Hooked Boss

Chapter 1235

Hearing daining's voice, Lu Yiming is overjoyed, and then commands the speedboat to pass.

Lu Yiming and the sailors pull Daning onto the speedboat.

Lu Yiming's hands hold daining's shoulders, a pair of black and dignified eyes look at the person in front of her, and her eyes actually take something moist.

"Yiming!" Seeing Lu Yiming standing in front of him, Dai Ning hugged his neck and burst into tears.

However, daining's crying voice has been a little weak, her physical strength has been seriously overdrawn.

Later, Dai Ning, who was seriously stimulated, suddenly reached out and patted Lu Yiming on the shoulder, crying and complaining: "Lu Yiming, you bastard, how can you come? Wuwu... "

Hearing Dai Ning's curse, Lu Yiming is not angry but happy. She hugs daining tightly with both hands and comforts him: "fight, fight, it's all my fault. I shouldn't let you go far alone at all!"

Lu Yiming's eyebrows are wrinkled together, and her eyes are full of heartache and guilt.

"I will never go abroad again, Wuwu..." After the disaster, daining weeps and hugs Lu Yiming, and her hands are not willing to let him go.

After two people hugged each other tightly for a few minutes, Lu Yiming pushed daining's shoulder away, stroked her pale cheek with warm hands, and looked at her tightly, as if to embed her into his own eyes.

"We'll never part from now on!" Lu Yiming stares at daining as if he made a declaration.

"Well." Daning nodded heavily.

Then, daining's feet softened and fainted.

"Daining? Daning Lu Yiming hugs Dai Ning, and the blue veins on his forehead are already protruding. Then he turns his head and shouts to the helmsman: "return home immediately!"

Then, the boat flew to the shore

Daning felt that he had a long sleep, especially tired, and had nightmares all the time. He dreamed that he was in the water and was drowned again and again.

"Ah Help Daning was once again drowned in her dream and sat up.

"Don't be afraid, you're just having a nightmare!" At this time, a man's gentle voice came from his ear.

At the moment, daining felt her hand was held by a big hand, which was extremely warm and comforted her a lot.

Dai Ning turned her head and saw Lu Yiming sitting on the edge of the hospital bed and took a paper towel to help her wipe the sweat on her forehead.

"Where am I?" Daining looked around blankly and found that it was white all around. She should be hospitalized again.

"This is the hospital." Lu Yiming said with a smile.

Daining touched the back of his head and said, "I'm not sick. Why should I be hospitalized?"

Lu Yiming is smiling, holding daining's hand and saying, "when you were rescued last night, your body was almost dehydrated. You must stay in the hospital for observation, and give you a comprehensive physical examination by the way."

"So much trouble." Daining frowned.

"I'm afraid of trouble. I have to make sure you're OK." Lu Yiming is patient.

"Well, it's really bad to go to hell's gate, but check it out. I haven't had enough life yet." Dai Ning's joking way.

At this time, Lu Yiming's hands held daining's hands and seriously said: "we all want to live a long life in the future, and then you should accompany me to grow old slowly."

Hearing the speech, Dai Ning raised his eyes and gazed at Lu Yiming, who was very serious in his eyes, and felt warm in his heart.

"If I am old enough to lose my teeth, you must not despise me!" Daining's charming way.

Hearing this, Lu Yiming is a hook lip smile: "I am several years older than you, and I will lose my teeth first, so you must not despise me."

Smell speech, daining pursed a smile, and then raised his chin: "so you have a sense of crisis?"

"I always have a sense of crisis when I am with you, because there will always be people competing with me, so sometimes I think, you can be not so beautiful, not so gentle, not so personality." Lu Yiming comes forward and holds daining in his arms, which is extremely precious.

Lying in the arms of Lu Yiming, daining complained: "what do you think? Always hope others are not beautiful, not gentle, you should strive to improve yourself, you can compare with all competitors, not on the line? "

"Sometimes you can't feel better than my competitors." Lu Yiming joked.

"No, I'm the one to blame for that?" Daning reaches out and pats Lu Yiming on the chest.

However, she just patted it lightly, she was reluctant to exert herself.

After his death, Dai Ning cherished the feelings of Lu Yiming more, and cherished the man who took care of himself more.

For daining's complaint, Lu Yiming didn't care at all, just put her arm around her shoulder more tightly, and bowed her head and gently kissed her lip.

Lu Yiming cherishes Dai Ning who was lost and recovered.

The next moment, Lu Yiming then emotional way: "daining, I will not let you leave me again."Hearing this, daining moved in his heart, buried his face in his chest and murmured, "I don't want to leave you any more."

"Thank God you can come back safely. Last night, I couldn't imagine what I should do if you had any accident." Lu Yiming's eyes are full of fear at the moment.

Daining's hands tightly around Lu Yiming's waist. He said, "I thought it was bad this time. I thought I would never see you again."

With that, daining's eyes were moist.

She really didn't expect that Lu Yiming would arrive in Thailand at the first time. He actually rescued himself from the sea with his own hands. He should have rushed from Jiangzhou as soon as he received the news? Although daining didn't know the specific situation, it can be imagined that he would not stop to save himself.

Looking down at the tears of daining, Lu Yiming will kiss her.

This kiss contains too much flavor, hot, wild, lingering, cherish, love

The two men were kissing on the bed for a long time, until they were all out of breath and disordered breathing, and the temperature in the ward was rising one after another, and they almost blew their guns.


The door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Lu Yiming and Daning instinctively let go of each other.

“……” Come in is a Thai female nurse, see Lu Yiming and daining after kissing, then Ji Li murmured a lot.

"What did she say?" Asked daining, frowning.

"I don't know, Thai." Lu Yiming replied.

Lu Yiming walks up to the female nurse and speaks a few words of English. However, the female nurse's English is so poor that she can only say hello, thank you and goodbye, but she can't understand the rest at all, which makes her headache.

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