Hooked Boss

Chapter 127

This afternoon, Qiao Lifeng ran to see Su Qing with her fruit.

Su Qing see four no one, quickly pull Jolie aside, low voice: "my ears can hear."

Smell speech, Qiao Li surprise unusual, and then see Su Qing do not want to let others know the appearance, can not help but ask: "then why don't you say?"

"I've been pretending for a long time. I don't know what to say?" Su Qing's sad face.

Jolie thought for a moment and said, "if you want to pretend, just pretend for a few more days. Let the beater worry. If you are really deaf, she will go to prison."

"If I'm well, they're willing to pay for it." Su Qing said.

"That's a good feeling. Your job will be gone this time. How can you live without compensation? Good jobs are hard to find now. I'll tell you, don't be confused, and then you will be as noble as you want to be without a penny! " Jolie asked.

"I'm not that stupid. I've been deaf for a while, which has done a lot of damage to my spirit." Su Qing thought about yesterday's despair and sadness.

"By the way, I bought you a glass. It's easier for you to drink water here." Qiao Li handed Su Qing a very beautiful carved glass water cup.

"Thank you." Su Qing couldn't put it down in her hand.

After Qiao Li left, Su Qing had a sleep. When the rosy clouds were all over the sky, a black figure appeared in the ward.

Su Qing deliberately pretended not to hear his footsteps, until he came to the hospital bed, Su Qing just looked up at him.

Guan Dushen put a pineapple bag on the table of the hospital bed and said a word. "I remember that Professor knew you liked pineapple buns, didn't you?"

Hearing this, Su Qing moved her eyebrows and cursed in her heart: Guan Dushen, do you think I can't hear you can bully me like this?

Originally, Su Qing thought about it all afternoon. She wanted to wait for Guan Dushen to come back and tell him that her ears were all right. As for the case with Jiang Wei, he had to deal with it.

Su Qing knows that she can rely on Guan Dushen. Although she doesn't want to have too much involvement with him emotionally, she has to deal with this matter again.

But what did he mean by saying these sarcastic remarks to her while he could not hear them?

Therefore, Su Qing decided to continue to put on a new one, to see what else he could say?

Guan Dushen took up his pen and wrote a few words on the paper. "You like pineapple bag best. Eat it hot."

Seeing these words, Su Qing frowned. Well, you're too late. It's obviously the same thing before and after people!

"Thank you." Su Qing wrote these two words on the paper.

Then he picked up the chopsticks and ate them.

Today's Pineapple bag is not delicious at all, she was directly full of gas!

Su Qing sat on the bed eating pineapple bag, Guan Dushen sat on the chair and watched her eat.

"It's not right for Jiang Wei to hit you this time, but do you have a reason? As the saying goes, flies don't bite the eggs that are not sewn. Do you do something wrong yourself or let others misunderstand you? " Guan Mu looks at Su Qing and says in plain tone.

Suddenly heard this, Su Qing took chopsticks hand a stiff!

What does he mean today? Why say these things to yourself that make her crazy? Do you want to vent your emotions when you can't hear them?

With Guan Dushen's deep understanding of Su Qing, he should not be such a person!

Does he have another purpose, and what is his purpose?

When Su Qing looked down to ponder, a glass touched the floor, and then the sound of broken bones came into her ears!

Su Qing immediately looked up and saw that the cup that Qiao Li bought for herself had been broken on the floor.

"My cup!" Su Qing gave a low cry.

"I broke it on purpose." At this time came the voice of Guan Dushen.

Smelling speech, Su Qing raised his eyes and stared at Guan Dushen and asked, "why did you drop my cup? It's just a cup. What's in your way? I... "

Guan Mu stares at Su Qing coldly, his face seems to be full of disappointment.

The next moment, Su Qing suddenly stopped talking and realized that she had been seen through.

In an instant, Su Qing's face turned red and felt as ashamed as a child who had done something wrong.

"You can actually hear that this morning, don't you?" Guan Dushen's voice is very cold.

Smell speech, Su Qing raises an eye, see his sharp eye.

Then, she realized that he had just deliberately broken the cup just to test her.

No matter how cautious she is, she can't be vigilant all the time, and she can't lose her instinct. It's only a matter of time before she reveals the truth. In fact, she just wanted to tell him, but now it seems that everything is late.

"You're trying to test me, aren't you?" At the moment, Su Qing was a little angry.

"You're deceiving me on purpose." Guan Dushen's eyes are full of evil.

"I..." Su Qing was tongue tied for a moment. Now it seems that how to explain it has become a malicious deception.Guan Dushen gets up from the chair and walks to Su Qing step by step. She hears his shoes creak on the glass debris and frowns.

"Do you know how worried I am to hear about your injury and admission? I ran through several red lights and almost hit several cars The sound of dusk can lift the roof.

Su Qing looked at him blankly, these he never told her, she did not know.

"Do you know how sad I am when you are deaf? I'd rather be deaf than me Guan Dushen continues to roar.

Su Qing's eyes are firmly fixed on him. Such confession really makes her moved. He is not a man who can express his feelings. She knows this better than anyone else.

Is that true? She asked herself in her heart, what is she in his mind?

"I'm afraid you're afraid. I left a lot of things here to accompany you. Do you know how big a contract I had to sign yesterday? Just because I didn't attend the signing ceremony in person, the other party thought I didn't have sincerity, so I cancelled the contract temporarily. Do you know how much loss this will have to Shengshi? " Guan Dushen said, then stepped back two steps.

Su Qing looks at Guan Dushen in amazement, and she really doesn't know.

"And you? You're lying to me. Do you really think I'm a fool? Let you play around? " After roaring, Guan Dushen angrily pushed the chair to the ground, and then turned to leave the ward.

Su Qingtan is sitting on the hospital bed. She really doesn't know what he said just now. She doesn't know at all.

But she believed what he said was true. He never cheated her.

At this moment, Su Qing's heart was full of guilt, but she didn't expect to bring such a great loss to Shengshi because of her temporary willfulness.

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