Hooked Boss

Chapter 1249

Hearing this, Dai Ning looks up. He is a handsome young boy in his twenties. His face and eyebrows are very similar to Lu Yiming. This must be Lu Yifan, Lu Yiming's younger brother.

"Who is picky? How do you speak, child Lu Mu immediately nagged her little son, but she had nothing to do.

"My sister-in-law is not satisfied with the future, but I don't think it's a good idea for you to buy a gift from my sister-in-law Lu Yifan sat in front of Lu Yifan and put his arm around his mother's shoulder.

Hearing this, Lu Mu chuckled and said nothing more.

Hearing the speech, Dai Ning could not help but smile. Thought: it seems that this little son is more favored at home, a coquettish will be all right.

"Sir, madam, dinner is ready!" At this time, housekeeper aunt Fen came forward to report.

"Eat." At this time, father Lu spoke.

The next moment, Lu Yiming pushes Lu Fu, Lu Yifan helps her mother to enter the restaurant together, Dai follows behind.

After taking his seat, Lu Fu is the head of the family, sitting on the throne. Lu Mu sits on the left side of Lu Fu, beside Lu Yifan, Lu Yiming sits on the right side of Lu Fu, and beside Lu Yiming is Dai Ning.

Dai Ning looks at them quietly. The restaurants of the Lu family are bigger than the small house she rented. The long solid wood dining table can let more than 20 people eat at the same time. The crystal chandelier in the dining room is even more terrible. Dai Ning has never seen a lot of decorations and tableware.

Although everything in front of daining is amazing, daining warns herself: do not be like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, or else it will be more despised by the parents of the passers-by, so she has been lowering her eyebrows and narrowing her eyes.

Subsequently, under the direction of housekeeper aunt Fen, several servants successively served a large table of dishes.

The dishes on the table are not only many, but also very delicate. A white radish in the middle is carved into a peacock, lifelike.

At this time, Lu Yiming said with a smile: "knowing that you are coming, mom has prepared so many dishes for you. You should eat more today!"

Finish saying, Lu Yiming then clip a piece of spareribs and put them in the dish in front of daining.

"Thank you, auntie." Daning quickly smiles at Lu Mu.

However, Lu Mu's face was always tense. "This is the most basic way to treat guests. Before Yiming brought other friends back, I also let the kitchen prepare like this."

Lu Mu's words brought the atmosphere back to the origin.

Hearing this, daining can't help but look at Lu Yiming. Thinking: did Lu Yiming bring other friends back? What friend? Male or female?

At this time, Lu Yiming quickly said: "Mom, except for daining, I have never brought other girls back."

Smell speech, Dai Ning's mouth a sip.

But Lu Mu said, "who said that? Didn't you bring Yashu back? "

"Mom Lu Yiming exclaimed discontentedly.

At this time, Lu Fu, who had not spoken, spoke. "Since Yiming has decided to marry daining, don't mention anyone else in the future!"

Immediately, Lu Mu closed her mouth, picked up chopsticks and began to eat.

Dai Ning takes a look at Lu Fu gratefully, knowing that although Lu Fu is not very enthusiastic about himself, he should also recognize Lu Yiming's marriage with her in his heart.

During this period, Lu Yiming keeps picking dishes for Dai Ning, while Lu Yifan is constantly looking for topics to talk with Dai Ning. Lu Fu occasionally says something, but Lu Mu has been holding her face.

When the meal was ready, Mrs. Lu looked at daining and asked, "daining, what do your parents do?"

Suddenly called to the name, daining looked up to meet the road mother's sharp eyes.

At this time, Lu Yiming's hand held daining's hand under the table.

Daining gave Lu Yiming a calm look, and then replied: "Auntie, my father passed away very early. My mother is not in good health. She takes care of the housework at home."

This is the truth of their family, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

"Who else is there in your family? What do they do? " Lu Mu was silent for a moment and continued to ask.

"And my elder brother and sister-in-law. My elder brother is a construction worker and my sister-in-law is a salesman." Daining's answer is neither humble nor overbearing.

Smell speech, road mother then disdain a smile. "Your family can't be on the stage like this. I think you and Yiming's wedding should be low-key as far as possible. Our Lu family's relatives and friends are either rich or expensive. When they stand together with your family's relatives and friends, they will certainly be out of place. At that time, everyone will have no face!"

Hearing such cold words, Daning's heart was broken. She looked down on her, but she couldn't stand insulting her family.

Seeing that daining's face turned white, Lu Yiming immediately said, "Mom, we will all be one family, regardless of each other. As long as we are all innocent people, we will respect them!"

Seeing her son's heart set on helping daining, Lu Mu was even more furious, so she insisted on her own opinion. "Yiming, your father and I also want to face, we also have our circle of friends, you should also think for us, in short, this wedding everything from simple!""Mom..." Naturally, Lu Yiming has to contend with his reasons.

At this time, daining took Lu Yiming's hand and suddenly said, "Yiming, in fact, I don't want to make the wedding too extravagant, time-consuming and laborious, as long as there is a ceremony."

Smell speech, Lu Yiming's eyes surprised looking at daining, think this is too aggrieved her.

However, daining is a chuckle.

At this time, Lu Fu suddenly spoke. "Well, it's not easy for the Lu family to marry a daughter-in-law. However, in view of the chaos in the marriage between us and the Meng family, we should not be too extravagant. We should just be simple and grand. This is settled and no one should have any objection."

Lu Fu's words were loud, and they were also a combination of the opinions of Lu Mu and Lu Yiming. Therefore, no one spoke any more, which could be regarded as tacit.

Later, Lu Mu said, "I've already asked people to look at the days. There are no good days this year. There will be good days until spring next year."

On hearing this, Lu Yiming said: "Mom, I want to marry daining as soon as possible, so I can't wait until next year. There will be a good day next month, just in time for the lunar new year."

Hearing this, Lu Mu immediately frowned and said, "next month? In such a hurry? Everything has not been prepared. No, no, No. we should make good preparations for our daughter-in-law so as not to be laughed at by relatives and friends. "

Lu Yiming said, "Mom, don't you mean to keep everything simple? There's nothing to prepare for. We've been ready for the days to come. "

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