too late. It was the best way.

"Thank you, Helen." Daining is grateful.

"Don't talk about it. It's about time." The next moment, Helen took Daning to the bathroom.

Five minutes later, wearing a long black dress, Daning finally walked to the podium of the banquet hall.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of" beauty "magazine, I would like to extend to all the ladies and gentlemen who are here tonight..." After that, Daning began to host the banquet tonight.

Although there was the event just now, Daning played well. The rhythm and atmosphere of the host were good.

However, when the banquet is getting better and better, a person suddenly breaks into the scene and yells at daining on the stage.

"Daining, you shameless and mean woman, by falling in love with the editor in chief's son, you not only became a positive person, but also promoted to be a manager. I was expelled from the company. You are a person who can't do anything for the sake of superior position. What kind of master of ceremonies are you such a woman? Bah! What a shame to beauty Sophia, dressed in black and sunglasses, pointed at dainin and swore.

For the banquet hall suddenly appeared this situation, the people present were stunned, who did not expect such a thing.

Standing on the rostrum, daining was suddenly pointed at the nose by Sophia. In a moment of panic, she stepped back and nearly collapsed on the rostrum.

Where Daning has experienced such a scene, he has no idea how to deal with it.

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